Unleashing the Ultimate Crossover: Pokemon Starters Transformed into Epic Digimon!

Unleashing the Ultimate Crossover: Pokemon Starters Transformed into Epic Digimon!

A skilled Pokemon enthusiast transforms the original starter trio from Red and Blue into Digimon, seamlessly merging two beloved monster-catching franchises from the 90s


A creative fan reimaged the original Pokemon starter trio as Digimon, showcasing the overlap between the two beloved franchises.

Digimon anime is widely beloved, but Pokemon video games continue to reign supreme in the gaming industry. VilliamBoom's imaginative redesigns of the Pokemon starters as Digimon not only showcase contrasting creature aesthetics, but also provide a more ominous and anthropomorphic portrayal.

A creative Pokemon fan has reimagined the original starter trio as Digimon, resulting in a surprising crossover of beloved 90s monster franchises. Both Pokemon and Digimon have often been compared to each other due to their similar themes of young protagonists interacting with elementally empowered creatures that evolve into stronger forms over time. They made their debut around the same time and have since gained popularity through video games, anime, and various tie-in merchandise. Countless fan theories and memes have connected the two franchises together, including one theory suggesting that Digimon are deleted Pokemon from a Trainer's PC.

Although some believe that the Digimon anime shows surpass the offerings of Pokemon, the Pokemon video games have consistently outshined their Digimon counterparts. In recent years, Digimon has made attempts to catch up with games like Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and last year's long-awaited Digimon Survive, but with mixed results. On the other hand, the Pokemon gaming brand continues to thrive. However, there are plenty of gamers who appreciate both franchises and have created impressive fan art that combines Pokemon and Digimon with shared archetypes.

A Twitter user named VilliamBoom has taken a unique approach to their Pokemon/Digimon idea by reimagining the original starter trio from Pokemon Red and Blue as Digimon. Through a series of posts, they showcase their evolved versions of Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander, starting with their small In-Training forms and progressing to their Rookie forms, growing into larger Champion forms, and ultimately reaching their final Ultimate stages. Throughout this transformation, it becomes evident how Pokemon and Digimon designs differ, as VilliamBoom's designs become more humanoid and incorporate weapons such as swords and cannons.

The starter trio from Pokemon Red and Blue, being some of the oldest and most beloved Pokemon, have undergone various reimaginations by fans over the years. For instance, Bulbasaur and Squirtle have been given Halloween-themed makeovers in celebration of October, while Charmander, who shares similarities with Digimon's fire-breathing mascot Agumon, has been depicted as an Ice-type Pokemon and fused with the ghostly Gastly.

Pokemon and Digimon, popular animated series from the 90s, introduced a new generation to the world of anime. These rival franchises have a significant amount of crossover. VilliamBoom's reimagined versions of the Starter Trio from Pokemon Red and Blue highlight this overlap, showcasing the distinct creature designs of Pokemon and Digimon. These designs offer a darker and more humanoid interpretation of the iconic trio that kickstarted Nintendo's renowned series.