Boruto Two Blue Vortex and Kagurabachi are currently two highly popular manga series on MangaPlus. Initially, Boruto Two Blue Vortex held greater popularity, but recently Kagurabachi has surpassed it in terms of views and engagement.
The increased popularity of Kagurabachi can be attributed to various factors. Many fans are drawn to its unique concept and exciting action sequences. Others appreciate the well-developed characters and intricate storyline.
Kagurabachi's increasing popularity over Boruto Two Blue Vortex, despite only having two chapters released, might be attributed to its weekly release schedule. The continuous weekly releases of Kagurabachi keep readers engrossed and enthusiastic, in contrast to the monthly releases of Boruto Two Blue Vortex, which can lead to reader fatigue.
Kagurabachi's weekly release schedule is a key factor in its overshadowing Boruto Two Blue Vortex in terms of popularity
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Despite being a sequel to the renowned Naruto anime and manga series, Boruto has not been able to match the success of its predecessor. However, the spin-off series Boruto Two Blue Vortex has garnered attention due to its captivating character designs and introduction of new abilities like Boruto's Uzuhiko Rasengan. In contrast, Kagurabachi, a relatively new manga series with just two chapters released, has surpassed Boruto in terms of popularity and readership on MangaPlus.
Boruto and Chihiro ( Image provided by Shueisha ) captivate fans with their exceptional designs and immense popularity. Demonstrating their sword-wielding prowess, both protagonists of Boruto Two Blue Vortex and Kagurabachi have garnered unwavering admiration from fans for their outstanding character designs and impeccable storyline.
This suggests that the main characters are not the primary reason for Kagurabachi's overshadowing of Boruto.
Other factors why Kagurabachi is becoming more popular than Boruto's Two Blue Vortex
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Boruto Two Blue Vortex's monthly release schedule offers a brief opportunity to captivate readers. However, with a three-week hiatus between chapters, there is a risk of readers forgetting or losing interest in the series.
On the other hand, series such as Kagurabachi and Jujutsu Kaisen, which publish new chapters weekly, are more likely to retain a consistent readership. The frequent release schedule allows readers to remain engaged with the storyline and characters. Although the decline in popularity cannot solely be attributed to the monthly release schedule, it is a significant factor.
Moreover, Kagurabachi's immense popularity may also be attributed to its viral social media presence, especially through memes. These memes often make comparisons between Kagurabachi and other well-known series like Jujutsu Kaisen and One Piece.
This type of comparison not only exposes this series to a larger audience but also creates a sense of thrill and anticipation within the viewers.
Kagurabachi is not only popular for its memes and comparisons to other manga series, but it is also gaining popularity for its exceptional storytelling, well-rounded characters, and breathtaking artwork.
The manga's enthralling plot keeps readers fully engaged, while its relatable characters form a deep connection with the audience. The visually stunning artwork further adds to the series' overall charm. Moreover, readers admire the exploration of themes such as revenge, family dynamics, and friendship in the series.
The series may have initially caught attention through memes and comparisons to other popular series. However, it is the unique qualities of the manga that have truly captivated readers and kept them eagerly coming back for more.