Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Discover the most despised and adored characters of Gossip Girl, as fans voice their opinions Uncover the villains and heroes, from Lily Van Der Woodsen to Serena Van Der Woodsen, and find out who steals hearts and who ignites fury


Gossip Girl characters are a mixed bag of good and bad, and fans have strong opinions on their likability based on their actions and personalities.

Lily Van Der Woodsen, Olivia Burke, and Carter Baizen are disliked because of their self-centeredness, hidden agendas, and lack of honesty. On the other hand, Rufus Humphrey, Blair Waldorf, and Serena Van Der Woodsen are among the most likable characters due to their caring nature, self-awareness, and personal development throughout the series.

The characters in Gossip Girl are often engaged in questionable behaviors, which can make it difficult to fully appreciate the diverse cast. Even the most virtuous individuals become corrupted by the influence of the Upper East Side, entangling themselves in scandalous acts and victimizing others for personal gain. In spite of this, there are sporadic instances of selflessness displayed by the characters.

Due to this complex mix of good and bad actions, fans hold contrasting opinions about them. Some characters are adored despite their questionable conduct, while others are despised despite their redeeming qualities. Determining the most beloved or detested Gossip Girl characters is contingent upon a combination of their actions, personality, and overall character development throughout the series.

Gossip Girl Characters Fans Can't Stand

Lily Van Der Woodsen

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Lily Van Der Woodsen's upbringing lacked love and compassion, and it appears she has chosen to continue that pattern with her own family. She is a challenging character to sympathize with due to her inconsistent presence for her children, Eric and Serena. Lily's priorities revolve around appearances and social status. Even when her son attempts suicide in the beginning of the series, she is more concerned with concealing the incident from the Upper East Side community.

Olivia Burke

However, unlike some of the redeeming and self-reflective characters in the series, Lily doesn't quite fit that mold. In terms of character rankings among the Gossip Girl cast, Lily finds herself at the very bottom. Her priorities seem to revolve solely around remarrying, making it difficult to warm up to a character so self-absorbed. Lily obsesses over trivial matters that hold little significance in life, such as extravagant clothing and an excessively opulent living situation.

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

In season 3, Hilary Duff joined the Gossip Girl cast playing Olivia, a college student who happens to be a famous actor disguising her true identity. Unfortunately, Olivia's character lacks much to admire, as she always seems to have a hidden motive. While some Gossip Girl characters were intriguing due to their enigmatic nature, Olivia fails to captivate in the same way. The relationship between Dan and Olivia becomes somewhat challenging to root for as they start dating

In one episode, Olivia offends Dan during her appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, where she mocks him. Consequently, Dan becomes the subject of ridicule, with people referring to him as "Bathroom Boy," which is deeply humiliating for one of the show's previously adored characters. Whenever a character causes trouble for the select few consistently beloved individuals, they unintentionally become one of the most despised characters in Gossip Girl.

Carter Baizen

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Carter may be a peripheral figure, appearing in just a handful of seasons, yet leaves an indelible negative impact. In the third season's inception, viewers discover Carter's shared getaway with Serena. Amassing wealth, exhibiting conceit, and maintaining a veil of enigma, Carter lacks depth in character.

Eleanor Waldorf

Carter's true intentions remain concealed, and he evades discussing his emotions, rendering it difficult to develop a fondness for him or desire his triumph. Serena, already burdened with individuals inhibiting her personal growth, has encountered enough similar personalities. As he exits the series, his absence goes unnoticed, thanks to the havoc he consistently wreaks.

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Although Blair's mother, Eleanor, makes a wise choice by marrying Cyrus, who is kind and delightful, she must make amends for the lost time she has with her daughter. Unfortunately, Eleanor appears oblivious to the pain Blair feels as she believes her parents do not love or want to spend time with her. Furthermore, she fails to fully comprehend the immense pressure she has placed on Blair, which ultimately contributes to her eating disorder at the beginning of the series.

Although Eleanor and Blair do have some nicer scenes by the end of Gossip Girl, it still feels like the damage has been done. Blair requires a parental figure who is consistently present, particularly during her formative teenage years, and unfortunately, Eleanor fails to fulfill that role. Instead, Blair finds solace and love from her employee, Dorota, who emerges as the most caring adult figure in her life.

Ivy Dickens

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Upon joining the series, Ivy assumes the identity of Charlie, a distant relative of the Rhodes family and Serena's supposed cousin. Initially blending in seamlessly, the revelation that she was brought in to masquerade as Charlie triggers a complete betrayal from every single person involved. Rather than aiming for the moral high ground, Ivy progressively becomes more cunning and manipulative, swiftly transforming into one of the most despised characters in the Gossip Girl universe.

Bart Bass

Dating both Dan and Serena's fathers while attempting to manipulate the Van der Woodsens was also quite peculiar for fans. This fact alone weirded out fans because she is the same age as Serena, Blair, and their friends, and initially, she wanted to fit in with their peer group. This aspect added an unnecessary odd twist to her storyline.

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Contrary to popular belief, it is not always the younger generation of characters in Gossip Girl who cause the most trouble. The title of the worst character actually belongs to Bart Bass. He effortlessly possesses the title of being the most heartless and cunning individual in the entire series. As a father, Bart displays nothing but deplorable behavior and ranks among the lowest tier of Gossip Girl characters. His manipulative tendencies are not his only flaw, as he openly exhibits hostility towards his own son and even goes as far as to publicly humiliate him during high-society events.

Louis Grimaldi

Bart's behavior and his treatment of his son play a vital role in shaping Chuck's character as a teenager. Despite being disliked by fans, Bart's presence in the series elicits a sense of empathy towards Chuck from the viewers. Ultimately, this contributes to Chuck's redemption towards the end of the series. Once liberated from his father's influence, Chuck is able to undergo personal growth.

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Louis Grimaldi appears to be the epitome of a fairytale prince, the embodiment of Blair's romantic ideals. However, his true intentions are unveiled, revealing a surprising and darker side to his character. Among Blair's multitude of boyfriends on Gossip Girl, Louis stands out due to his royal lineage, which adds an additional layer of intrigue and complexity to his persona. Initially captivating, his true colors eventually come to light, altering the perception of his seemingly perfect prince persona.

Jenny Humphrey

Blair Waldorf holds a special place in both the Gossip Girl handbook and the hearts of the audience. It is an unwritten but well-known rule that if any character dares to harm Blair, a grudge will be held. As the reigning Queen B of the Upper East Side, Blair's mistreatment at the hands of Louis, her once potential love interest, is deemed unforgivable by the audience. His scheme to force Blair into an unfulfilling marriage and a hostile family dynamic has solidified his spot as the most detested love interest in the world of Gossip Girl.

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Jenny initially emerges as a character of remarkable purity. Hailing from Brooklyn, she remains unswayed by the opulence and allure of the Upper East Side. Driven by her creativity, Jenny yearns to carve out her niche within the privileged circle of her elite private school. Just like any regular teenager, she aspires to fitting in, winning popularity, and pursuing her aspirations.

Yet she quickly becomes entangled in the world and mirrors Blair Waldorf's viciousness, even going so far as to involve herself in a scheme that results in Serena being drugged. However,

Vanessa Abrams

there is the feeling that she doesn't quite fit in, causing fans to focus more on her mistakes and judge her harsher than characters like Blair.

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Vanessa, unlike the Upper East Side residents, hails from a different background, devoid of wealth and scandalous affairs that are frequently showcased by Gossip Girl. However, she swiftly follows in Jenny's footsteps and becomes entangled in the unfortunate incident where Serena gets drugged. To make matters worse, Vanessa resorts to deceit by falsely accusing Jenny and shifting the entire blame onto her.

Dan Humphrey

Despite frequently expressing her disdain for the people of the Upper East Side and proclaiming her distance from them, Vanessa contradicts herself by repeatedly succumbing to their scheming and manipulations. This constant exposure to their world has transformed her into a morally questionable character, leaving fans with little sympathy towards her. As a result, it becomes increasingly challenging to root for Vanessa as she continues to make questionable choices throughout the show's six seasons.

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Initially, Dan appears to be one of the least problematic individuals among the group. Growing up in Brooklyn and infatuated with Serena, he has good intentions towards everyone. However, the last season uncovers the shocking truth that he has been Gossip Girl all along. This revelation stirred up a considerable outrage among fans when it initially aired. Particularly, viewers were dissatisfied with how quickly the other characters forgave Dan, leaving them craving vengeance that the characters did not seek.

Juliet Sharp

: The revelation that Dan has been responsible for spreading hurtful rumors and causing immense stress over the years has left fans in utter disbelief. This shocking revelation completely changes viewers' perception of the character and tarnishes his image as one of the kindest individuals in the series. Unveiling Dan as the mastermind behind the difficulties faced by those he professed to be friends with, including his own sister, has solidified his position as one of the most despised figures in the Gossip Girl universe when reflecting upon everything with a fresh perspective.

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Juliet, an anguished individual, makes her entrance in season 4 of the series and brings about a plethora of complications for the main ensemble of Gossip Girl characters. Engaging in manipulative behavior, she demonstrates an unapologetic nature and goes to ruthless lengths, nearly resorting to Serena's demise. While the concept of Juliet seeking vengeance could be an intriguing premise, she oversteps too many boundaries, surpassing even the audacious standards set by Gossip Girl.

Georgina Sparks

: Juliet's lack of concern for others and the subsequent lack of sympathy from fans due to her troubled past make it clear that she genuinely doesn't care about anyone but herself. The show Gossip Girl is undeniably exciting, with a rapid pace and numerous obstacles thrown in the characters' way. However, characters like Juliet become increasingly tiresome to watch because of their constant negative intentions.

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

During Serena's wild phase, she befriended Georgina Sparks, who unfortunately hasn't fully overcome her tumultuous past. Georgina goes to extreme lengths to manipulate Serena, assuming false identities, and deceiving Dan into believing he has fathered her half-Russian baby. This devious act compels Dan to shoulder the responsibility of caring for Milo for an extended period.

Most Likable Gossip Girl Characters

Georgina, a truly repulsive individual, has incurred the unforgiving wrath of fans due to the chaos she wreaks upon the beloved characters throughout the series. Continuously engrossed in her cunning schemes, it becomes challenging to genuinely desire her well-being. Although she stands as the most detested character in the Gossip Girl realm, her manipulations strangely captivate the fanbase as a love-to-hate figure. Her unique style of drama, especially her tendency to collaborate with her enemies, adds an element of excitement to her portrayal, making her a delight to observe.

Rufus Humphrey

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Rufus stands out as one of the most beloved characters in the Gossip Girl series. Despite not having the same financial means as his children's peers, he prioritizes their well-being and strives to provide them with the best. Even when he becomes entangled in the extravagant lifestyle of the Upper East Side, Rufus never loses sight of his role as a devoted father.

With a captivating backstory and a constant stream of personal drama, Rufus's on-screen dynamic with Lily is always engaging and thrilling. Their unresolved feelings for each other add an extra layer of intrigue, despite their inability to make a romantic relationship work. Rufus's unwavering dedication to being a loving parent distinguishes him from other adults on the show, which is precisely what makes him so enchanting.

Nelly Yuki

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Nelly, alongside Blair and Serena, attends school in season 1 and stands out as an intelligent and captivating personality. The rivalry between Nelly and Blair highlights the need for Blair to relinquish her scheming ways and embrace a joyful and contented life. Regrettably, Nelly's brilliance and potential are not explored further, denying fans the opportunity to witness her impressive capabilities. Nelly's determination to succeed academically and in her personal life is a refreshing departure from the setbacks and distorted dreams experienced by other characters in the series.

Cyrus Rose

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Many parental figures in Gossip Girl exhibit manipulative behavior, just like the teenagers. However, there is one exception to this pattern - Blair's stepfather, Cyrus Rose. Despite his infrequent appearances in the series, it is evident that he has a positive influence on Eleanor, making her a more compassionate person. Cyrus genuinely cares for the Waldorf women and can be considered one of the most important figures in Blair's life. Unlike others, Cyrus does not engage in scheming or deliberately try to harm others. It is unfortunate that Blair does not have the opportunity to spend more time with him.

Eric Van der Woodsen

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Eric stands out among the Upper East Siders in his immunity to the darkness emanating from Gossip Girl's revelations. Despite grappling with personal insecurities and emotional struggles, he maintains a strong moral compass. Eric quickly forms a close bond with Jenny and consistently strives to make ethical choices.

Unlike others, Eric never engages in deceit or betrayal, promptly distancing himself from any toxic relationships in the upper echelons of society. Despite not being the most captivating character, he garners admiration from viewers for his unwavering dedication to goodness.

Chuck Bass

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Chuck initially emerges as one of the most detestable characters in the series. Early on, he commits acts of violence against Serena and Jenny, displaying a lack of concern for anything other than his wealth and ego. As the first few episodes progress, it becomes apparent that he will likely become the most despised antagonist on the show.

However, the show later delves into his troubled upbringing and the neglect he experienced from his father, aiming to encourage viewers to develop a liking for him. It goes to great lengths to explore his deep relationship with Blair in order to evoke sympathy. While the earlier instances of assault are revisited, Chuck expresses remorse and offers apologies. In reality, someone who has committed such reprehensible acts would not be so readily forgiven – and rightfully so. Nevertheless, the way the show subsequently portrays Chuck manages to endear him to fans, whether justifiably or not.

Blair Waldorf

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Blair Waldorf possesses a merciless and cold-hearted demeanor, yet she embraces this aspect of herself without pretense. Unlike certain characters, she does not attempt to conceal her true nature. While this does not label her as a kind person, it undeniably makes her a captivating one. Despite Blair's capacity to be truly despicable and control her high school with the unwavering dominance of the most notorious New York City bully, she also exhibits a willingness to go to extreme lengths in order to protect her friends.

Furthermore, her vulnerability becomes apparent in her relationship with Chuck (and later, with Dan) which, despite its complexities, somewhat endears viewers to Blair and reveals that she possesses a compassionate side. Blair is relatable to viewers because they comprehend the essence of her character.

Nate Archibald

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Although Nate is a part of a world that causes a lot of pain, he is actually one of the least problematic guys in it. He strives to treat women with respect, and while he hasn't always been perfect, he makes an effort to be a loyal friend.

Throughout the series, Nate's family problems lead him to act out on several occasions. He also cheats on Blair with Serena, so he is far from perfect. However, he manages to come out relatively unscathed in the eyes of fans, which is quite impressive given the nature of the series. Even when his friends scheme to uncover who has been leaking secrets to Gossip Girl, it is revealed that Nate is the only one in their group who has never betrayed their trust. Despite the competitiveness among his friends, he remains a true friend.

Dorota Kishlovsky

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Dorota, a dedicated woman from Poland, faithfully works for Blair's family, standing by her side even during her toughest moments. Even on her own wedding day, when Blair is overwhelmed by her feelings for Chuck, Dorota selflessly takes the time to assure Blair of her unwavering desire for her happiness.

Unlike other characters in Gossip Girl, Dorota never betrays those close to her. She is genuinely kind-hearted and deserving of the best. From her initial appearances, viewers find joy in witnessing Dorota's endearing nature, and as the show progresses, her character only becomes more captivating.

Serena Van Der Woodsen

Gossip Girl: 15 Characters Fans Love & Hate: Unveiling the Ultimate Ranking!

Serena's past is filled with a tumultuous history. She made mistakes, such as sleeping with her best friend's boyfriend, at the start of the series. However, Serena is determined to mend her wrongs and throughout Gossip Girl, she remains fiercely loyal to Blair.

While far from flawless, Serena's remorse for her past actions is unmistakable. She actively seeks to grow and transform into a better version of herself. And, for the most part, she succeeds in doing so. It becomes effortless to root for both Serena and Blair, hoping that they will learn valuable lessons and ultimately evolve into improved individuals before the series concludes. This indeed comes to fruition in Gossip Girl, as Serena learns the power of forgiveness and lets go of her quest for revenge.