Unraveling the Complex Plot of Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Explanation

Unraveling the Complex Plot of Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Explanation

The fate of Baldur's Gate 3 hangs in the balance as a formidable new deity, The Absolute, emerges and unleashes illithids to bring about its destructive reign Get ready for an epic showdown between gods in the thrilling Act Two of this epic saga

Tabletop RPGs are renowned for their intricate storytelling and expansive worlds, often spanning years of gameplay and featuring a diverse array of captivating characters. In line with its predecessor, Dungeons and Dragons, Baldur's Gate 3 embraces a familiar backdrop of fantasy realms, magical races, and enchanting spells. However, what sets Baldur's Gate 3 apart is its vast and complex setting and plot, which can be quite overwhelming to navigate. Amidst the multitude of interwoven storylines that are characteristic of the genre, one overarching theme remains constant: the ever-present danger posed by the Absolute.

Baldur's Gate 3 is a Battle Between Gods

Act Two of Baldur's Gate Reveals All

The journey in Baldur's Gate 3 starts off with the player character and their companions being infested with illithid tadpoles aboard a mind flayer nautiloid ship. It is revealed that these tadpoles eventually transform their hosts into mind flayers. As the ship crashes, the first task at hand becomes getting rid of the tadpole infection, leading the party to embark on a quest to find a healer. Along the way, they come across other individuals who have also been infected by similar illithids. However, these individuals are part of a cult that worships a newly discovered deity known as the Absolute.

Unraveling the Complex Plot of Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Explanation

As the Baldur's Gate 3 story unfolds, it becomes evident that the Absolute poses a significant threat. A sect of goblins has forsaken their deity in favor of worshiping the Absolute. These goblins, along with others, have been abducting individuals from the Sword Coast and transporting them to Moonrise Towers, where they are infected with tadpoles. Consequently, the infected victims transform into devoted disciples of the Absolute and gain the ability to form mental connections with one another. As the player delves deeper into this discovery, they are visited by a Dream Guardian who exposes the perilous implications of the conflict against the Absolute and the newfound god's imminent danger.

The player ventures to Moonrise Towers in search of a solution for eradicating their parasite and gaining insights into the Absolute and the cult. This can be accomplished by traversing either the Mountain Pass or the Underdark. The players are assured that they will find answers at Moonrise Towers, and indeed, they do find the answers they seek.


Unraveling the Complex Plot of Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Explanation

The Tower infiltration unveils the indomitable might of the Absolute, an Elder Brain of unparalleled potency. This formidable breed of mind flayer harnesses the ability to sway the masses with mind control, spanning vast distances. Hence, the enigma surrounding the existence of the True Souls and devoted members of the Absolute cult is deciphered. Surprisingly, the Absolute itself is not the ultimate adversary; instead, players discern that it falls under the influence of a malevolent force well-known to avid Baldur's Gate fans – the Dead Three. Comprised of Bhaal, the Lord of Murder; Bane, the Lord of Darkness; and Myrkul, the Lord of Bones, this sinister triumvirate assumes command.

The champions of The Dead Three, Orin, Ketheric Throm, and Enver Gortash, carry out their masters' plans and control the Elder Brain through individual stones. When these stones are brought together, they function as a controlling device for the Elder Brain, enabling them to manipulate their army of cultists who have infiltrated Baldur's Gate and the Sword Coast. In the Third Act of Baldur's Gate 3, the focus shifts towards stopping the remaining Chosen of the Dead Three through their own unique stories and quests. This halts the invasion of Baldur's Gate and presents the player with various choices on how to address the Elder Brain, the cultists, the mind flayers, and other interfering entities such as Raphael or the Githyanki.

The ideal conclusion of Baldur's Gate 3 involves the player commanding the Netherbrain to annihilate itself along with its tadpoles. It plunges into the ocean, leading to the demise of the tadpoles infecting the player character and party. Conversely, the evil ending entails attaining the Absolute by subjugating the Netherbrain and utilizing its power to transform the party into mindless slaves, allowing the mind flayers to conquer Faerun. However, these are merely overarching outcomes, as numerous smaller decisions also have significant long-term consequences.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now for PC.