The Ultimate Crossover: Unraveling the Epic Evolution of Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat 1 to Chris Redfield in Resident Evil

The Ultimate Crossover: Unraveling the Epic Evolution of Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat 1 to Chris Redfield in Resident Evil

Mortal Kombat's Johnny Cage and Resident Evil's Chris Redfield may have distinct personalities, but their contrasting physiques surprisingly share a striking resemblance Let's explore how these iconic characters have evolved and returned to their origins

The timeline renewal of Mortal Kombat 1 offers a unique opportunity to completely transform iconic characters and present them in fresh ways that traditional character development wouldn't allow. Fire God Liu Kang's revamped universe provides a chance for fans to see these characters in unprecedented ways. However, it seems that NetherRealm has chosen to revert back to Mortal Kombat's original installment and portray certain characters accordingly. This is a privilege that comes with rewriting the timeline for established characters.

On the other hand, significant changes within the same timeline often result in a retcon. This became evident when Chris Redfield appeared at the end of Resident Evil 7 with a completely different face and a noticeably slimmer figure compared to his appearance in Resident Evil 6. However, for Resident Evil Village, Chris was depicted with a look consistent with his Resident Evil 6 portrayal. Interestingly, while Chris struggled to transition seamlessly to his original appearance, Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat managed to successfully do so.

Resident Evil 7’s Chris Redfield Debacle Got Retconned Instantly

The Ultimate Crossover: Unraveling the Epic Evolution of Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat 1 to Chris Redfield in Resident Evil

Chris Redfield's physicality in the Resident Evil series has undeniably become his defining trait. He initially had an average build but transformed into a muscle-bound brute, throwing haymakers at Kijuju locals and even moving a massive boulder inside a volcano. This sudden change in physique was a drastic one for Chris, who was previously portrayed as a more indistinct character model.

However, when Chris made his comeback in Resident Evil 7, it seemed like Capcom wanted to revert him back to his previous aesthetic. This decision, considering the game's connection to the main continuity, meant that Chris had to lose his muscle mass and undergo a noticeable face swap. For many fans, this was a challenging concept to accept.

Mortal Kombat 1’s Johnny Cage Takes the Character Back to His Roots

This lack of explanation for the character's dramatic appearance change and sudden shift in stature and facial features upon his arrival in Resident Evil Village raises questions about the continuity of his character. The absence of a clear reason behind these alterations disrupts any sense of immersion for fans who value consistency within the franchise's canon. Although not necessarily detrimental to the overall franchise, this retcon does leave a noticeable blemish on the character's development.

The Ultimate Crossover: Unraveling the Epic Evolution of Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat 1 to Chris Redfield in Resident Evil

It is common knowledge that Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat 1 will have a Jean-Claude Van Damme appearance, paying homage to his idol and incorporating Van Damme's voice lines and physical resemblance. This decision by NetherRealm completes the circle of influence as Cage was greatly inspired by JCVD. Consequently, it is logical for NetherRealm to depict Johnny as more slender in Mortal Kombat 11, as a lean physique arguably better embodies the essence of JCVD.

Additionally, this represents a significant turning point for Mortal Kombat. Similar to Chris Redfield, Johnny initially did not have a muscular physique but gradually became more bulked up as the franchise progressed. It is logical for Mortal Kombat 1 to portray Johnny with a leaner figure since it is a reboot of the timeline, offering an opportunity to depict a version of Johnny without excessive muscle mass. In contrast, Resident Evil attempted to slim down its established character in the midst of its main storyline but later reversed that decision in a subsequent game.

Mortal Kombat 1 will be available on September 19 for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.