Dutch Betrays Red Dead Redemption 2 Player in Shocking Team-Kill

Dutch Betrays Red Dead Redemption 2 Player in Shocking Team-Kill

Experience a shocking betrayal as Dutch Van Der Linde turns on his own team member, resulting in a bizarre and unexpected team-kill in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2

In a humorous Red Dead Redemption 2 clip, a player falls victim to team-killing by none other than the notorious Dutch Van Der Linde. As the primary antagonist of the series, Dutch's charming persona has intrigued and captivated gamers throughout his appearances. Although his betrayal of Arthur is expected, this particular instance occurs earlier than anticipated, adding an unexpected twist to the game. Despite the well-crafted cast of characters in the game, Dutch's complexity and depth make him a standout figure.

Redditor purplepenguin4163 shared a hilarious Red Dead Redemption 2 video on the platform. The video showed Arthur getting in the way of Dutch, who ruthlessly kills him with a shot to the face. The AI's disregard for their positions and the game's gun physics resulted in some comical clips, including an NPC accidentally shooting himself. The thread was abuzz with fan theories about the clip's connection to Dutch's betrayal of Arthur later in the game. Some gamers believed that Dutch planned it all along, while others thought it was a repeat of what he did to John, leaving him for dead when it suited his plan. Even if it was just a glitch, connecting the dots was interesting for the players.

The possibility of Dutch Van Der Linde's return in Red Dead Redemption 3 raises questions about his origins that could be explored in another game. While some believe his story is already perfect, returning to the Van Der Linde gang could limit the potential for new storytelling. However, if anyone can make it work, it's Rockstar. Fans can trust the studio's ability to create compelling characters like Arthur Morgan, who some initially doubted as a protagonist. Red Dead Redemption 2 is currently accessible on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.