Unlock the Epic Journey: The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Choices in Act 1!

Unlock the Epic Journey: The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Choices in Act 1!

Baldur's Gate 3: Act 1 Choices That Shape Your Fate! Unleash the power of decision-making as you navigate through companions, refugees, the Emerald Grove, the Mark of the Absolute, and Raphael's deal Make your choices count in this thrilling adventure!


Baldur's Gate 3 offers players countless choices that actually matter, ensuring a unique experience each playthrough.

Baldur's Gate 3 revolutionizes the genre of roleplaying games by offering players a multitude of choices that have real consequences. Every action, from character creation to in-game decisions, influences the game and ensures a unique experience each time. While all choices have an impact, some carry more weight and cannot be undone, particularly in the early stages of the game.

The story of Baldur's Gate 3 unfolds in Act 1, a captivating introduction that sets the stage, immerses players in the world, and serves as a tutorial. This section reveals the humble yet significant beginnings of the protagonist and their party, shaping their identity and their future path. Within Act 1, players are confronted with pivotal choices that will permanently shape the outcome of the story. Understanding these critical decisions and their consequences is crucial for players.

5 Take Or Leave (Or Kill) Companions

Unlock the Epic Journey: The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Choices in Act 1!

In Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3, players are introduced to six companions: Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Lae'Zel, Shadowheart, and Wyll. These unique individuals can join players in their quest to uncover the mystery surrounding the mind flayer tadpoles in their heads and the larger underlying plot. Although the game encourages players to form alliances, they have the freedom to choose which companions to keep or discard, and can even choose to eliminate certain companions if they wish, although this option is cruel.

Although the decision to keep or dismiss specific companions may initially seem unimportant, it ultimately has a significant impact on the outcome of the story. Unlike companions introduced in later acts, the six companions encountered in Act 1 play a crucial role in the story and greatly influence the player's experience and available choices. The presence or absence of certain companions determines entire sections of the narrative, specific quests, and dialogue interactions. Therefore, players should carefully consider their choices regarding which companions to keep or discard (or kill).

4 Help Or Kick Out The Refugees

Unlock the Epic Journey: The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Choices in Act 1!

In Act 1, players are faced with a crucial decision involving a group of tiefling refugees from Elturel seeking sanctuary in the druid settlement known as the Emerald Grove. The druids, led by Kagha, want the refugees to leave, despite the dangers beyond the grove. On the other hand, Zevlor, the leader of the tiefling refugees, refuses to leave until it is safe for his people. Both Kagha and Zevlor seek the players' assistance, forcing them to choose between helping the refugees or kicking them out.

The outcome of this decision has significant consequences for the overall plot, as it can determine whether the tiefling refugees reappear later in the story or not. Different approaches can be taken to either help or remove the refugees, with some options being peaceful and others more hostile, potentially resulting in the death of either the refugees or the druids. The player's actions in this decision can also impact their ability to recruit specific companions, prevent certain quest lines, and withhold rewards or information. Therefore, players should consider their decision carefully before proceeding.

3 Save Or Destroy The Emerald Grove

Unlock the Epic Journey: The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Choices in Act 1!

The Emerald Grove is facing a crucial decision involving the Cult of the Absolute, a group of mind flayer tadpole-infected followers who worship a mysterious deity known as the Absolute. This cult poses a threat to the safety of the Emerald Grove as they prepare to launch an attack on the sanctuary. Their actions have created tension and conflict between the refugees and the druids. Players have the opportunity to rescue the refugees and aid the druids by eliminating the leaders of the cult before their assault. Alternatively, players can choose to join the Cult of the Absolute and participate in their raid on the Emerald Grove.

Choosing to support or oppose the Emerald Grove will shape players' allegiance for the rest of the story, whether their loyalty is genuine or not. This decision will determine whether players become allies or enemies of the Cult of the Absolute. Whichever side players choose will deeply impact the narrative, leading them on a path towards good or evil. Forming an alliance or turning against the Emerald Grove will trigger new events and cause previous allies to become enemies, and vice versa. The consequences of this choice will solidify the storyline, making it a decision that players should not take lightly.

2 Accept Or Reject The Mark Of The Absolute

Unlock the Epic Journey: The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Choices in Act 1!

Upon investigating the goblin camp that houses the Cult of the Absolute, players will discover three leaders, one of whom is a goblin named Priestess Gut. Engaging in conversation with this deranged follower provides valuable insight into the group and its beliefs. If Priestess Gut deems them trustworthy, she will offer players the Mark of the Absolute, a symbol indicating their allegiance to the cult. Players have the option to accept or decline this branding, but this choice does not determine their loyalty. Instead, it has other significant consequences within the game.

Opting to brand or not to brand oneself with the Mark of the Absolute carries long-term mechanical and narrative implications. The brand identifies players as followers of the Absolute, granting them the ability to disguise themselves as cultists and utilize certain cult-related items. However, bearing this mark may lead to widespread distrust and refusal of assistance from others. As it permanently marks their character like a tattoo, players should carefully consider whether the benefits of the branding outweigh the potential drawbacks.

1 Accept Or Reject Raphael's Deal

Unlock the Epic Journey: The Ultimate Guide to Baldur's Gate 3 Choices in Act 1!

In Act 1, players encounter Raphael, a cunning and charming man dressed in a devilish manner. Speaking with him reveals his true identity as a devil who offers to cure players of their tadpole affliction in exchange for a favor. It is evident in the game that Raphael should not be trusted, but players still have the choice to accept or refuse his deal. This decision is difficult due to the benefits he offers and the advantages he can provide in the future.

Throughout the story, Raphael continually presents this deal, downplaying the importance of this early decision. However, making a choice at this stage has a long-lasting impact on the player's journey. Accepting or rejecting his tempting offer can either open up future possibilities or close doors for progress and quest completion. Players can take advantage of the boon and trust offered by Raphael, or they can choose to defy him. Regardless of their ultimate decision, the initial acceptance or refusal of Raphael's offer can significantly alter the game.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available for PC, with a PS5 release on September 6 and an Xbox launch to follow.