The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Leatherface's Deadly Potential in Texas Chain Saw Massacre

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Leatherface's Deadly Potential in Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Leatherface, the legendary killer in Texas Chain Saw Massacre, dominates as the ultimate slayer with the perfect build Unlock his true potential through strategic skill tree choices, powerful perks, optimized attributes, and impactful ability modifiers Unleash terror like never before!

For those excited to portray Leatherface in Texas Chain Saw Massacre, they'll be glad to know that most family teams have a spot specifically designated for this character. Leatherface is a vital presence in every game, regardless of whether they assume the role of a victim or a family member. It is therefore essential to have a strong build for Leatherface when playing as a family member.

Furthermore, Leatherface is the easiest character to play among the family members in Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Their primary task is to inflict damage, leaving the responsibility of feeding Grandpa and setting traps to other family members. Gamers should embrace this role and strive to achieve a high kill count with the most effective build.

Skill Tree

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Leatherface's Deadly Potential in Texas Chain Saw Massacre

When gamers initially unlock skills and loadouts, they can acquire all of the essential base skills that make Leatherface extraordinary by selecting the left path on three consecutive branches. This will grant them two vital perks, Tracker Tagged and Big Swings.

Additionally, players should aim to obtain Vial-ent on one of the random skill nodes. If they happen to complete the skill tree without acquiring this perk, they can easily respec and try again until they successfully unlock it. Fortunately, there is no associated cost with respec, so players can keep attempting until they acquire all three desired perks.


The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Leatherface's Deadly Potential in Texas Chain Saw Massacre


Big Swings

Tracker Tagged

Grandpa Ability - Brute Strength

Three perks, namely Vial-ent, Big Swings, and Brute Strength, serve to enhance Leatherface's damage output. Being a clumsy and noisy member of the family, Leatherface typically manages to only deliver a quick burst of damage. However, with the assistance of these perks, even the most skilled victims can be easily overwhelmed.

On the other hand, Tracker Tagged proves to be a valuable skill for team play. It allows a well-built Ana character to endure multiple strikes before retreating. Given Leatherface's cumbersome nature, he lacks the ability to pursue these targets effectively. By utilizing Tracker Tagged, these fleeing individuals are effectively marked for swifter family members to engage and attack.


The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Leatherface's Deadly Potential in Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Savagery: +10

Endurance: +15

Blood Harvesting: +5

Leatherface's attributes need little explanation. He gathers blood solely to gain the damage bonus from Vial-ent. However, he shouldn't feed it to Grandpa, but rather keep it for himself. Allow other capable family members to handle the actual feeding duties.

Ability Modifiers

As a result, Leatherface can fully unleash his Savagery and Endurance without any sense of remorse. With his damage topped off and pursuit abilities honed, players are able to truly embrace Leatherface's intended playstyle. Unless the target is a tank, they will struggle to survive even a mere second or two in combat.

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Leatherface's Deadly Potential in Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Level One: Overheat Reduction

Level Two: Overheat Reduction

Level Three: Instant Activation

To optimize burst damage, the goal for Maim as Leatherface should focus on reflecting this aspect. Ignore the Reduce Chainsaw Overheat modifiers since they are only useful in prolonged battles. Prioritize obtaining two levels of Overheat Reduction to minimize the time between bursts.

Additionally, it is essential to include Instant Activation in this build. It is almost necessary as Leatherface cannot afford to slow down and rev up the chainsaw. Activating Maim instantly before attacking will ensure that most victims perish after just a few swings. When playing with friends, anticipate leading the damage and kill scoreboards with this build.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.