Understanding the Latest Coronavirus Variant: Insights from a Medical Professional

Understanding the Latest Coronavirus Variant: Insights from a Medical Professional

Discover the key facts about the Covid-19 variant KP.2, now prevalent in the US. Gain valuable insights from our healthcare expert on the unique characteristics of this new strain compared to previous variants.

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There is a new coronavirus variant called KP.2, part of the FliRT variants, which has become the dominant strain in the United States, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These FliRT variants share common mutations and belong to the Omicron family of the coronavirus.

During the period from April 28 to May 11, almost 30% of new cases were caused by KP.2, which is an increase from less than 16% in the previous two-week period.

What do people need to know about this new variant? What are the symptoms of infection? Do vaccines still provide protection against the new strain? Can a home test be trusted? If someone contracts KP.2, how long should they isolate? Who should consider antiviral treatments if they get infected with this type of Covid-19? And for individuals with weakened immune systems, is it advisable to resume wearing masks?

I had a chat with CNN wellness expert Dr. Leana Wen to help us understand these questions. Dr. Wen is an emergency physician and clinical associate professor at George Washington University. She also used to be Baltimore's health commissioner.

Home tests will likely still detect KP.2, the new coronavirus variant.

Home tests will likely still detect KP.2, the new coronavirus variant.

Home tests will likely still detect KP.2, the new coronavirus variant.

Grace Cary/Moment RF/Getty Images

CNN: What do people need to understand about the new KP.2 variant?

Dr. Leana Wen: Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, new variants have been a topic of discussion. The Alpha variant initially replaced the original strain of the virus, followed by Beta, Delta, and most recently, Omicron.

KP.2 is a member of the Omicron family, taking over from JN.1 and other similar subvariants as the main variants in the United States.

When a new variant emerges, there are three important questions to consider: Is it more easily spread? Does it lead to more serious illness? And do current vaccines and treatments remain effective against it?

One reason why a new strain becomes more dominant is because it is just as contagious, if not more so. This is the case with KP.2, which can easily spread, similar to how we have seen Covid-19 being highly contagious and hard to avoid.

The positive news is that KP.2 does not seem to result in more severe illness. In fact, hospitalizations linked to Covid-19 are currently at all-time lows. Additionally, there is no indication that the current vaccines and treatments would be ineffective against this new strain.

CNN: What are the symptoms of infection with KP.2?

Wen: Many people who get the coronavirus won't be able to tell which variant is making them sick. Symptoms of Covid-19 infection can include a runny nose, sore throat, headache, fevers, cough, and body aches. In some cases, individuals may have more serious symptoms like difficulty breathing. Covid-19 could also make existing health conditions like heart failure worse.

None of these symptoms are unique to KP.2. So far, there are no reported distinctive symptoms that set it apart from other coronavirus infections. It's important to keep in mind that for many people, symptoms of Covid-19 can be similar to those of other viral infections like the flu or common cold.

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The ultraprocessed foods kids eat now may have lasting impacts, study suggests.

The ultraprocessed foods kids eat now may have lasting impacts, study suggests.

Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

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CNN: Is a home test still reliable?

Wen: Home rapid antigen tests are a simple and convenient way to check for Covid-19, but they may not be as accurate as lab PCR tests. However, there is no evidence to suggest that home tests are less effective in detecting this new variant compared to previous variants.

If you have symptoms and may qualify for antiviral treatment, it's a good idea to take a home test. If you're worried about having Covid-19, you can take multiple home tests on different days, and also think about getting a PCR test.

CNN wants to know if current vaccines are effective against KP.2. They are also curious about the upcoming vaccine set to be released in the fall.

Existing vaccines are likely to still work against KP.2. The CDC advises that individuals aged 65 and older should get a second dose of the vaccine released in fall 2023.

Health experts may recommend a new version of the Covid-19 vaccine in the upcoming fall. These new vaccines are expected to target the variants that are predicted to spread during the fall and winter seasons. If KP.2 is one of these variants, the fall vaccines may offer even better protection against it.

CNN recently discussed the updated guidelines for people who contract Covid-19. The CDC has changed its previous five-day isolation requirement. Now, it is recommended that individuals stay home until they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours and their symptoms are getting better. Even after this period, for the following five days, it is important to continue taking precautions like wearing masks and avoiding close contact with others.

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Senior man at home smoking marijuana joint

Senior man at home smoking marijuana joint

Westend61/Getty Images

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CNN: Who should take antiviral treatments if they contract Covid-19?

People who are at high risk for severe illness from Covid-19 should think about antiviral treatments. This group includes older individuals, those who are immunocompromised, and people with serious underlying medical conditions.

There are two oral medications and a third antiviral available in injection form. I recommend that everyone consult their healthcare provider to see if they should consider taking an antiviral treatment if they get infected with the coronavirus. Your provider can also help determine which antiviral would be best for you and how to get access to it.

Editor's P/S:

The emergence of new coronavirus variants is a concerning topic, but it's important to stay informed and understand the implications for public health. The new KP.2 variant is now the dominant strain in the United States, and while it is more easily spread, it does not seem to cause more severe illness. Current vaccines and treatments remain effective against this variant, and home tests are still reliable in detecting it.

Individuals who are at high risk for severe illness should consider antiviral treatments if they contract Covid-19. It is essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate course of action and access to antiviral medications. By staying informed about the latest developments in the pandemic and following recommended guidelines, we can mitigate the risks associated with the new variant and protect our health and well-being.