This incredible floating museum is a vision from the future

This incredible floating museum is a vision from the future

The Chengdu Science Fiction Museum, a groundbreaking marvel, was constructed in an astonishingly short span of 12 months, defying all odds This massive 59,000 square-meter floating museum is set to host the prestigious 81st annual World Science Fiction Convention, earning its place as a city of the future

The sleek metallic star hovers gracefully on the smooth lake, evoking visions of a futuristic civilization or an extraterrestrial spacecraft landing. It exudes a science fiction-esque aura, perfectly complementing its purpose as the newly established Chengdu Science Fiction Museum in the bustling capital of Sichuan province, Southwest China.

On one side, the dynamic roof mirrors the undulating mountains in the far-off horizon, while from another angle, the canopy resembles a billowing cloud, with its cantilever arches elegantly suspended over flawless glass panels.

Paulo Flores, one of the project directors at Zaha Hadid Architects, stated that the museum's design will appear different and unusual from every perspective. However, what may be even more surprising is the duration it took to complete its construction.

The 81st annual World Science Fiction Convention, also known as Worldcon, appointed the museum in 2022 as its venue. Flores mentioned that it usually takes four to five years to construct a building of this magnitude and complexity. However, the 59,000 square-meter structure, which is three times larger than the Sydney Opera House, was designed and finished within a mere 12 months.

This incredible floating museum is a vision from the future

"The Time Tunnel" is a multimedia corridor connecting different areas of the museum.


But despite the tight deadline for Flores and his team, it was their dream project. "Science fiction has always been a significant source of inspiration for our designs," Flores remarked. "Science fiction always envisions the future by pushing the boundaries of current technology and imagining its potential evolution.

"We aspire to contribute to this movement by not only visually shaping the future, but also by embracing the latest technological advancements."

Daring digital designs

The architecture firm based in London is well-versed in technology. Its founder, Zaha Hadid, was a trailblazer in digital design, utilizing innovative tools to bring forth cutting-edge, futuristic structures.

Flores explained that these types of geometries can only be created using polygonal modeling software, which provides a three-dimensional simulation of the building.

In this project, technology played a crucial role not only in creating an ambitious design but also in executing it swiftly. Construction on the project started just two weeks after the firm won the competition.

The team utilized various design software, such as digital modeling analysis, to expedite the project schedule and foster alignment among architects, materials manufacturers, and construction workers.

This incredible floating museum is a vision from the future

A huge skylight in the central atrium reduces the need for artificial light during the day.


Construction and design, occurring simultaneously, were made possible thanks to these innovative tools, according to Satoshi Ohashi, a project director. Ohashi further explained that through digital modeling analysis, the team was able to enhance the structural design of the buildings to suit Chengdu's specific climate conditions. By taking into consideration weather and environmental factors, the software guided decisions regarding the dimensions and positioning of the roof overhangs, aiming to shield the interior spaces from direct sunlight.

The world's inaugural solar-powered off-road SUV successfully traversed Morocco, solely driven by solar energy. Additionally, to mitigate the environmental impact of the structure, the building incorporates green technology. This includes solar panels seamlessly integrated into the extensive rooftop, providing power to the facility. Moreover, the utilization of skylights and floor-to-ceiling windows during daylight hours effectively decreases reliance on artificial lighting.

The team additionally had to procure materials from nearby sources in order to save time and devise uncomplicated methods of transforming their idea into a practicality.

City of the future

For instance, Ohashi mentioned that they devised a modular aluminum panel system that is situated "beneath the surface" of the roof canopy, resulting in seamless and sleek curves while also enabling efficient production in a factory setting.

Chengdu, currently housing over 20 million inhabitants, has experienced significant growth in recent decades. In a recent ranking of first-tier cities in China that assesses various aspects such as resident lifestyle, commercial opportunities, and transport, Chengdu claimed the top spot earlier this year.

The Science Fiction Museum is just one component of the expansive "Future City" project located in the Pidu district, situated outside the bustling city. Referred to as Chengdu Future Science and Technology City, this extensive 4.6-square-kilometer (1.8-square-mile) site will encompass numerous cutting-edge universities, laboratories, and office spaces.

This incredible floating museum is a vision from the future

The artificial lake around the museum can help mitigate floods and irrigate the local landscape.


"Part of the city's growth also involves a focus on the future, science, and technology, as well as integrating them into the urban landscape and boosting economic development," clarified Ohashi.

Chengdu, being at the heart of the nation's multi-billion dollar "science fiction industry," plays a significant role in publishing and releasing sci-fi literature and movies. Notably, it is the birthplace of Science Fiction World, a widely-read sci-fi magazine established in 1979.

The museum successfully opened as planned to accommodate its inaugural event, marking the first time Worldcon has been held in China and only the second time in Asia. Dave McCarty, vice-chair of Chengdu Worldcon and a longstanding organizer of the event, praised the museum as the most exceptional venue ever utilized by Worldcon. He emphasized that having a purpose-built location added a unique touch compared to hosting the event in generic convention centers.

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"McCarty expressed that the presence of such a dedicated space provides an ideal sanctuary for science fiction enthusiasts."

Ohashi envisions the newly established museum and event space, through its successful bid to host the 81st Worldcon, to emerge as a "symbolic landmark" representing the science fiction industry, fueling the aspirations of the thriving "Future City."

"They can now say that they are Chinas science fiction capital," he said.