Thrilling Marvel's Wolverine Feature Will Shock Fans, Surpassing Spider-Man 2

Thrilling Marvel's Wolverine Feature Will Shock Fans, Surpassing Spider-Man 2

Marvel's Wolverine is set to bring a fresh spin to the iconic character, and while similarities to the Spider-Man games are yet to be determined, it is likely that the extensive suit variety feature will be scaled down, bringing a new dynamic to the gameplay experience


Marvel's Wolverine will have a darker tone and more gruesome combat compared to Marvel's Spider-Man, with a focus on fatal combat.

The contrasting tones of the two games may lead to less diversity in Wolverine's outfits, given his more down-to-earth and civilian fashion sense. Although Wolverine doesn't require as much costume variation as Spider-Man, there are still chances for different character appearances and customization choices in Marvel's Wolverine.

Limited information is currently available on Insomniac's upcoming Marvel's Wolverine. However, it is possible to assume that the game will have some connections to the studio's other Marvel's Spider-Man games. Despite this, there are certain areas where Marvel's Wolverine might struggle in comparison to Marvel's Spider-Man, as well as areas where the two IPs will differ significantly.

Insomniac has been quite secretive about the upcoming Marvel's Wolverine game and has not yet revealed any official gameplay. Nonetheless, it is evident that the game will have a much darker tone than the studio's previous titles, particularly the Spider-Man games. Marvel's Wolverine is expected to be rated M and will likely prioritize intense and gruesome combat, contrasting with Spider-Man's adventures. While the two games will likely share some similarities since they are developed by the same company and exist within the same universe, they will diverge in terms of tone and subject matter. Many are anticipating that Marvel's Wolverine will have a resemblance to The Last of Us, while Spider-Man's style is akin to Uncharted.

Suit Variety Will Probably Be Reduced in Marvel's Wolverine

Thrilling Marvel's Wolverine Feature Will Shock Fans, Surpassing Spider-Man 2

One way this distinct difference in tone could be evident is through cosmetics. In Marvel's Spider-Man, there is a wide range of suits to choose from, and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 promises an even broader selection. This is fitting for Spider-Man, as he has worn various outfits and his playful nature allows for colorful and unique costumes. However, Marvel's Wolverine will require a different approach.

Unlike Peter Parker, Logan's fashion sense is markedly different. The character has a more gritty and realistic nature, which presents several challenges for Insomniac, including his history of costumes. While Wolverine has worn a few vibrant costumes like his iconic black and yellow jumpsuit, he has also frequently appeared in regular clothing. Some argue that the modern portrayal of the character, influenced mainly by Hugh Jackman's portrayal in the X-Men movies, does not feature a traditional costume at all.

The fact that Wolverine doesn't hide his identity in most versions contributes to this issue. Unlike Spider-Man, Wolverine doesn't have a practical need to conceal his face, resulting in his lack of varied costumes. Spider-Man's suits often include special equipment, while Wolverine relies on his healing factor and brute-force approach, foregoing the need for additional gear or protective clothing. Personality also plays a role in their suit choices, with Spider-Man valuing style and Wolverine focusing on practicality. Despite these factors, there are still opportunities for interesting cosmetic options in Marvel's Wolverine. Alternate character skins like Old Man Logan could be included alongside iconic X-Men suits to expand the costume selection. Insomniac's previous Spider-Man games showcased original costumes, so it's possible that the same could be done for Marvel's Wolverine. Alternatively, the game could explore a different approach by allowing full personalization with mix-and-match civilian clothing options for tops, bottoms, shoes, and headwear. Regardless, it would be surprising if Marvel's Wolverine didn't offer some form of cosmetic personalization choices.

Marvel's Wolverine is currently in development for PlayStation 5.