Unleashing the Hidden Power: The 7 Most Underrated Heroes in Overwatch 2

Unleashing the Hidden Power: The 7 Most Underrated Heroes in Overwatch 2

These 7 heroes, including Brigitte, Echo, Winston, Junker Queen, Roadhog, Torbjorn, and Wrecking Ball, see the lowest pick rate in Overwatch 2 Discover the reasons behind their infrequent gameplay in this article

Overwatch 2 is an immersive first-person hero shooter game with a diverse range of over 30 heroes constantly being added. These heroes are categorized into three classes: Tank, DPS, and Support, each equipped with their own unique weapons, passives, and abilities.

The distinctiveness of these heroes allows players to easily find a character that not only performs well for them but also provides an enjoyable gaming experience. However, certain heroes have a wider appeal or possess more captivating abilities, resulting in some heroes having significantly lower pick rates in Overwatch 2. Additionally, players who are aiming to climb the competitive ladder often gravitate towards the strongest heroes in the current meta, thereby neglecting these comparatively weaker heroes.

7 Brigitte

Unleashing the Hidden Power: The 7 Most Underrated Heroes in Overwatch 2

Despite being one of the top-performing supports in Overwatch 2, Brigitte remains the least-chosen hero in that role. The reason for this is unclear. Brigitte stands out as one of the most distinctive supports in the game, focusing less on healing and more on close-quarters combat. However, this distinctiveness may be a contributing factor. Since a support's effectiveness is often judged by their healing output, players may feel that Brigitte does not provide enough contribution in that aspect. Additionally, her unique playstyle may discourage new players from selecting her, as they may feel uncertain about how to effectively utilize her abilities.

6 Echo

Unleashing the Hidden Power: The 7 Most Underrated Heroes in Overwatch 2

Echo, an Overwatch hero, has always struggled to garner significant attention. Despite possessing one of the game's most captivating ultimates, she remains a specialized choice. Although her win rate stands at a respectable 50%, players tend to opt for other DPS heroes instead of selecting Echo.

Aside from her ultimate, Echo's abilities lack the impactful strength that players crave. This issue arises from a misalignment between her kit and the game's overarching design and theme, resulting in her relatively low popularity.

5 Winston

Unleashing the Hidden Power: The 7 Most Underrated Heroes in Overwatch 2

Winston used to be a prominent figure in the original Overwatch and its lore, but he has always had difficulty gaining popularity in actual gameplay. This is largely because, aside from his powerful ultimate ability, Winston isn't all that enjoyable to play. In fact, he can often feel unsatisfying.

Moreover, Winston currently falls on the weaker side of the metagame. As a result, players have little motivation to choose him since they are more prone to losing rather than winning. Nonetheless, skilled players still manage to achieve success with Winston.

4 Junker Queen

Unleashing the Hidden Power: The 7 Most Underrated Heroes in Overwatch 2

Among the least favored heroes in Overwatch 2, Junker Queen stands out as a top contender. Choosing her often leads to successful outcomes for players. However, there are several reasons why players tend to prefer other, more popular tanks like D.VA and Reinhardt over Junker Queen.

One primary reason is that she doesn't fulfill the role of a traditional tank that teams rely on. Instead, Junker Queen adopts a playstyle more akin to a fighter and doesn't contribute significantly to the team's utility. This makes her selection more self-centered, especially now that Overwatch has transitioned to a 5v5 format with only one tank.

3 Roadhog

Unleashing the Hidden Power: The 7 Most Underrated Heroes in Overwatch 2

Although some heroes in Overwatch 2 with low pick rates are actually strong, Roadhog faces the unfortunate reality of being both unpopular and ineffective. His current win rate is shockingly low, making it unsurprising that players prefer other top tanks in Overwatch 2. While Roadhog's hook ability is undeniably enjoyable, it is his only standout feature. In addition, Roadhog's character design fails to resonate with the majority of Overwatch players, as it lacks uniqueness.

2 Torbjorn

Unleashing the Hidden Power: The 7 Most Underrated Heroes in Overwatch 2

Torbjorn, an original Overwatch hero, is no longer a popular choice among players. As a DPS hero, Torbjorn faces tough competition from other heroes in the same class, most of whom are more enjoyable to play for the majority of players.

Torbjorn's gameplay centers around his stationary turret, which fails to attract players who prefer the high-speed action of agile heroes. Despite his waning popularity, Torbjorn can still be a strong pick, particularly in skilled hands.

1 Wrecking Ball

Unleashing the Hidden Power: The 7 Most Underrated Heroes in Overwatch 2

When introducing new characters to an established game roster, it is necessary to take risks in order to provide truly distinctive gameplay. Although these risks often result in new heroes becoming highly popular, they can also have negative consequences, as players may find their abilities too unconventional or not enjoyable.

This is evident with Wrecking Ball, who, despite having a respectable win rate, has the lowest pick rate in Overwatch 2 by a significant margin. The lack of popularity surrounding this character is likely due to the fact that his style of gameplay does not align with what most players expect from a first-person shooter game, and also because Wrecking Ball's complexity makes it challenging to master his mechanics.

Overwatch 2 is available to play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.