The Unforgettable Journey of Sam Winchester: Unveiling Supernatural's True Protagonist

The Unforgettable Journey of Sam Winchester: Unveiling Supernatural's True Protagonist

Discover the undeniable reasons why Sam Winchester truly embodies Supernatural's main character, from being the original chosen one to his relatability and personal growth throughout the series Witness Sam's heroic morals, resilience, and survival that solidify his role as the heart and soul of Supernatural


Sam Winchester's role as the protagonist in Supernatural is evident from the beginning, as he is the primary focus of the first episode and the audience follows his storyline.

Sam's designation as the chosen one, coupled with his exceptional qualities, distinguishes him as the principal protagonist, embodying a greater objective and playing an indispensable part in the narrative.

In contrast to his brother Dean, who heavily depends on Sam for achievements, Sam's heroic principles, relatability, and notable development over the course of the series make him the more suitable choice for the central character.

Despite both Sam and Dean Winchester being central characters in Supernatural, there are clear reasons why Sam can be considered the main character, particularly in the early seasons. Supernatural is a long-running paranormal mystery series with a cult following, airing for an impressive 15 seasons on the CW. The story revolves around the Winchester brothers as they join forces to battle supernatural beings and protect the world, as well as themselves.

Throughout the show's duration, there has been ongoing debate regarding which brother the showrunners focused on more. Some seasons appeared to give greater prominence to Sam, while others revolved around Dean. However, as the series progressed, it became apparent that Dean was often at the forefront, and Sam occasionally took on more of a supporting role rather than being a true co-lead. Nevertheless, upon revisiting each season of Supernatural, it becomes evident that in the early seasons, Sam was undisputedly the series' protagonist.

7 Sam Was Supernatural's Original Main Character

The Unforgettable Journey of Sam Winchester: Unveiling Supernatural's True Protagonist

From the start of Supernatural's first episode, it was evident that Sam played the role of the primary protagonist. The show began with him, and the iconic flashback scene that opened the series focused on Sam being targeted by a demon. It was also Sam's room that caught fire, leading to his mother's tragic death. As the episode progressed, it became clear that the audience followed Sam as he spent time with his girlfriend during Halloween and discussed exam scores with his college friends. In contrast, Dean, the other main character, did not receive any focus.

Throughout the first season, the theme of solely following Sam remained consistent. Audiences witnessed him working through his childhood trauma and accepting that, even though he did not want to become a hunter, the hunter's lifestyle would never fully leave him. Furthermore, Sam's story followed the typical trajectory of a main character. Initially leading a relatively normal life, a single event turned everything upside down. He found himself immersed in a world of monsters and searching for his missing father. This created a connection between the audience and Sam, as they both tried to comprehend the circumstances unfolding around them.

6 Sam Was Supernatural’s Chosen One

The Unforgettable Journey of Sam Winchester: Unveiling Supernatural's True Protagonist

Throughout the series Supernatural, a major storyline revolves around Sam being the chosen one, solidifying his role as the main character. From infancy, Sam was selected by Azazel as a victim, setting him apart from others, including his brother Dean. He possesses unique attributes and is entrusted with specific tasks. This becomes evident when he becomes Lucifer's vessel in season 5. Right from the beginning, the series emphasizes Sam's significant purpose, arguably making him more integral to the story than Dean.

However, it is worth noting that as the show progresses, both brothers are eventually chosen ones in their own right. In season 4, Dean is saved from hell by God's intervention, and in season 9, he wears the Mark of Cain. Despite these additional storylines, Sam, being the original chosen one and maintaining that role for numerous seasons, remains the primary character. Hence, it is only fitting that he is regarded as the main character.

5 Sam Had More Heroic Morals Than Dean

The Unforgettable Journey of Sam Winchester: Unveiling Supernatural's True Protagonist

Moreover, Sam surpasses Dean when it comes to embodying the hero and protagonist archetype. Sam assumes the role of the voice of reason, proving to be more forgiving and willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. In contrast, Dean's actions are driven solely by instinct, showing recklessness, holding grudges, and prioritizing saving the world only when his brother is alive. This stark contrast solidifies Sam as the epitome of a heroic and morally upright character, which aligns perfectly with the characteristics of a protagonist. Although Dean possesses a more intricate nature, making him a dynamic character, it also prevents him from being a traditional main character.

Furthermore, it is highly likely that Sam could be a hero even without Dean, while the reverse scenario would not hold true. Typically, a main character has a supporting network of friends and allies throughout their journey, yet they are usually capable of achieving success independently when the need arises. However, the same cannot be said for supporting characters. In the case of Supernatural, Sam possesses the capability to singlehandedly save the world or, at the very least, lead a content life independently. Conversely, Dean heavily relies on Sam, and his unwavering love for his brother often hinders his own success. This undeniable truth further solidifies Sam's position as the primary character in Supernatural, surpassing Dean in importance.

4 Sam Was More Relatable Than Dean

The Unforgettable Journey of Sam Winchester: Unveiling Supernatural's True Protagonist

Another crucial aspect to consider in a main character is their ability to connect with the audience, and this is where Sam clearly surpasses Dean. In the series' inception, Sam is leading a normal life until Dean drags him back into the realm of the supernatural. Consequently, Sam becomes a surrogate for the audience, allowing them to venture into this unfamiliar world alongside him. Moreover, Sam's moral compass aligns more closely with that of the viewers, as both the audience and Sam strive to do what is right. In contrast, Dean's aloof and prickly demeanor makes it significantly more challenging to relate to him from the outset, rendering him an unsuitable choice for the main character role.

3 Sam Grew More Than Dean During Supernatural

The Unforgettable Journey of Sam Winchester: Unveiling Supernatural's True Protagonist

Sam is the one Winchester brother who undergoes a noticeable transformation in both personality and perspective. Dean, on the other hand, remains stubbornly unyielding throughout the series, unwilling to change or evolve. Meanwhile, Sam experiences a complete shift in his motivations as he ultimately abandons his desire to quit hunting and devotes himself fully to safeguarding the world.

2 Supernatural Made Sam Winchester The Victim

: Moreover, the events of Supernatural had a profound and irreversible impact on Sam. From enduring possession by Lucifer to the heart-wrenching loss of his brother Dean and even unintentionally causing the demise of his friends, Sam has been through immense turmoil. These experiences have ultimately shaped him as an individual, transforming him from an optimistic and compassionate young man into a haunted and scarred soul. However, as the series progressed, Sam matured and evolved into a capable and responsible leader, finally gaining the ability to take charge of his own life, a feat that eluded him in his younger years.

The Unforgettable Journey of Sam Winchester: Unveiling Supernatural's True Protagonist

Sam's initial storylines in Supernatural positioned him as the victim, ultimately establishing him as the protagonist. From the onset of the series, Sam grapples with the loss of his girlfriend, seeks to mend his familial bonds, and confronts his reluctant transformation into a hunter. Like any central character, Sam encounters numerous trials, with the hope of eventually conquering them. While both brothers receive similar treatment as the series progresses, particularly in the early seasons, the emphasis on Sam is particularly pronounced. This indicates that, at least in the beginning, Sam held a greater prominence in Supernatural.

1 Sam Winchester Survived

The Unforgettable Journey of Sam Winchester: Unveiling Supernatural's True Protagonist

Sam Winchester emerges as one of the privileged few who manage to survive the Supernatural series finale, solidifying his position as the main character. Although it is not uncommon for main characters to meet their demise, particularly towards the conclusion of their respective series, it is far from the norm. Generally, the main character triumphs, emerging as the lone survivor, having accomplished their ultimate mission. In the case of Supernatural, Dean's death and Sam's subsequent progression serve as substantial evidence supporting Sam's designation as the central protagonist. Although the loss of his brother brings him sorrow, it propels Sam to conquer his personal challenges and embrace the life he had always yearned for.