Unleashing Chaos as Mini Arthur in Red Dead Redemption 2

Unleashing Chaos as Mini Arthur in Red Dead Redemption 2

Experience the chaos and hilarity in Red Dead Redemption 2 as you play as a miniature Arthur Morgan Watch as one gamer unleashes mayhem in this unforgettable video

In a hilarious video posted by a Red Dead Redemption 2 player, chaos ensues as a miniature version of Arthur Morgan wreaks havoc. Despite his diminutive size, this tiny gunslinger manages to cause quite a stir and leave a lasting impression. Although fans were initially uncertain about Arthur's ability to live up to the beloved John Marston, his emotional journey ultimately won over the community and left gamers wanting more. While it remains to be seen if Arthur will make another appearance in the franchise, this amusing clip proves that sometimes, less is indeed more.

A video shared by Redditor Aiden0Malley features a hilarious scene of a tiny Arthur Morgan causing chaos in Red Dead Redemption 2's Valentine. The video showcases the pint-sized Arthur ragging full-sized men down to the floor with the strength of a brute, which is beyond amusing. To add to the humor, Arthur is depicted holding actual-sized props, like a full-sized revolver when he draws his weapon and a seemingly huge drink when he buys one. The video is both adorable and terrifying, as Arthur's high-pitched voice adds another layer of hilarity to the scene. Although it's unclear how the effect was achieved, it's likely a mod created by the PC modding community or a glitch that is slightly more difficult to come across, given the game's history of bizarre bugs.

The Red Dead Redemption 2 modding community is thriving with a variety of mods available. From the comical tiny Arthur Morgan mod to mods that focus more on fun rather than graphics or gameplay, it's clear that players are seeking entertainment in unconventional ways. Whether it's for a quick laugh or hours of amusement, these mods offer a refreshing take on the game. Red Dead Redemption 2 is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.