Unleashing the Untapped Power of Dragon Ball's Goten

Unleashing the Untapped Power of Dragon Ball's Goten

Dragon Ball: Unleashing Goten's Untapped Power - A missed opportunity for the show to fully explore the potential of Son Goku's second child, leaving fans yearning for more

Since the beginning of the Majin Buu Saga, Dragon Ball Z has introduced Son Goten as a potential younger brother figure for Gohan. However, many people have acknowledged that Son Goten's supposed potential was not utilized effectively. In fact, his presence after the Majin Buu Saga has been almost nonexistent and irrelevant to the overall story of Dragon Ball. Other than his involvement in introducing the concept of Fusion and briefly fighting as Gotenks against Evil Buu, Goten has not had many opportunities to make a significant impact. This raises the question of whether this character served any real purpose or if his potential was simply wasted due to poor execution.

It is undeniable that Goten had the potential to develop as a character in his own right. He was a cheerful boy, resembling a miniature version of Goku when he was a child. He was more outgoing, somewhat competitive, and kindhearted compared to kids his age. He often found himself getting involved in Kid Trunks' schemes and plans. However, the problem goes beyond his superfluous nature as a character. The issue lies in how the story utilized him during the Majin Buu Saga and subsequent arcs. Whether this lack of screen time and relevance was a result of insufficient effort or limitations imposed by his character and Gohan's prominence, it seems that the wasted potential mentioned earlier may be to blame.

Goten's Beginning Intrigue

Unleashing the Untapped Power of Dragon Ball's Goten

Goten's character is not just a younger version or a duplicate of Goku. From the early episodes of Dragon Ball Z, there is a lingering question about Goten's own identity. This adds depth to his character without rendering him irrelevant to the story. The issue lies in how Goten's potential was not fully utilized in the writing, failing to execute his purpose effectively.

Although Goten has received relatively positive feedback from fans, many agree that he lacks a clear role in the story besides being a side character or a child-like representation of Goku. His main contribution seems to be showcasing the usefulness of Fusion as a technique to combat formidable opponents that even Vegeta and Goku struggle against alone. Goten accomplishes this through his partnership with Trunks, as they have mastered the Fusion Dance. When needed, they can quickly transform into Gotenks. However, due to the era of peace and the priorities placed on their family, Goten and Trunks do not undergo the same intense training as Goku and Vegeta. This, combined with their inherently lesser strength, hinders the realization of Goten's full potential.

One possible factor contributing to Goten's lack of progress is the time of peace in which he was raised.

Peace Makes Complacency

Unleashing the Untapped Power of Dragon Ball's Goten

Goten's role in the Dragon Ball series has been limited due to a lack of necessity and opportunities for growth. Unlike Gohan, who was forced to become stronger through constant battles and challenges, Goten was born and raised during a time of peace. The expectation was that he wouldn't need to fight any great threats or bear the responsibility of protecting Earth. Even when Majin Buu arrived, Goten and Trunks were only utilized as a last resort. Furthermore, when Goku and Vegeta fused to become Vegeto, Goten had to be saved and eventually revived. The underutilization of Goten's character is not a result of any inherent flaw, but rather a consequence of his limited involvement in the Dragon Ball storyline.