Unleashing Terror: Ultimate Texas Chain Saw Massacre Build

Unleashing Terror: Ultimate Texas Chain Saw Massacre Build

Sissy, a cunning and lethal character in Texas Chain Saw Massacre, silently decimates groups of victims without direct confrontation Master the Skill Tree, unlock powerful Perks, enhance Attributes, and utilize Ability Modifiers to become unstoppable

Sissy, the poison and trap specialist, is an invaluable addition to the family in the Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Since Leatherface is always present in every encounter, someone needs to take care of feeding Grandpa and aiding the family members in the basement from above.

Sissy confidently rises to this challenge by adopting an indirect and supportive role while the rest of the team hunts down their victims. While poison may not be lethal, it effectively immobilizes the targets, giving the other family members ample time to eliminate those who have been affected.

Skill Tree

Unleashing Terror: Ultimate Texas Chain Saw Massacre Build

At the first branch, turn right and proceed by taking the following two left turns on Sissy's skill tree. This path will enable her to acquire all four critical perks that are crucial for this particular build. These perks will greatly benefit the entire team, making it worthwhile for them to appreciate the effort invested when playing with friends.

Although this route does not require a significant number of attribute points, as Sissy does not engage in direct confrontation, she only needs a few points to effectively fulfill her role. Given the significance of the perks, the trade-off is well justified.


Unleashing Terror: Ultimate Texas Chain Saw Massacre Build

Universal Donor

Dinner Bell

Efficient Herbalist

Granda Ability - Nobody Escapes Hell

The Universal Donor is a clear and obvious choice, as it provides Sissy with more blood to nourish her Grandpa. Since she is not suited for direct confrontation, she should embrace this task and find satisfaction in it. This will show her commitment to being a valuable member of the family. The Dinner Bell will serve to expose the victims who fall into Sissy's traps. Even if she doesn't personally kill them, her teammates can then locate and eliminate the targeted individuals.

Additionally, the Efficient Herbalist ability is of great importance. Sissy desires to poison everything, but constantly crafting new traps for her Bane ability hinders her ability to effectively cover the necessary ground. However, with some luck and support from the Nobody Escapes Hell Grandpa ability perk, she can successfully poison the most critical objects that opponents are likely to use.


Unleashing Terror: Ultimate Texas Chain Saw Massacre Build

Blood Harvesting: +12

Endurance: +11

Sissy maximizes her Blood Harvesting attribute with twelve points, which greatly benefits Leatherface and the rest of the family. Her responsibility is to ensure Grandpa is well-fed and alert, making it difficult for even the most skilled victims to escape. Meanwhile, the remaining points should be allocated to Endurance as Sissy needs to quickly move from one location to another. The key to her success lies in setting traps early, so she must sprint between places, ensuring that by the time victims manage to break free, the traps are already in place.

Ability Modifiers

Unleashing Terror: Ultimate Texas Chain Saw Massacre Build

Level 1: Create Poison Faster

Level 2: Increase Poison Duration

Level 3: Poison Collection Points

To avoid becoming a burden to the team, it is crucial for Sissy to reduce the time spent on creating poisons to just three seconds at the initial level with Create Poison Faster ability. In order to allow allies ample time to arrive at the scene when victims are poisoned, opting for Increase Poison Duration becomes the natural progression.

The Poison Pickup Locations are absolutely necessary for this build during the final selection. If Sissy is unable to poison bone scrap piles or toolboxes, there are certain matches where she won't be able to poison anyone, as many victim builds heavily rely on these two items.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.