Unraveling the Enigma: Understanding Why Anime Fans of Attack on Titan are Far More Content with the Ending Compared to Manga Readers

Unraveling the Enigma: Understanding Why Anime Fans of Attack on Titan are Far More Content with the Ending Compared to Manga Readers

Fans of Attack on Titan anime were thrilled with the series' ending, finding satisfaction in the way the story concluded Discover why anime-only viewers found the ending so appealing

Hajime Isayama's masterwork, Attack on Titan, has reached its long-awaited conclusion. The highly anticipated anime recently wrapped up, leaving fans satisfied with its ending. However, the manga readers had a contrasting view when they were treated to the final chapter of the series in 2021.

A significant portion of the manga readers expressed disappointment with how the story concluded. They believed that certain elements of the plot were rushed and some dialogues felt out of place. These criticisms represent just a few of the objections raised by Attack on Titan's manga readers.

Attack on Titan: Possible reasons why anime-only fans loved the ending

What causes the stark contrast in the reception of the manga and anime endings? Let's explore potential factors contributing to the divergence of opinions, despite the anime's faithful adaptation of the source material.

The manga readers expressing their opinions could be a significant factor in this trend. After the conclusion of Attack on Titan in 2021, these readers were particularly critical, making it clear to those around them their dissatisfaction with the manga.

When constantly faced with harsh criticism, anime-only fans likely adjusted their expectations. While they may have anticipated a mediocre ending,

pleasantly surprised them by providing an enjoyable conclusion.

In addition, the format may also contribute to this. Although Hajime Isayama's illustrations are not lacking in quality, the anime adaptation is significantly more visually captivating. Combining it with MAPPA's animation could have greatly enhanced the overall experience.

Moreover, the anticipation built within the anime and manga community prior to the broadcast of Attack on Titan's final episode could have further contributed to the enjoyment of anime-only fans. The heightened excitement and hype surrounding the conclusion of the story may have played a significant role in their overall satisfaction with the anime.

The ending was objectively satisfying as it left room for interpretation and engaged the fanbase with a thought-provoking question. It concludes with the introduction of a stranger who stumbles upon the opening of a tree, the very spot where Eren's head was buried. This scene hints at the possibility of the eternal continuation of the cycle of power and suffering.

The inquiry arises: will the cycle of suffering cease, and is the issue attributed to humans or Titans? The Attack on Titan series makes it apparent that Titans were not the root cause. The predicament originated from humans driven by an insatiable thirst for power - which ultimately sparked the initial problem.

The interaction between Eren and Armin became a major topic of discussion among manga and anime fans of Attack on Titan. In the anime, the dialogue was altered to better capture the atmosphere and emotions that Eren wanted to convey. Unlike the manga, where Armin thanked Eren Yeager for sacrificing his friends, in the anime, he expressed that they would always be together and face the consequences of their actions by meeting in hell, acknowledging the fact that they had played a part in killing 80 percent of humanity. This change in direction greatly enhanced the overall viewing experience for anime-only viewers, resulting in their preference for the anime's conclusion over the manga's.

Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have been following the Attack on Titan series closely, and I have mixed feelings about the ending. On the one hand, I understand the disappointment of the manga readers who felt that the ending was rushed and unsatisfying. The final chapter of the manga left many unanswered questions and plot holes, and it seemed like Isayama was trying to wrap up the story too quickly.

On the other hand, I can also see why the anime-only fans were more satisfied with the ending. The anime did a better job of fleshing out the characters and their motivations, and it made the ending feel more earned. The anime also benefited from the fact that it was able to adapt the manga's ending in a more visually appealing way.

Overall, I think the Attack on Titan ending was a bit of a letdown, but I can understand why some fans were satisfied with it. I think the anime did a better job of adapting the ending than the manga, and I think it left more room for interpretation.