Unleash Rosco, the Ultimate Iconic Revolver, in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Unleash Rosco, the Ultimate Iconic Revolver, in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Unleash lethal precision with Rosco, the iconic revolver in Cyberpunk 2077 Obtain this formidable weapon to shatter foes and dominate the streets of Night City

Rosco stands out as one of the most captivating iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077. Despite its resemblance to a regular Overture revolver, it possesses an exceptional ability to trigger its special perk, making it an ideal choice for those who embrace the role of a merciless assassin.

This remarkable weapon was introduced in the 2.0 patch of Cyberpunk 2077, along with the subsequent Phantom Liberty expansion. While obtaining this firearm is not excessively challenging, players may overlook it if they make misguided choices. Here is a guide on acquiring Rosco.

How to Get The Rosco Iconic Revolver

Unleash Rosco, the Ultimate Iconic Revolver, in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Dodger, a powerful Barghest soldier in Pacifica, relies on his trusty weapon known as Rosco. Players will only have the opportunity to confront Dodger if they choose to undertake the "Waiting for Dodger" mission for Mr. Hands. The mission begins by heading to the Dogtown entrance near the Grand Imperial Mall fast travel point and locating the designated parked car.

Once inside the car, players can speak with Stella, who will reveal that her fiancé Bill and his partner Charles are in dire straits. These two corrupt cops have managed to entangle themselves with Dodger and his gang, and V's mission is to ensure the safe extraction of both men.

For the sake of acquiring Rosco, players can assertively enter the building situated across the street, disregarding the safety of the Barghest soldiers and ignoring the woman's earnest plea to spare lives. Simply adhere to the quest marker, resolutely eliminating every individual apart from Bill and Charles.

Unleash Rosco, the Ultimate Iconic Revolver, in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Eventually, players will encounter Dodger as they exit the building through the garage. There is no need to engage in conversation; instead, it is advised to draw a weapon and eliminate Dodger and his comrades. Bill and Charles will survive the encounter, while Dodger's demise will result in the dropping of Rosco.

Rosco is a revolver with the unique ability to swiftly eliminate ordinary enemies when players first shoot them in the leg, followed by a headshot. Furthermore, it inflicts increased critical damage, making it effective against resilient targets such as bosses, mini-bosses, cyberpsychos, and enemies with a skull icon denoting their health bar. Additionally, when targeting enemies lying on the ground, headshots will consistently deal critical damage.

This pistol is designed for accuracy. If players are having difficulty eliminating enemies with one or two headshots, it is recommended to aim for the legs first and then follow up with a headshot. This strategy is particularly effective when battling heavily-armored opponents.

It is important to note that although the gun's description claims to instantly kill enemies on the ground, it actually significantly enhances the weapon's damage against all grounded enemies. Whether this is a glitch or an intentional design choice remains unknown, but it has been consistent since Patch 2.01 and is the current functionality of Rosco.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.