Battle Royale: Tyler Rake vs John Wick - Who Reigns Supreme?

Battle Royale: Tyler Rake vs John Wick - Who Reigns Supreme?

Extraction 2 Director claims Tyler Rake could beat John Wick in a fight Find out the reason behind his statement

According to Extraction 2 director Sam Hargrave, Chris Hemsworth's Tyler Rake would come out on top in a fight against Keanu Reeves' John Wick. With Hemsworth's character returning from the dead to rescue a new target in Eastern Europe, the sequel promises even more intense action and fight scenes reminiscent of the John Wick franchise. In a recent interview with Collider, Hargrave explained that Rake would win due to a significant development in John Wick: Chapter 4.

It's a tough question to answer, but personally, I'm partial to Tyler Rake as a character. If we take away John Wick's bulletproof suit and give it to Tyler, there's no doubt that he would be a force to be reckoned with. John Wick has become a verb in and of himself, but Tyler Rake is a badass in his own right. While John Wick is a legendary action icon onscreen, we've seen in the fourth movie that he's not invincible. On the other hand, Tyler Rake has also been brought back from the dead, so in a long and hard-fought battle, I believe Tyler Rake would come out on top.

Would Tyler Rake Really Win Against John Wick?

Battle Royale: Tyler Rake vs John Wick - Who Reigns Supreme?

It's always a challenge to compare the power levels of fictional characters from different universes, but one way to gauge their potential success in a battle is to look at their kill counts. In the first John Wick movie, the titular character eliminates 77 individuals. However, in Extraction, Rake surpasses this number by taking out 183 people.

It's worth mentioning that Wick's body count increases in each of his sequels. For instance, his kill count in John Wick: Chapter 4 is estimated to be around 140, bringing his total count across all four movies to a jaw-dropping 439. This means that Wick has taken down an average of 109 people per movie, which is still lower than Rake's impressive 183.

It's worth noting that Wick has a wealth of experience under his belt, often taking down opponents who are younger and more agile than he is. Despite Rake's impressive kill count, Wick's track record shouldn't be discounted. Additionally, Hargrave took into consideration Wick's apparent death, but with the announcement of John Wick 5, it seems that Wick has a knack for coming back from the dead, much like Rake in Extraction 2.