The Unexpected Twist: How Resident Evil 9 Could Introduce a Game-Changing Protagonist
Resident Evil's Rosemary Winters brought a fresh twist to the series, but should future entries follow suit? This article explores the potential risks of introducing superpowered protagonists and why the franchise should consider alternative character developments
Resident Evil Village's DLC, Shadows of Rose, takes the franchise in a new direction by introducing superpowers to gameplay.
Rose, the protagonist of the DLC, possesses abilities that maintain survival-horror mechanics and resource management. However, incorporating superpowered protagonists in future Resident Evil games may be captivating, but it runs the risk of distancing certain fans and undermining the series' focus on horror and firearms.
Resident Evil has never been afraid to challenge the expectations of its loyal fanbase. With each new entry taking a different genre-bending approach, fans have either embraced or criticized the choices. However, there has never been a genre choice that was universally disliked by fans. While the series has its roots in horror, the recent return to this genre in Resident Evil Village's Shadows of Rose DLC indicates a significant shift for the franchise.
The Shadows of Rose DLC, intended to serve as a conclusion to the Winters family's story, takes place in the future, showcasing Rosemary as a teenager who is able to reunite with her father, Ethan. This closure is not only satisfying for fans, but also highlights the potential for future developments in the Resident Evil series. It remains unclear whether this time jump will be maintained in the next installment, Resident Evil 9. However, it would be a missed opportunity if Capcom introduced Rose's unique abilities only to have a protagonist with no powers in the next game. Nevertheless, over-reliance on a superpowered protagonist is not something the franchise should heavily rely on.
Resident Evil Would Be Branching into Odd Territory with Superpowered Protagonists
It's not necessarily absurd, but if a trend of superpowered protagonists follows Rose's debut, it would indicate a significant shift in the franchise's direction. The introduction of Rose's abilities was intriguing because they adhered to resource management mechanics and were not overpowering from the beginning. This allowed the game to maintain its survival-horror gameplay approach without compromise.
However, Rose's unique ability to interact with the game world sets her apart from previous Resident Evil protagonists. Considering this, Capcom might find it hard to resist the opportunity of giving future protagonists in Resident Evil 9 their own abilities. It is uncertain how long Capcom intends to continue using the Mold as a source of bioweapons in the future, but it is likely that any future protagonists, including Rose, would acquire their powers from it as well.
Resident Evil runs the risk of alienating its fanbase if it chooses to focus on superpowered encounters instead of survival-horror mechanics. While some fans may hope for this direction, it is important to consider how it would be implemented and the context of the installment. Having a superpowered protagonist in Resident Evil 9, rather than using a legacy character, is a possibility worth exploring. However, Capcom should be aware that transitioning from firearms to superpowers may surprise the fanbase that has been built through Resident Evil remakes and a focus on horror. The inclusion of superpowers in future stories would need to be of the same caliber as the Shadows of Rose DLC to maintain the integrity of the survival-horror franchise.
Replacing most weapons with superpowers would make superpowers overpowered, but Shadows of Rose showed that introducing eerie, supernatural creatures as a byproduct of them can provide a compelling reason to keep powers. However, in Resident Evil, it is always interesting when the game can explain the nature of enemies that players face. Superpowers could potentially complicate this aspect. There are rumors that Resident Evil 9 is currently in development.