Unraveling Death Stranding 2: Unveiling the Unexpected Obstacle Beyond Gameplay and Story

Unraveling Death Stranding 2: Unveiling the Unexpected Obstacle Beyond Gameplay and Story

Death Stranding 2's evolution goes beyond gameplay and narrative, as it must revolutionize its approach to music Exploring a new dimension in the soundtrack, the game aims to redefine the role of music in enhancing the immersive experience

Death Stranding 2, developed by Kojima Productions, faces a significant challenge in surpassing the exceptional music of its predecessor. The original Death Stranding, an impressive debut from the studio named after the renowned creator Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear Solid fame, boasted a seamless fusion of various elements that resulted in a distinct and unparalleled gaming experience. While details about Death Stranding 2 remain scarce, it is evident that the game will require a powerful soundtrack and score to match the impact of its predecessor and appease fans.

One of the most memorable moments in Death Stranding occurs when players venture out from Central Knot City on a mission, accompanied by the haunting melody of "Bones" by Low Roar. This song's simplistic arrangement perfectly complements the desolate landscape, while its lyrics, repeating the phrase "I'm a long way from home," evoke a relatable sense of displacement within the player in this foreign environment. As the game progresses, players will encounter Low Roar's music on various occasions, and the band's captivating sound begins to form an essential part of the game's identity. Ludvig Forssell's score, too, becomes increasingly vital as the narrative unfolds. Undoubtedly, Death Stranding's music not only enhances the overall experience but also stands as a testament to its excellence.

Death Stranding 2 Needs To Approach Its Music Differently

Unraveling Death Stranding 2: Unveiling the Unexpected Obstacle Beyond Gameplay and Story

The soundtrack of Death Stranding 2 must effectively capture and control its tone with music, just like its predecessor. However, achieving this won't be easy. While the obvious choice would be to bring back Low Roar, unfortunately, this is not an option. Ludvig Forssell will be returning to score the game, but Low Roar will not be able to contribute new music due to the unfortunate passing of Ryan Karazija in 2022. As a result, Death Stranding 2 will need to create its own unique sonic path.

Although surpassing the original's soundtrack will be challenging, Kojima Productions could be the ideal studio to accomplish this. With the inclusion of Elle Fanning in Death Stranding 2, the previous entry demonstrated its ability to attract top-notch talent. Kojima Productions has the necessary reputation to attract serious musicians, and there's no reason why this wouldn't extend to the game's music. With access to world-class musicians, the focus should be on creating a soundtrack and score that not only matches the first game but also stands out on its own.

How Death Stranding 2's Soundtrack Could Change

Unraveling Death Stranding 2: Unveiling the Unexpected Obstacle Beyond Gameplay and Story

The Death Stranding 2 trailer provided some hints, but the game's content and tone remain largely mysterious. The trailer concludes by posing the question "Should We Have Connected?" suggesting that the game may focus more on isolation. Throughout the trailer, "BB's Theme 2022" by Ludvig Forssell and Troy Baker can be heard, a minimal and eerie song featuring swelling electronic textures, reminiscent of the music in the first game.

To surpass the music of the original, Death Stranding 2 must not only replicate its successes but also explore new territories. Instead of selecting musicians that emulate Low Roar, Kojima Productions should search for an artist who can capture the tone and themes of this new game in a distinct manner. The music could incorporate louder sounds or incorporate organic instrumentation like pianos to create a unique sonic experience, differentiating it from the original. Ideally, the next trailer will shed light on some of the unanswered questions surrounding the gameplay and music of Death Stranding 2.

Death Stranding 2 is in development.