The Unbelievable Evolution of Dr Disrespect in AEW Fight Forever

The Unbelievable Evolution of Dr Disrespect in AEW Fight Forever

A skilled AEW Fight Forever fan showcases their remarkable recreation of the controversial YouTuber Dr Disrespect using the game's Create a Wrestler feature Prepare to be amazed by this unbelievably accurate version of the gaming sensation!

An online fan of AEW Fight Forever has shared an impressive recreation of popular YouTuber Dr Disrespect in the game. Many gamers have been quick to utilize the Create a Wrestler feature, and one player recently added Eddie Guerrero to the game. The wrestling genre has lacked multiple strong titles for a while now. WWE 2K series had become complacent in its top position, and the poor quality of WWE 2K20 led to the cancellation of WWE 2K21, prompting the franchise to change direction. AEW Fight Forever enters the scene at the perfect moment and early impressions indicate that it could pose a strong challenge to WWE 2K for the wrestling video game crown. However, there are distinct differences between the two games, which is great for keeping players engaged.

Redditor darthrey8899 has shared their impressive creation, adding Dr Disrespect as a playable character in AEW Fight Forever. The resemblance is undeniable, with the gamer even including intricate details of his outfit. Players in the thread were highly impressed, some even expressing admiration despite their personal dislike for the controversial content creator. However, the exact formula used by the user has not yet been disclosed. Nevertheless, given the simplicity of the streamer's outfit, players should encounter minimal difficulties in recreating it.

As more gamers familiarize themselves with the Create a Wrestler feature in AEW Fight Forever, it will be fascinating to witness the community bringing other internet personalities to life in a similar fashion. Although the initial roster of AEW Fight Forever solely featured current AEW stars and lacked such gimmicks, the presence of the Create a Wrestler feature is a fantastic addition, offering the community the opportunity to engage in enjoyable endeavors like this.

Despite being newly released, Yuke's has wasted no time in unveiling its future plans for the game. A recent announcement from AEW Fight Forever introduced a Battle Royale mode, promising an exhilarating experience of chaos within the wrestling ring and its surrounding stadium. It's refreshing to see the studio's dedication to ongoing support and post-launch content, even after a successful release. With such commitment, it is hopeful that Fight Forever can establish itself as a formidable competitor to WWE 2K in the long run. AEW Fight Forever is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.