Uncover a Fascinating Secret About Redd in Animal Crossing: New Horizons!

Uncover a Fascinating Secret About Redd in Animal Crossing: New Horizons!

Discover an intriguing secret about the enigmatic Redd in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, as a perceptive player uncovers a subtle yet fascinating detail


Redd, the mysterious artwork dealer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, is known for selling fake artwork and holding raffles during Fireworks shows.

Despite the popularity of Redd's unique items, most players still have little knowledge about his character and backstory. However, a recent find on Reddit has shed some light on Redd's personality and habits - a player discovered an intriguing detail that Redd is often seen holding a broken umbrella, which has sparked lively discussions among fans.

One fan of Animal Crossing: New Horizons discovered an intriguing detail about Redd. Redd, the enigmatic art dealer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, remains a character full of mystery for many. This popular red fox has made appearances in previous games in the franchise, but players have limited knowledge about him, aside from his knack for selling fraudulent artwork. Redd joined New Horizons in a June 2020 update, creating excitement among fans.

Interestingly, Redd's reputation extends beyond his art collection, which includes both genuine and counterfeit pieces. He also hosts raffles during the Fireworks shows in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Redd offers a variety of fascinating and unique items for sale, some of which are reasonably priced. Despite his long-standing presence in the series, most players still have limited familiarity with the character himself. Nonetheless, dedicated fans continue to uncover subtle hints and lore surrounding this intriguing red fox.

One observant Animal Crossing: New Horizons player recently spotted a small detail about Redd. In a couple of photos shared on Reddit by user ambcapo, Redd can be seen holding a seemingly broken umbrella during a storm. The comments section was abuzz with speculation about the kind of life Redd leads. One user jokingly suggested that Redd was a cheapskate who preferred buying fake artwork over fixing his own umbrella. Others found the detail endearing and fitting for the character. Regardless of the developers' intention, it subtly revealed certain traits of the red fox character.

Although Redd may not be on every player's list of best villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, this adorable fox has a dedicated fan base. His unexpected appearances in the game and the diverse range of artwork he sells bring joy to many players. Additionally, collectors and completionists appreciate the added challenge he brings with the "real or fake?" mechanic used to examine the authenticity of the art pieces he sells.

There is currently no information on the release date of the next Animal Crossing game or which beloved characters will be making a comeback. However, fans can still discover numerous subtle details each time they play Animal Crossing: New Horizons on their Nintendo Switch. These discoveries will hopefully keep fans engaged until the release of the next installment. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is currently available for the Nintendo Switch.