Ultimate Gil Strategies: Maximizing Your Wealth in Final Fantasy 16

Ultimate Gil Strategies: Maximizing Your Wealth in Final Fantasy 16

Discover the optimal ways to utilize your Gil in Final Fantasy 16! Enhance your gameplay with valuable accessories, unlock enchanting orchestration rolls, strive for the prestigious Eureka Trophy, and stock up on essential potions Upgrade your gaming experience with this comprehensive guide

Gil serves as the primary currency in Final Fantasy 16 and can be obtained through various means. While accumulating a large amount of Gil is relatively easy, fans may benefit from knowing more about its practical applications before spending it excessively. This guide aims to furnish such information, aiding players in making informed decisions on how to allocate their Gil effectively in Final Fantasy 16.

Before delving into the specific recommendations on how fans should utilize their Gil, it should be noted that purchasing numerous swords, belts, and vambraces from merchants is not advisable. In FF16, these pieces of equipment can be readily obtained through crafting and looting systems, rendering it unnecessary to spend any Gil on items available in shops.

Final Fantasy 16: What to Do With Gil

Buy Accessories

Buy Orchestration Rolls

Acquiring a variety of accessories is vital to enhance gameplay in the game. To obtain these accessories, players are encouraged to make purchases from the game's diverse merchants, utilizing their in-game currency, Gil. It is highly recommended that players allocate their Gil towards procuring these unique accessories. Specifically, fans are advised to invest in acquiring the beneficial accessories known as "On Fortunes and the Heavens" (+15% EXP) and "The Wages of Warcraft" (+20% AP) from the merchant Charon's Toll as soon as they become available. These accessories significantly accelerate Clive's advancement throughout the game. Additionally, players should contemplate obtaining accessories that enhance Eikon Abilities. To determine which accessories can be exclusively acquired using Gil, refer to the comprehensive FF16 accessory list provided.

Orchestration Rolls are collectibles in FF16, and require the purchase of 10 of them using a substantial amount of Gil. While not mandatory, acquiring these intriguing items is recommended for players who have already obtained all the desired accessories. It is important to mention that all 10 purchasable Orchestration Rolls will eventually be made accessible through Charon's Toll. Therefore, devoted fans should keep a close eye on her inventory.

Ultimate Gil Strategies: Maximizing Your Wealth in Final Fantasy 16

Earn the Eureka Trophy

To earn the Eureka trophy, players must spend 36,000 Gil at the Tub & Crown. This allows them to conveniently offload some of their currency. For complete clarity, the Tub & Crown can be found right by Charon's Toll in the Hideaway, after initiating the main quest "Home, Sweet Home" in FF16. To achieve the trophy, simply choose the "Buy a round for the hall" option four times.

Buy Potions

Although players rarely run out of Potions and High Potions, and these items are automatically restocked upon death, it might still be worth considering restocking supplies when near a merchant. Fans can also use their Gil to purchase Lionheart Tonics, which are exceptionally powerful and available at any in-game merchant. However, it's entirely possible to conquer FF16 without ever purchasing a single potion, making this option more suitable for fans who have exhausted other alternatives for spending their Gil.

Final Fantasy 16 is available for the PS5.