Unleashing Knuckles the Echidna: Exploring His Gameplay in Sonic Superstars, Origins, and Frontiers!

Unleashing Knuckles the Echidna: Exploring His Gameplay in Sonic Superstars, Origins, and Frontiers!

Unleashing the power of Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic Superstars! Explore the fascinating gameplay tweaks that make this iconic character shine Plus, discover what Sonic Frontiers can learn from past appearances to enhance the gaming experience Exciting adventures await!


This year, Knuckles fans will at last have their wish fulfilled with the inclusion of Knuckles as a playable character in both Sonic Frontiers' DLC and Sonic Superstars. This exciting development gives Knuckles the well-deserved spotlight in both 2D and 3D Sonic games.

Knuckles' gameplay is intricate, demanding proficiency in utilizing his climbing and gliding prowess. Although his gliding abilities have certain limitations, Sonic Superstars enhances his playstyle by eliminating the sluggish jump and augmenting his acceleration rate.

However, precision in landing and navigation is compromised without the Infinite Glide upgrade, as sharp turns are not possible. For future Knuckles gameplay, Sonic Adventure's well-balanced moveset can serve as a source of inspiration.

Knuckles the Echidna, sadly, has not been given as much opportunity to be playable in Classic Sonic games as he deserves. Although he received some attention in Sonic Mania, Modern Sonic fans have long been disappointed by his absence from the main cast since Sonic Unleashed. However, this year has brought good news for Knuckles fans, with both Sonic Frontiers' DLC and Sonic Superstars finally allowing players to control him.

In terms of gameplay, Knuckles is simple in nature but offers a complex experience. While climbing can be advantageous in Sonic Origins' Sonic 1 and 2, utilizing Knuckles' gliding ability requires knowledge and cannot be easily exploited like Tails' flight mechanics. For those who appreciate Knuckles' role as the guardian of the Master Emerald in the 2D Classic Sonic games, Sonic Superstars offers eleven stages dedicated to him. Additionally, Sonic Frontiers features dedicated sections for Knuckles, but fans are eager for a specific feeling when playing as him.

How Sonic Superstars Eases Up on Knuckles Players

Unleashing Knuckles the Echidna: Exploring His Gameplay in Sonic Superstars, Origins, and Frontiers!

Sonic Team seems to have learned from their past mistake of granting flight abilities too easily in Sonic 2. In Sonic 3, Knuckles' glide and climbing abilities come with the added challenge of a heavier jump. This feature has been retained in Sonic Origins and Sonic Origins Plus, both of which allow players to play as Knuckles in other games included in the compilation. The gliding mechanic ensures a secure landing for players and provides a recovery move - a belly slide - for those who barely manage to reach a platform. It is crucial to utilize Knuckles' skills wisely due to his heavier jump and exclusive gliding descent.

In Sonic Superstars, teamwork and cooperation play a significant role, which may have disadvantaged those who prefer playing as Knuckles due to his lower jump height and distance compared to other characters. However, to compensate for this, his acceleration rate appears to have been enhanced, while still retaining the distinctive qualities that make Knuckles a beloved character in Superstars.

What Sonic Frontiers Needs to Improve on For the Next Game

Unleashing Knuckles the Echidna: Exploring His Gameplay in Sonic Superstars, Origins, and Frontiers!

Unfortunately, Sonic Frontiers falls short in delivering a satisfying gameplay experience for fans who were hoping to play as the Echidna. While it's exciting to have Knuckles as a playable character in a 3D Sonic game once again, loyal Rad Red fans will find a better experience in Sonic Superstars. Despite Knuckles' enjoyable abilities to punch, boost, and climb, his limited wall options and particularly his glide pose a problem for many players. Unlike Amy and Tails, who have seen improvements to their play style, Knuckles feels like a step backwards compared to the Adventure titles.

In Sonic Frontiers, Knuckles' glide begins with an odd animation where he shouts and spreads his limbs before initiating the glide. This animation can cause players to unintentionally start gliding in the wrong direction, leading to frustration among fans who find it unnecessary. Additionally, Knuckles lacks the ability to make sharp turns without obtaining the Infinite Glide upgrade in Sonic Frontiers.

Knuckles' glide is sluggish before acquiring the Infinite Glide skill, making precise landing and navigation a tedious task. An incorrect move or shift of the control stick can result in wasted altitude, forcing players to take long, indirect turns to reach their desired destination. However, with the implementation of Infinite Glide, speed and sharp turns become more manageable. Yet, for many players, controlling the Echidna becomes significantly challenging. In comparison, the Emerald hunting stages in Sonic Adventure exhibit a superior balance in Knuckles' moveset, serving as a potential source of inspiration for Sonic Team in developing Knuckles' playability in the sequel to Sonic Frontiers.

Sonic Superstars is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.