Unveiling the Cinematic Masterpiece
Ninety-Five Senses, a captivating animated short, has recently earned a prestigious nomination for Best Animated Short at the acclaimed Academy Awards. This artistic creation, brought to life by the talented duo Chris Bowman and Hubbel Palmer, and skillfully directed by the renowned Napoleon Dynamite team of Jerusha Hess and Jared Hess, promises an enchanting and emotional journey for its viewers.
The protagonist, voiced by the talented Tim Blake Nelson, invites the audience to embark on a thought-provoking exploration of the human senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. What begins as a lighthearted narrative takes an unexpected turn, delving into the depths of human emotions and experiences, leaving an indelible impact on the hearts of its audience.
Streaming Details and Availability
Ninety-Five Senses is currently available for streaming on MAST’s website smallscreenings.org, offering viewers the opportunity to experience this profound work of art. However, this limited engagement ensures that the film is only accessible for a brief period, adding an air of exclusivity to the viewing experience.
Despite its widespread acclaim, Ninety-Five Senses is not available on Netflix, as the platform primarily focuses on long-form content. The absence of the film on Netflix only adds to its allure, leaving audiences intrigued and eager to explore this cinematic gem through alternative means.
The Poignant Narrative and Critical Acclaim
The narrative of Ninety-Five Senses unfolds as a poignant ode to the human body’s sensory experiences, masterfully delivered by a death-row inmate who grapples with the impending loss of these wondrous sensations. The collaboration of Tim Blake Nelson and a diverse team of animators from Latin America and the US breathes life into this bittersweet tale of regret and redemption, creating a visually captivating tapestry that mirrors the fragmented nature of the protagonist's thoughts and memories.
The emotional depth of the film resonates with audiences as it seamlessly transitions from moments of unspeakable beauty to heart-wrenching revelations, ultimately leaving a lasting impression on viewers worldwide. Its universal appeal has garnered numerous accolades at international festivals, drawing praise from industry luminaries such as Pixar founder Ed Catmull and the former President of Walt Disney Animation, further solidifying its status as a moving and remarkable cinematic masterpiece.