Unbelievable: Red Dead Redemption 2 Fan Embarks on Epic Mall Marathon

Unbelievable: Red Dead Redemption 2 Fan Embarks on Epic Mall Marathon

A passionate Red Dead Redemption 2 fan embarks on an epic journey, immersing themselves in the captivating world of Rockstar's Western masterpiece, playing the entire game on a console nestled within the bustling confines of a mall Experience the thrill firsthand!


Red Dead Redemption 2 remains a highly acclaimed game with an emotional story and captivating characters, though one fan's way of experiencing it was especially unique.

This avid fan is currently playing the entire game at a mall, despite this possibly not being the most economical way to enjoy it, as it reportedly costs $20 per hour.

Innovative gamers frequently discover unconventional methods to finish games, introducing a fresh perspective to the conventional gaming encounter, but this particular approach undoubtedly grabs attention.

A dedicated fan of Red Dead Redemption 2 is playing the entire game in a local mall, showcasing the game's unique feature of allowing players to choose their own playing location. Red Dead Redemption 2 continues to receive high critical acclaim, particularly for its emotional storyline and captivating characters. Over the years, it has become evident that the game was crafted with immense love and attention, as new details continue to be discovered. The game's appeal lies in the fact that players can immerse themselves in the captivating story of Arthur Morgan, regardless of whether they first experience it in a mall or in the comfort of their own homes.

Redditor Ki_ro revealed that an anonymous gamer has managed to complete the entire Red Dead Redemption 2 storyline within a week, but with an interesting twist. This gamer accomplished this feat by playing on a PlayStation 5 console in a mall where they charge $20 per hour of usage. While impressive, it is not the most cost-effective method to experience Rockstar's beloved Western game. Considering the lengthy gameplay of Red Dead Redemption 2, it would likely be more economical to purchase a PlayStation 5 console, along with the game itself. If the gamer goes even further and aims to achieve 100% completion, it would require significant financial resources.

The gaming community in the Reddit thread expressed admiration for this dedication and shared their own intriguing gaming stories from the past. One user claimed to have completed Pokemon Silver in a Walmart store back in 2000. It's fascinating to ponder how many players have completed games in unconventional ways. Often, these tales involve players undertaking unique in-game challenges, such as one player managing to complete Red Dead Redemption 2 without taking any damage. Discovering novel restrictions outside the confines of the game itself adds an exciting twist to the gaming experience, defying typical expectations.

While there is currently no news about Red Dead Redemption 3, it appears that gamers won't have to wait much longer to learn more about a remastered version of the original game. The recent update on the Rockstar Games website suggests that a Red Dead Redemption remaster is in the works, and rumors about the title are gaining momentum. It is still uncertain whether the potential game will be a simple remaster or a full remake using the sequel's game engine. However, if it does materialize, gamers will likely be thrilled to finally have the opportunity to play Red Dead Redemption on modern platforms. Red Dead Redemption 2 is currently available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.