The Unnamed Memory anime, previously set for release in 2023, has been postponed due to production issues. However, the website and X (formerly Twitter) handle recently shared a new trailer and key visual, confirming that the anime will now premiere in April 2024. Kadokawa and the official staff have provided an update on the release window.
The Unnamed Memory anime will be released in April 2024
The anime is an adaptation of the eponymous fantasy-romance Japanese light novel series written by Kuji Furumiya and illustrated by Chibi. It made its debut on the Shosetsuka ni Naro website in September 2012, and later, ASCII Media Works obtained the rights to publish six volumes under the Dengeki no Shin Bungei imprint.
The official staff for the Unnamed Memory anime has unveiled a new trailer on December 13, 2023. The trailer announces the anime's release window in April 2024, coinciding with the spring season. Additionally, details about new characters and their respective cast have also been revealed.
Starring Oscar and Tinasha, the promo video kicks off with a series of thrilling action scenes, leading up to the moment when the main character pops the question to Tinasha. Other key figures like Lazar, Sylvia, Curve, Nark, and more make appearances in the trailer.
In addition, the brief clip provides a sneak peek at Tinasha, the most powerful witch in the world, using her powers to battle her enemies. The trailer effectively conveys the fantasy-romance atmosphere of the anime and sets the stage for the story.
In addition to the trailer, the official staff has revealed the anime's main visual featuring the protagonist, Oscar, and the witch of the Azure Moon, Tinasha. Oscar exudes charismatic heroism and appears ready for the upcoming battles alongside his partner.
Cast and staff for the anime
A still from the anime (Image via Studio ENGI)
The X handle for the anime "Unnamed Memory" has announced the cast members for additional characters. Renowned voice actor Suichiro Umeda will play Lazar, loyal servant to Oscar, while Yuko Natsuyoshi will portray Sylvia, a court magician.
Kohei Amasaki will voice Curve, and Chitose Morinaga will take on the role of the red dragon, Narc. Other cast members include Chinatsu Akasaki as Meredina and Takuya Sato as Ars. Previously announced cast members include Atsumi Tanezaki as Tinasha and Yoshiki Nakajima as Oscar.
An image from the anime (Image via Studio ENGI)
The staff details have already been revealed. The anime will be directed by Kazuya Miura, known for his work in DRAMAtical Murder, at ENGI Studios. Deko Akao will be handling the composition of the series, while Chika Noumi will be in charge of the character designs. Akito Matsuda will be composing the music for the series.
The crown prince of the Farsas, Oscar, and the Witch of the Azure Blue, Tinasha, are the central characters in the upcoming fantasy-romance anime. Oscar carries a curse that threatens the life of any woman he marries.
Oscar and Tinasha, as seen in the Unnamed Memory anime (Image via Studio ENGI)However, everything changes when he encounters Tinasha, the world's most powerful witch. The story will focus on the relationship between the two protagonists and their efforts to overcome various challenges.
Keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2023 progresses.
Editor's P/S
As an enthusiastic fan of the Unnamed Memory light novel series, I am thrilled to finally see the release of the anime adaptation. The new trailer and captivating visual have only heightened my anticipation for this highly anticipated series. The animation looks stunning, and the voice acting cast seems perfect for the characters. I can't wait to see the story of Oscar and Tinasha come to life on screen.
The wait for the anime has been long, but I believe it will be worth it. The production team has clearly put a lot of effort into creating a high-quality adaptation that will stay true to the original source material. I have no doubt that Unnamed Memory will be one of the best anime of 2024.