Unleashing the Mortal Kombat Rebirth: Revamping Beyond Legacy Characters for an Epic New Universe

Unleashing the Mortal Kombat Rebirth: Revamping Beyond Legacy Characters for an Epic New Universe

Mortal Kombat 1's rebooted universe may not only rely on legacy characters but also surprise fans with unexpected guest fighters from the series' rich history

The reboot of Mortal Kombat 1 offers the opportunity to bring back not only the classic MK characters but also unexpected figures from the series' rich history. By revisiting old territory, the reboot can either relive past events or create new storylines. While the original cast, with some redesigns, is expected to feature prominently in the game, there is potential for other characters to make a return in Liu Kang's new universe, possibly receiving widespread acclaim.

Unsurprisingly, the roster of Mortal Kombat 1 holds great significance in the reboot. A fighting game's strength lies in its roster being strong, compelling, and above all, fun to play. In line with this approach, Mortal Kombat 1's roster primarily includes the series' most iconic characters like Johnny Cage, Scorpion, Mileena, and others, albeit with some changes due to the new timeline. This strategic decision ensures that fan favorites make a comeback, although a few notable characters are yet to be confirmed. However, there is still the possibility of further reveals and downloadable content to consider.

Mortal Kombat 1 Could Pull Guest Fighters From the Series' History

Unleashing the Mortal Kombat Rebirth: Revamping Beyond Legacy Characters for an Epic New Universe

Guest characters have become a welcomed tradition in the Mortal Kombat series. Despite not being part of the main story, the developers have successfully incorporated characters from various sources into the game's gameplay style. While many of these guest characters have typically belonged to the horror and slasher genres, Mortal Kombat 11 took it to the next level by featuring iconic figures from 1980s action films. As a result, there are now numerous characters who not only have the potential to be guest fighters in Mortal Kombat, but could also realistically join the roster.

Given that Mortal Kombat 1 reset the universe, it would make sense to reintroduce some previous guest fighters. Jason Voorhees, who gained popularity in Mortal Kombat X, stands out as a prime example. Considered one of the most renowned slashers of all time, Jason's appearance in Mortal Kombat X brought forth an entertaining and brutal fighting style, complemented by unique mechanics. Another strong contender would be The Joker, whose inclusion in Mortal Kombat 11 demonstrated his ability to thrive within the gory MK universe thanks to his twisted sense of humor and murderous nature.

While it is understandable that guest characters are not official members of the Mortal Kombat universe, there are some who truly deserve another opportunity to appear. If the rumors about potential DLC for Mortal Kombat 1 are correct, it seems that the series is far from finished incorporating guest characters to battle alongside the regular cast. However, it would most likely require further negotiations with the license holders to allow these characters to return. Nevertheless, the unexpected return of past guest fighters could be an exciting prospect for the future of Mortal Kombat 1.

Only time will reveal how many guest characters will be included in Mortal Kombat 1, but having a few returning guests could prove to be beneficial. Since Mortal Kombat 1 is reintroducing some old features, characters from previous rosters could also be possibilities, even if they are not original Mortal Kombat characters. As the game revisits its roots, third-party characters could potentially play a significant role in its historical narrative. If these guest characters were enjoyable the first time around, there would be no harm in allowing them to make a comeback in Mortal Kombat 1.

Mortal Kombat 1 will be released on September 19, 2023 for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.