Unleash Chaos with Modern Warfare 3 Zombies' Ultimate Scorcher Wonder Weapon

Unleash Chaos with Modern Warfare 3 Zombies' Ultimate Scorcher Wonder Weapon

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies introduces an exciting new Wonder Weapon called the Scorcher This powerful firearm combines the best elements of two iconic guns from previous CoD Zombies modes, delivering an exhilarating and unique gameplay experience


Classic Wonder Weapons like the Monkey Bomb and Ray Gun will be available from the start in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, along with a new weapon called the Scorcher.

The Scorcher combines the visual design and functionality from previous Wonder Weapons like the DIE Shockwave and the Paralyzer. It boasts powerful movement capabilities akin to the Paralyzer and the ability to eliminate large hordes of zombies, much like the DIE.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies is guaranteed to be intriguing. The community is divided, with some willing to give the open-world extraction format a chance, while others yearn for the return of round-based gameplay. With its colossal bosses, 24-player count, and plot-driven missions replacing the usual main quest Easter egg, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies promises an exciting departure from the norm. However, certain elements remain unchanged, such as the presence of Wonder Weapons.

Devoted CoD Zombies fans can find solace in the fact that a few beloved classic Wonder Weapons will be available from the very beginning of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Specifically, players can use a Monkey Bomb to divert the undead and wield the ever-popular Ray Gun to dispatch them. Additionally, there is a new Wonder Weapon called the Scorcher, which bears a striking resemblance to two previous Zombies weapons: the DIE Shockwave and the Paralyzer.

How The Scorcher Resembles Past CoD Zombies’ Wonder Weapons

Unleash Chaos with Modern Warfare 3 Zombies' Ultimate Scorcher Wonder Weapon

Players will instantly be reminded of the DIE Shockwave in terms of visual design when they see the Scorcher, as it appears to be a sleeker and thinner version of the gun. This connection is not surprising, considering that the Dark Aether timeline introduced both the DIE and the new Scorcher Wonder Weapon. It is possible that the Scorcher is an evolution of the DIE, utilizing advanced technology developed during the time when governments were studying Aetherium. Even if there is no direct lore connection between the two weapons, their visual similarities can be attributed to the fact that they exist in the same universe.

Beyond their similar appearance, the weapons also share some functional similarities. While the sucking feature of the DIE Shockwave does not seem to be present in the Scorcher's gameplay, the primary fire of the Scorcher closely resembles the base Shockwave's capabilities. If players choose not to upgrade to one of the DIE's elemental variants, they can unleash a powerful shot that can cut through a group of Zombies, making it effective against large groups during the early to mid-rounds. The Scorcher seems to serve a similar purpose, based on the released footage, as it appears to be a weapon designed to eliminate hordes of Zombies. The projectile and firing mechanics of the Scorcher bear a striking resemblance to the DIE, but the comparisons to previous Wonder Weapons do not end there.

The design of the Scorcher seems to have been influenced by the Paralyzer, another impressive Wonder Weapon from Buried. The Paralyzer excelled in various situations, making it a popular choice for players navigating the underground western town or holding up in the Juggernog corner. Its main advantage was the unlimited ammo it provided. However, the Scorcher does not offer the same ability to slow down Zombies or have infinite ammo. Instead, it shares the Paralyzer's unique movement capabilities, which players will notice when witnessing the weapon in action.

Typically, Wonder Weapons are primarily used for eliminating Zombies, but there are exceptions. The V-R11 from Call of the Dead is an example, as it transformed Zombies into humans and bestowed Zombie Blood onto allies. The Paralyzer is another weapon that served multiple purposes beyond killing. Players could shoot the ground with the Paralyzer to propel themselves into the air, enabling them to reach new vantage points and evade the undead. Though the Scorcher doesn't involve shooting the ground, it offers a distinctive movement ability when fired into the air. Instead of slowly floating upward like with the Paralyzer, players will rapidly soar into the sky and traverse the expansive open-world map.

The footage available online suggests that the Scorcher could potentially be the perfect combination of two worlds. While it's unclear yet if it will achieve the same iconic status as Wonder Weapons like the Thundergun and Wunderwaffe DG-2, the fact that players can utilize it both as a powerful tool for movement and as a means to instantly eliminate groups of Zombies is truly exciting. It already surpasses the Paralyzer in terms of movement capabilities, and if it proves to be a more formidable killer than the DIE Shockwave, it would undoubtedly become the ultimate Wonder Weapon. Regardless, the Scorcher's visual design and firing capabilities create a delightful fusion of the Paralyzer and DIE Shockwave.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be available on November 10 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.