The Untold Link Between Thrawn and Anakin Skywalker Revealed
Discover the intriguing connection between Thrawn and Anakin Skywalker as their paths intertwine during the Clone Wars, leading to Thrawn gaining the Emperor's trust and becoming one of the select few aware of Darth Vader's true identity
Thrawn and Anakin were both highly skilled and controversial figures in their respective societies, often challenging the norms and achieving notable victories.
During the Clone Wars, Thrawn and Anakin crossed paths and established a short-term alliance. Their goal was to accomplish their respective missions, which ultimately involved finding Padmé, and they succeeded in doing so.
Thrawn managed to earn the Emperor's trust by demonstrating his admiration for Anakin. This led to his acceptance into the Empire, and gradually, he ascended to the position of Grand Admiral. Importantly, he was fully aware of Vader's true identity as Anakin Skywalker.
Grand Admiral Thrawn and Anakin Skywalker, despite their different origins, share surprising similarities. Both were highly skilled individuals who excelled in their respective fields, but also faced opposition and controversy within their own communities. Their unconventional methods in warfare often resulted in impressive victories.
Considering their contrasting backgrounds and the vast distance between their homeworlds, it is unexpected that Thrawn had any prior connection to Anakin prior to his involvement with the Empire. During the Clone War-Era, Thrawn and the Chiss were engaged in their own battle against the Grysks, a species determined to destroy the Chiss Ascendancy. Following a significant clash with the Grysks, Thrawn was sent into exile as a strategic move to appease the aristocrats and simultaneously establish alliances with the Empire. In his quest for support, Thrawn believed that Anakin Skywalker, a member of the Republic, could vouch for him.
Anakin Skywalker Met Thrawn During The Clone Wars
In Timothy Zahn's Thrawn: Alliances, Anakin Skywalker and Thrawn come face-to-face, marking the first meeting between a Republic official and Thrawn, as well as the Chiss as a whole. Operating on individual missions (both unofficially), Thrawn and Anakin rendezvous in space near Batuu. Anakin is searching for his lost wife, Padmé Amidala, whom he and the Republic have lost contact with. Thrawn, on the other hand, is seeking allies for an impending conflict and teaching a young Force-sensitive navigator how to fly in the meantime.
Despite Thrawn's lack of understanding in Basic, he communicates with Anakin using the trade language Meese Caulf. Anakin agrees to explain the Clone Wars and the Republic in exchange for Thrawn's assistance in finding Padmé. Eventually, the duo succeeds on the planet Mokivj. As they part ways, Thrawn expresses his admiration for Anakin as a warrior and returns to the Chiss Ascendancy with information about the Republic. This encounter sets the stage for the next phase in Thrawn's journey, where he ultimately decides to align himself with the Empire.
Thrawn's Respect For Anakin Gained Him The Emperor's Trust
Having surrendered to Imperial custody, Thrawn found himself in a precarious position. However, he seized the opportunity to meet Emperor Palpatine and presented his request to serve the Empire while in exile. Thrawn also proposed that the Emperor consider sending forces to Csilla to protect the Ascendancy from the Grysks, who posed a threat to both the Chiss and Palpatine's rule.
Interestingly, it was not the discussion of threats that caught Palpatine's attention, but rather Thrawn's desire to speak with Anakin Skywalker. Unaware of the Jedi's demise, Thrawn was informed of Skywalker's absence, which deeply saddened him. Informed of Skywalker's new identity as Darth Vader, Palpatine, recognizing Thrawn's reverence for the former Jedi Knight, placed his trust in him. Thus, Thrawn became the only alien that Palpatine trusted and swiftly rose through the ranks of the Empire, achieving the rank of Grand Admiral by 3 BBY.
Thrawn Was One Of The Few To Know Darth Vader Was Anakin Skywalker
Darth Vader's true identity remained a closely guarded secret within the Empire. Only a select few individuals were able to piece together the puzzle and draw connections between Anakin Skywalker's traits and tactics, ultimately leading them to uncover the truth behind the masked figure. Among these individuals was Thrawn, who early on in Thrawn: Alliances, recognized Vader's true identity. Acting under Palpatine's orders, the duo embarked on a mission to investigate a disturbance in the Force, returning to Batuu where they had first crossed paths.
Throughout their time together, Thrawn subtly taunted Vader about his past as Anakin, often mentioning that they had both previously been to the same locations. Vader, adamantly denying any association with his former self, insisted that Anakin Skywalker was long gone. Nevertheless, Thrawn's intuition led him to gently challenge the Sith Lord's denial, responding to the mention of Skywalker's demise with a measured "So I've heard." Eventually, the two formed a productive partnership, although Vader continued to question Thrawn's loyalty to the Empire. Grand Admiral Thrawn ultimately accepted that Anakin was indeed no more, acknowledging Darth Vader as the embodiment of the Empire.