Unlock the Thrilling Secrets: Overwatch 2's Next Story Missions Take Invasion to Uncharted Heights

Unlock the Thrilling Secrets: Overwatch 2's Next Story Missions Take Invasion to Uncharted Heights

Overwatch 2's upcoming story missions should seize a missed opportunity by introducing an array of captivating new skins that enhance the player experience


Overwatch 2's story missions have garnered acclaim for their compelling storytelling, adeptly delving into the vulnerabilities of iconic heroes such as Reinhardt while adeptly displaying the valor of Torbjorn. Nevertheless, it would be desirable to see a greater inclusion of fresh cosmetics within these missions.

In the Invasion missions, the heroes wear their default attire from the sequel, which, while not a negative aspect, feels like a missed chance to introduce more new outfits. Therefore, it would be beneficial for Blizzard to include additional skins in future Invasion content. These new skins should align with the current faction of the heroes and maintain a relatively grounded appearance, similar to the matching outfits observed in Overwatch 1's Uprising and Retribution missions.

The narrative elements in the story missions of Overwatch 2 have been a major strength. Players have been exposed to Reinhardt's flaws, witnessed Ramattra's transformation into a villain, and experienced Torbjorn's heroism firsthand. Fans are hopeful that the upcoming missions will offer more objective variety to match the diverse locations and types of enemies. Additionally, including never-before-seen cosmetics in the next set of missions would be a wise decision.

The Invasion missions in Overwatch 2 have played a significant role in advancing the story and it's not surprising that the heroes are wearing their default attire from the sequel. While this is not necessarily a negative aspect, it does feel like a missed opportunity. The Invasion missions only feature one completely new outfit, and Blizzard should take inspiration from it when creating future content.

Overwatch 2’s Future Story Missions Should Introduce More New Skins

Unlock the Thrilling Secrets: Overwatch 2's Next Story Missions Take Invasion to Uncharted Heights

While Rio and Toronto do not offer any new skins for the heroes, the Gothenburg mission does. It introduces a fresh skin for the Support hero Brigitte. Her casual outfit showcases her father Torbjorn's workshop through the logo on her shirt. Additionally, a new hairstyle sets this skin apart from her other looks. It is worth mentioning that Blizzard made this skin unlockable for use in PvP. However, it is peculiar that Brigitte is the only one with a new skin.

Completing the co-op missions allows players to obtain Sojourn's vigilante skin from her animated short, which is a nice bonus. Furthermore, players can acquire Brigitte's Sparkplug skin for free by completing challenges in the Underworld Event mission. Despite having three full story missions, it is surprising that more cosmetics were not introduced into the hero shooter. The effort put into Sparkplug is evident, with even its name being a charming reference to Torbjorn's nickname for his daughter. However, it feels like there is a lot more potential for additional content.

Players can expect to see at least one new skin per mission set, with the possibility of two if the upcoming batch of missions replaces the Sojourn animated short's Vigilante costume with a different outfit. While Blizzard's decision to tie lore-related outfits to Event mission challenges and story mission completions is appreciated, it feels like there is untapped potential for story-related cosmetics.

Of course, any new skins introduced in Overwatch 2's PvE missions will need to be more grounded, avoiding extravagant designs like Demon Lord Reinhardt or Ana's Omnic skin. However, there is still the opportunity for every new recruit in Winston's Overwatch to have a skin featuring the organization's logo and colors. Just like the matching superhero outfits in Avengers: Endgame, this can create a cohesive and visually appealing look. The cosmetics from the original Overwatch's Archives missions serve as excellent examples of how to approach these kinds of ideas.

The first two Archives missions in Overwatch had the heroes wearing faction-themed outfits. In Uprising, Mercy, Reinhardt, Tracer, and Torbjorn wore matching blue outfits with the Overwatch logo, reflecting their personalities. Retribution also featured darker outfits for Cassidy and Genji, focusing on Blackwatch. For the next set of story missions, new recruits like Lucio, Baptiste, D.Va, Zarya, and others should receive matching outfits to represent their team. These additional story outfits would provide players with more appealing rewards to pursue, enhancing the appeal of mission-specific challenges.

Overwatch 2 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.