Thor Director Taika Waititi Sets Clear Boundaries: No Involvement in Potential Thor 5

Thor Director Taika Waititi Sets Clear Boundaries: No Involvement in Potential Thor 5

Taika Waititi, the director of Thor, reveals he will not participate in a potential Thor 5, stating, We have a non-exclusive bond, so if they choose to explore other avenues, I am content with that

Oscar-winning filmmaker Taika Waititi directed both Thor: Ragnarok and Thor: Love and Thunder, but it seems unlikely that he will return for another Thor film if Marvel decides to make one. In a recent interview with Business Insider, he mentioned that he is unaware of any future Thor movies planned by Marvel, but one thing he is certain of is that he will not be a part of them.

Waititi mentioned his plans to shift his focus to other projects, such as The Incal and his upcoming Star Wars film. According to Waititi, the Star Wars project is still in the early stages of development. Additionally, he is scheduled to direct Klara and the Sun as his next film.

Waititi made it clear that he would not consider returning for another potential Thor film until he completes all of his ongoing endeavors, which could take approximately six or seven years. In fact, Waititi speculated that Marvel might intend to produce another Thor film prior to that timeframe, making him unavailable even if he were interested.

He expressed his enthusiasm as a dedicated follower of Marvel and Chris Hemsworth, who portrays Thor. However, Waititi expressed his willingness to allow another director to take on the opportunity of creating a potential fifth Thor film.

"I don't view it as a betrayal," he shared. "Our relationship is open, and if they wish to explore new collaborations, I would support that decision. There might come a time when I would work with them again."

Waititi may not be the sole individual opting out of another Thor film. Hemsworth has expressed his desire not to prolong his presence and acknowledges that fans might be feeling fatigued with his portrayal. Additionally, Hemsworth has recently expressed discomfort with the level of absurdity in Thor: Love and Thunder.

In unrelated MCU updates, The Marvels has debuted in theaters with notably lower performance compared to other Marvel films.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about Taika Waititi's decision not to direct a potential Thor 5. On the one hand, I understand his desire to focus on other projects and explore new creative avenues. The Incal and his upcoming Star Wars film are both highly anticipated projects, and I'm excited to see what he brings to them. On the other hand, I'm sad to see him leave the Thor franchise, as he has brought a unique and refreshing vision to the character.

I think it's important for directors to have the freedom to move on to new projects when they feel like they've accomplished what they set out to do. It's also important for franchises to evolve and change over time, and bringing in new directors can help to keep things fresh. I'm confident that Marvel will find a talented director to take over the Thor franchise, and I'm excited to see what they bring to the table.