Unveiling the Latest Assassin's Creed Game at Ubisoft Forward

Get ready for an exciting announcement at Ubisoft Forward! The newest addition to the Assassin's Creed franchise has been confirmed and fans are eagerly anticipating the reveal Stay tuned for more details!
Assassin's Creed fans can finally breathe a sigh of relief as Ubisoft just confirmed the unveiling of the much-awaited VR title, Assassin's Creed: Nexus, at the upcoming Ubisoft Forward on June 12. Although information on the game is scarce, Ubisoft's Red Storm Entertainment has been working on it since its announcement at the Oculus Quest virtual event in 2020. Last September, the game's working title was leaked alongside other unconfirmed details, but a recent rumor hinted at an official reveal this June.
The Meta Quest showcase, held on June 1, gave a sneak peek at some of the upcoming games for Meta's VR headset. Among them was Assassin's Creed: Nexus, which seems to confirm earlier reports. Unfortunately, the Meta showcase didn't disclose much beyond the game's logo and a suggestion for players to tune in to Ubisoft Forward at 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern. However, fans won't have to wait much longer, as June 12 is just around the corner. Hopefully, this event will include a release date and a detailed look at the gameplay. Even the tiniest bit of information on Assassin's Creed: Nexus will be more than what fans have at present.
Assassin's Creed: Nexus has been the subject of much speculation, with rumors circulating about its content and gameplay. The game is said to feature 16 missions set across various points in the Assassin's Creed timeline, with six missions starring Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2 and four missions led by Cassandra from AC: Odyssey. Connor and Haytham from Assassin's Creed 3 also make appearances, with five and one mission respectively. Interestingly, Assassin's Creed: Nexus is reported to be a linear sequence of levels rather than an open-world game, with no side missions but the ability to backtrack within the levels. The game also offers players the choice between using an analog stick or teleportation to move around. The success of these design choices will ultimately depend on how Ubisoft executes them.
It remains uncertain how the inclusion of Assassin's Creed's signature leap of faith will affect VR users who experience motion sickness. This is a common problem in VR games, and anti-motion sickness features are often implemented to mitigate this issue. However, with the addition of stealth mechanics, pickpocketing, sword combat, lockpicking, and burglary, it is unclear how the game will address this potential challenge. It will be fascinating to see how Ubisoft tackles this problem as they continue to develop Assassin's Creed: Nexus.