Unleashing the Undead: How the Resident Evil 5 Remake Should Amplify the Majini!

Unleashing the Undead: How the Resident Evil 5 Remake Should Amplify the Majini!

The Resident Evil 5 Remake should elevate the threat level of the primary enemy, the Majini, just like the RE4 remake did with the Ganados This article delves into the significance of these enemies and the crucial lessons that should be learned from RE4's approach


A remake of Resident Evil 5 is expected and could learn from the success of the Resident Evil 4 remake, particularly in terms of making the enemies more serious and terrifying.

The Majini in Resident Evil 5 and the Ganados in Resident Evil 4 play similar roles as infected individuals, but the Majini lack the same level of terror as the Ganados in the Resident Evil 4 remake.

To make a Resident Evil 5 remake more frightening and captivating for players, it should prioritize enhancing enemy AI and intensifying the horror elements, much like the approach taken in the Resident Evil 4 remake.

While not yet confirmed by Capcom, there is widespread speculation that a remake of Resident Evil 5 is in the works. Following the success of the remakes for Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and especially Resident Evil 4, it is believed that a remake of the fifth installment in the franchise would be benefitted from. The original Resident Evil 5 was met with controversy and could greatly benefit from the improvements that a remake could offer. In particular, the remake of Resident Evil 4 took a more serious tone compared to its predecessor. A remake of Resident Evil 5 should take inspiration from this approach and provide a similar level of horror for the Majini, similar to the increased intensity seen in the Ganados in the RE4 remake.

What Are the Majini and Ganados in Resident Evil 4 and 5?

Unleashing the Undead: How the Resident Evil 5 Remake Should Amplify the Majini!

The Ganados in Resident Evil 4 serve as a substitute for zombies in the game. These individuals were originally infected by Las Plagas, leading to a gradual loss of control and a violent nature. The parasite effectively took over their nervous system, making them subservient to the more dominant creatures encountered throughout the game.

In a similar vein, the Majini in Resident Evil 5 played a comparable role. Also infected by Las Plagas, the Majini were specifically affected by the Plaga Type 2 and Type 3, created by Tricell. Some argue that Tricell's creation is even worse than Umbrella. This particular version of the parasite had a faster rate of infection and spread more rapidly as a result of modifications.

What Lessons a Resident Evil 5 Remake Should Take From RE4's Ganados

Unleashing the Undead: How the Resident Evil 5 Remake Should Amplify the Majini!

The Resident Evil 5 remake can learn two valuable lessons from the remake of Resident Evil 4 regarding its main antagonists. Firstly, it should focus on improving the AI. Although the enemies in the original RE4 were decently designed, they had a tendency to move slowly and predictably towards Leon, allowing him to easily eliminate them from a distance. Conversely, the remake significantly enhanced the enemy AI, making them formidable and challenging adversaries for players.

Secondly, the Resident Evil 5 remake should take inspiration from the RE4 remake and emphasize the horror aspect. While both the Majini and the Ganados were initially unsettling, they primarily served as easy targets for players in the original game. In contrast, the RE4 remake heightened the sense of fear by incorporating more disturbing enemy designs and intensifying the horror in terms of presentation, atmosphere, and actions. Therefore, the remake of RE5 should explore innovative ways to genuinely frighten players.

The direction of the upcoming Resident Evil 5 remake remains unknown at this time. However, speculation suggests that it will follow in the footsteps of the Resident Evil 3 remake rather than deviating from the established formula. This assumption seems reasonable considering the similarities between the narratives and enemies of both Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5. It is possible that the Ganados from RE4 will have an influence on the behavior of the Majini in the remake. The goal of an RE5 remake would be to enhance the intelligence of the Majini and create a sense of fear for players, something that the original game lacked. The development of a Resident Evil 5 remake is currently a subject of rumors.