Unveiling the Intriguing Secrets: Unraveling 7 Surprising Story Twists in City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4

Unveiling the Intriguing Secrets: Unraveling 7 Surprising Story Twists in City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4

Raylan faces increased challenges from the Albanian mob in City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4, while his relationship with Carolyn intensifies Sweety takes risks, Detective Bryl exposes Raylan's transformation, and Carolyn's quest for a judgeship may involve breaking the law

WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Justified: City Primeval episode 4, "Kokomo".


City Primeval episode 4 reveals the menacing Albanian mob's plot to apprehend Clement Mansell ahead of Raylan. Sandy's heartfelt plea for Skender's safety demonstrates her potential to team up with Raylan in their mission to hold Mansell accountable.

In Justified: City Primeval episode 4, the introduction of the Albanian mob adds tension as they challenge Raylan Givens to capture Clement Mansell. The episode, adapted from the classic Elmore Leonard novel, replaces Detective Raymond Cruz with Raylan Givens, portrayed by Timothy Olyphant. Both the novel and the series revolve around the pursuit of Clement Mansell, also known as the Oklahoma Wildman, after he commits a double murder. Mansell's dangerous and unpredictable nature makes him one of Raylan's most formidable adversaries.

7 Sandy Stops Clement From Killing Skender - Will She Betray The Oklahoma Wildman?

Justified: City Primeval episode 4 presents Clement facing the wrath of the Albanian mob, as a result of his brutal attack on Skender in a secure room. Throughout the six seasons of Justified, Raylan has been no stranger to negotiating with criminals while being entangled with Harlan County crime lord Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins). Regrettably, his attempts to negotiate with Toma, the Albanian mob boss, prove futile as his code of honor clashes with Toma's chaotic nature. With the involvement of the Albanians and Sweety (Vondie Curtis-Hall) and Carolyn Wilder (Aunjanue Ellis) pursuing their own plans, Raylan encounters numerous challenges in his quest to bring Clement Mansell to justice, as Justified: City Primeval unfolds.

Unveiling the Intriguing Secrets: Unraveling 7 Surprising Story Twists in City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4

City Primeval episode 3 concludes with a tense scene in Skender's secure hideout. Clement, armed and furious, confronts Skender after discovering the safe to be devoid of cash. Sandy, burdened by guilt for deceiving Skender and feeling a sense of responsibility for his earlier marriage proposal, takes a risk to save Skender's life. She proposes that instead of killing him, Clement should simply deliver a powerful blow to Skender's face. Shockingly, the Oklahoma Wildman decides to go beyond Sandy's suggestion and inflicts a brutal punishment on Skender by using the security door to crush his leg. This merciless act serves as retribution for Skender's use of a modern Venmo account to store his funds rather than relying on a traditional safe.

Sandy's hesitancy to discard the murder weapon used to kill Judge Guy, coupled with her heartfelt plea to spare Skender's life, validates Raylan's initial assessment of her potential. There is a possibility that Sandy could be persuaded to collaborate with Raylan and the Detroit Police Department in order to hold Clement Mansell accountable for his crimes. The recent heinous torture inflicted upon her roommate, Hina, as a direct result of Clement's actions, may serve as the final catalyst pushing Sandy to sever all ties with the Oklahoma Wildman once and for all.

6 The Albanian Mob Hunt Clement Mansell Across The City Primeval

Unveiling the Intriguing Secrets: Unraveling 7 Surprising Story Twists in City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4

5 Raylan And Carolyn Get Closer At The End Of Justified: City Primeval Episode 4

Unveiling the Intriguing Secrets: Unraveling 7 Surprising Story Twists in City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4

Raylan and Carolyn's potential romance takes a significant turn in episode 4 of Justified: City Primeval. Despite Carolyn's ability to handle Clement Mansell, Raylan remains concerned for her safety. After stepping in to diffuse a dangerous situation involving the lawyer and the Albanian mob, Raylan later parks outside Carolyn's house to keep an eye out for the gangsters. Carolyn shows her appreciation by bringing a bottle of bourbon to the car, creating an opportunity for them to share a drink. Whether this connection deepens is uncertain, but based on how Elmore Leonard's novel unfolds, it's likely that Raylan and Carolyn will become even closer in the remaining episodes of Justified: City Primeval.

4 Sweety Is Playing A Dangerous Game With Clement Mansell

Unveiling the Intriguing Secrets: Unraveling 7 Surprising Story Twists in City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4

In addition to Raylan, the Albanians, and Carolyn, Sweety is also in a high-stakes game with Clement Mansell and the Oklahoma Wildman. It has been revealed that Sweety concealed the murder weapon in Clement's fatal shooting of Judge Guy. Now, Sweety is tempted to collaborate with Mansell and Sandy to locate the money stored in the judge's ledger. The information contained in the notebook is enough to make the Detroit law enforcement uneasy, and Sweety is eager to seek revenge on the police for vandalizing his bar in Justified: City Primeval episode 3. However, he is also determined to bring down Mansell, leading him to plan a potentially deadly double cross.

3 Detective Bryl Shows How Much Raylan Has Changed Since Justified Ended

Unveiling the Intriguing Secrets: Unraveling 7 Surprising Story Twists in City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4

Raylan Givens has undergone significant changes since the conclusion of Justified in 2015, evident through the introduction of Detective Norbert Bryl in Justified: City Primeval. Bryl, who exudes excessive machismo, has been attempting to impress Raylan, the US Marshal, ever since Raylan became involved in the Alvin Guy case. However, Bryl has failed to do so on every occasion. In episode 4 of City Primeval, Bryl's reckless talk ends up alerting the Albanians about Clement Mansell's connection to the attack on Skender, much to Raylan's disappointment. When they come to Hina's rescue, Bryl foolishly shoots and kills one of the gang members, while Raylan apprehends the other with handcuffs.

This transformation in Raylan's character is noteworthy, given his reputation for being trigger-happy in Justified. Additionally, his repeated references to bringing in Clement Mansell "the right way" demonstrate a more enlightened perspective compared to his past reliance on cowboy justice in seasons 1 to 6 of the show. Although there have been glimpses of the old Raylan, particularly when he violently confronts Clement Mansell in front of Willa, it is possible that as Clement continues to exploit the legal system, Raylan may be compelled to revert to his old methods in the finale of Justified: City Primeval, resulting in a classic old-school shoot-out.

2 Willa Givens Is Safe With Her Mother - But Natalie Zea's Winona Doesn't Appear

Unveiling the Intriguing Secrets: Unraveling 7 Surprising Story Twists in City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4

Willa was returned to Miami and reunited with her mother, Winona (played by Natalie Zea), in the last episode of Justified: City Primeval. Although it is expected that Raylan and his daughter will reconcile by the end of City Primeval, episode 4 does not show any scenes of Willa back home with Winona in Miami. Despite this, the unresolved storyline between Raylan and Willa and the hints of future Justified cameos leave the possibility open for Natalie Zea's character to make a comeback in later episodes of the series.

1 Carolyn Could Break The Law To Become Detroit's Newest Judge

Unveiling the Intriguing Secrets: Unraveling 7 Surprising Story Twists in City Primeval Season 1 Episode 4

Sweety tempts Judge Alvin Guy's ledger as a tool to help Carolyn achieve her dream of becoming a judge. However, utilizing the ledger as leverage to secure her a seat on the bench would mean violating the very laws she is sworn to uphold. Though Alvin Guy was undeniably corrupt, Carolyn rises above such corruption, evident in her repugnance towards her former partner's criminal deeds. In the original novel, Clement Mansell exploits the ledger to blackmail Carolyn and retain her as his defense attorney. In the adaptation of Justified: City Primeval, the ledger becomes a pivotal object that challenges Carolyn's perception of justice, further complicating Raylan's pursuit of Mansell.

Justified: City Primeval airs Tuesdays on FX.