Tragic Loss: Beyond Good and Evil 2 Creative Director's Demise Shakes the Gaming Community

Tragic Loss: Beyond Good and Evil 2 Creative Director's Demise Shakes the Gaming Community

Tragic loss as the brilliant Creative Director of Beyond Good and Evil 2 and renowned Ubisoft games sadly departs at 40 Co-workers cherish cherished memories of his immense talent and contribution


Emile Morel, the creative director of Beyond Good and Evil 2, sadly passed away at the age of 40, leaving behind a legacy of beloved Ubisoft classics and more. With an extensive career at Ubisoft as a game designer, Morel contributed to various titles, including the highly acclaimed Rayman Legends, known for its exceptional side-scrolling platforming gameplay.

Unfortunately, Beyond Good and Evil 2 experienced challenges during its development process, and Morel took over the project in early 2023. Although he couldn't see the project to completion before his passing, Morel's team members emphasize that he made a significant impact and expressed satisfaction with the game's progress.

Though some believe that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is no longer a possibility, Ubisoft's internal perspective suggests otherwise. Gabrielle Shrager, former narrative director at Ubisoft, shared that Michel Ancel, the game's creator, took great pride in the progress made on Beyond Good and Evil 2. This included the recent introduction of the Space Monkeys community program, which allowed fans to contribute to the game's development in various ways. Shrager expressed a hopeful sentiment, stating, "May it be shipped in his name." While the exact cause of Ancel's untimely death remains undisclosed, it is known that he passed away at the age of 40.

Tragic Loss: Beyond Good and Evil 2 Creative Director's Demise Shakes the Gaming Community

Ubisoft has confirmed that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still in development, despite a lack of recent updates. The untimely passing of the game's creative director will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the development team. Ubisoft has yet to address Morel's death or how it will affect the game's ongoing production.

Beyond Good and Evil 2, one of the highly-anticipated game projects currently facing development challenges, faces a major setback with the loss of its second creative director. It is important to note that Morel took over from the previous creative director, Jean-Marc Geffroy, earlier this year. Geffroy was removed from the project during a studio restructuring, and with little information regarding the game's progress, it remains uncertain how much headway has been made under Morel's leadership.

It should be noted that there has been noticeable improvement in recent years. The developers of Beyond Good and Evil 2 initially anticipated its cancellation in 2021, but the project endured and may have even gained momentum under the leadership of Morel. The validity of this optimism is yet to be determined. Currently, Beyond Good and Evil 2 is undergoing development.

Source: LinkedIn