Unleashing CGI Brilliance: Mind-Blowing Extraction 2 Action Scene Stuns Fans

Unleashing CGI Brilliance: Mind-Blowing Extraction 2 Action Scene Stuns Fans

Chris Hemsworth's action-packed performance in Extraction 2 leaves fans in awe as he fearlessly seeks refuge behind an unexpected ladder Unpredictably intense, this sequel is a delightful rollercoaster of thrilling absurdity

Extraction 2 showcases a series of impressive and intense action sequences, leaving fans in awe. However, amidst the film's success, there is one peculiar and seemingly illogical moment that has sparked criticism. Directed by Sam Hargrave and starring Chris Hemsworth, Extraction 2 was recently released on Netflix, receiving praise for its overall improvement compared to the original film. Particularly, a 21-minute continuous shot sequence has garnered significant acclaim.

Despite generally positive reviews, fans on Twitter have found amusement in a specific moment during the film's thrilling train action sequence. Shared by mnrrntt on Twitter, the scene involves Tyler Rake, portrayed by Hemsworth, seeking refuge from a barrage of bullets fired by a pursuing helicopter. Interestingly, his chosen hiding spot is a ladder that offers very little cover. Below are some of the tweets that either playfully mock or strongly criticize this particular moment in the movie.

Extraction 2 Is Ridiculous (In A Good Way)

Unleashing CGI Brilliance: Mind-Blowing Extraction 2 Action Scene Stuns Fans

The action sequences in Extraction 2, much like its predecessor, contain numerous exaggerated and highly implausible moments, such as the train ladder sequence mentioned earlier. While opinions may vary on what constitutes as too ridiculous, the true allure of the franchise lies in its well-executed action sequences. Hargrave, a former stunt performer, possesses the expertise to capture action on film in a way that is both easily comprehensible and visually engaging, while also delivering bone-crushing intensity through practical filming techniques.

Similar criticisms regarding the excessive silliness of Extraction 2 can also be directed towards the immensely successful John Wick franchise, which undeniably served as an inspiration. In the four movies featuring Keanu Reeves as the titular assassin, he effortlessly dispatches well over 400 adversaries, dons a bulletproof suit, and miraculously survives numerous injuries (until the final film) that would be fatal to an ordinary person. The enjoyment derived from these films requires a certain level of suspension of disbelief in terms of plausibility, yet the true delight lies in witnessing talented directors and highly-trained actors execute action set pieces with exceptional skill and precision.

While Hemsworth's decision to seek cover behind a ladder may have seemed silly, it could have been improved by using a sturdier object. However, this minor misstep is overshadowed by the awe-inspiring 21-minute sequence designed to appear as one continuous shot. Notably, real helicopters and a genuine train were utilized in filming instead of relying heavily on computer-generated imagery (CGI). While Extraction 2 may not appeal to everyone, it undeniably showcases superior action filmmaking skills that surpass many of its competitors.