Unleashing Your Inner Hero: Dominate the Final Boss in Remnant 2

Unleashing Your Inner Hero: Dominate the Final Boss in Remnant 2

Conquer the ultimate challenge in Remnant 2 by defeating the formidable Annihilation, the fearsome Root monster Unleash your skills and strategies to emerge victoriously!

After embarking on a thrilling quest in Remnant 2's story campaign to locate three enigmatic objects for Clementine and the Keeper, players will ultimately encounter Annihilation, the formidable wooden dragon that serves as the avatar of the Root. This awe-inspiring creature presents the ultimate challenge in the game and proves to be a formidable opponent, often proving difficult to defeat on the first attempt.

Annihilation is both menacing and lethal, unleashing a barrage of frenetic attacks that may overwhelm many players. Even on the easiest difficulty setting of Remnant 2, this boss remains a formidable obstacle. However, by mastering a few crucial aspects of the boss's moveset, players will greatly enhance their chances of emerging triumphant in battle.

Remnant 2: How to Beat Annihilation

Unleashing Your Inner Hero: Dominate the Final Boss in Remnant 2

Understanding any boss' moveset is crucial to defeating them, and the same principle applies to this specific boss. Annihilation may appear to attack haphazardly, but its moves are actually clearly signaled in advance. By repeatedly engaging in battle, players will eventually become familiar with the boss' attack patterns. The key here is to consciously memorize each move instead of succumbing to panic. To provide a reference, the following table outlines the boss' attacks:

Phase 1



Sword Stab

Annihilation slams its sword before stabbing it downward. This often chains up to three times total, with the final hit spawning energy orbs that seek players if not shot down.

Ground Slam

Annihilation slams the ground with its hand, causing waves of energy to cascade toward the player.

Sword Rush

The boss rears back and attempts to impale the player with its sword.

Phase 2



Sword Swipe

Annihilation moves to one side of the arena and prepares to sweep the floor with its sword. This is usually accompanied by a barrage of lightning and followed-up by Tentacle Slam.

Tentacle Slam

The tentacles in the boss arena will slam toward an indicated direction. If annihilation slams its own tentacle, it will create a Blight cloud on the player's location.


Annihilation swaps between its first and second forms, throwing the player off-guard.

The boss, like others, varies its attacks to keep players on their toes. However, Annihilation has noticeable wind-up animations before each attack, allowing players to easily anticipate and evade them once they learn the timing.

Here are some tips to make this boss battle easier:

Players who have Hunter set as their main Archetype can ensure that Hunter's Mark remains active throughout the entire fight by consistently hitting Weakspots.

The sword swipe attacks in Annihilation have a unique sound cue, making them highly noticeable and easy to evade.

Minimize excessive movement as space is restricted. The boss' lightning pillars and tentacles reprimand players who try to escape or franticly dodge.

Prioritize destroying the orbs created by Sword Stab, as they have the potential to instantly eliminate players if they all hit. Gunslinger excels in this task.

Opt for a weapon with a mid to long-range capability. Shotguns and other similar weapons will struggle to consistently inflict their maximum damage on this boss without the aid of trinkets.

Stay in the center of the arena during the second phase to prevent potential follow-up attacks by tentacles. In the second phase, lightning strikes will occur consecutively, so positioning yourself near the second or third row of lightning coils will help you evade them more effortlessly.

If all else fails, consider using the Challenger as the main Archetype for its one-time revive passive.

Remnant 2 is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.