The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Debbie Gallagher's actions on Shameless have been far from virtuous From stealing babies to manipulating loved ones, her shameless behavior knows no bounds

This article includes references to sexual assault, drug use, and violence.

At the beginning of the popular comedy-drama Shameless on Showtime, the character Debbie Gallagher was portrayed as a sweet and intelligent young girl, quite different from her morally-corrupt father Frank. However, as time passed, Debbie from Shameless underwent a transformation. Even as a child, she did everything she could to support her siblings as they tried to navigate life on the South Side of Chicago, all while receiving no emotional or financial help from their neglectful parents. One peculiar aspect of Debbie's personality was her desire to become a mother at a young age, a goal she actively pursued.

Stealing Baby Casey — Season 1, Episode 4, "Casey Casden"

As the series progressed, the Gallagher children, particularly Debbie Gallagher, gradually succumbed to the very traits they had vowed never to embody - just like their parents. Unfortunately, the once-virtuous Debbie from Shameless was not exempt from this trend. She began to emulate Frank's manipulative tendencies and questionable moral compass, utilizing others to achieve her own desires. Regrettably, the final season failed to salvage Debbie's character, ultimately leading her to become one of the most disliked figures in the show. Despite her loss of popularity, however, there remains a substantial number of viewers who are willing to overlook the glaring flaws within her persona.

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Growing up, Debbie Gallagher observed her older sister Fiona taking care of a bustling household with multiple children. Although Fiona may not have fit the typical mold of an ideal mother figure, she somehow managed to provide a stable home and food for her family. This gave Debbie the mistaken impression that being a teenage mother was a walk in the park. Expressing her desire to become a mother early on, Debbie made her first attempt at parenthood in the Shameless season 1 episode "Casey Casden." On one fateful day, while strolling through her neighborhood, she ventured to kidnap a child, putting her determination to the test.

Debbie spotted a toddler at a birthday party, and decided to take him home. Her siblings immediately expressed their disapproval and concocted a plan to ensure the child's safe return, evading the pursuing police officers. Debbie's unwavering determination to become a mother by any means necessary became evident in subsequent seasons. What is even more troubling is that Debbie exhibits little remorse for taking Casey and is even angered by his potential reunion with his biological family. This speaks volumes about Debbie Gallagher's determination to fulfill her desires at a young age.

Concealing Steve's True Identity — Season 1, Episode 9, "But at Last Came a Knock"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

In her attempt to uncover whether Fiona's new boyfriend was involved in a clandestine affair, Debbie from Shameless stumbled upon a startling revelation. The apparent "Steve Wilton" was, in fact, Jimmy Lishman, the son of immensely wealthy parents who believed he was attending medical school, blissfully unaware of his true identity as a car thief in Chicago operating under an alias. Desperate to protect his secret, Jimmy implored Debbie to maintain her silence and even resorted to showering her with extravagant offerings as a bribe. As Debbie comes to the realization that Steve has purchased the neighboring house, she resolves to continue safeguarding his hidden life.

Debbie knew that it was unethical to withhold such vital information from Fiona, but she concealed the truth from her sister for weeks due to her enjoyment of the special treatment and the satisfaction derived from tormenting Jimmy. In Shameless, it is not until season 2 that Debbie Gallagher finally reveals to Fiona that Steve's actual name is Jimmy. Surprisingly, she displays no qualms about accepting gifts from Steve while maintaining this deception. This concealment highlights two significant issues with Debbie. Firstly, she is willing to betray her sister's trust in order to continue receiving material possessions. Secondly, she is willing to compromise her sister's trust in order to maintain harmony within the household.

Her Ignorance About HIV — Season 11, Episode 9, "Survivors"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

With the conclusion of season 11 of Shameless, Debbie found it challenging to move on from her childhood home and began engaging in reckless behavior, resulting in a series of problematic incidents for her character. Opting to have Sandy look after Franny, Debbie ventured out to bars and clubs, where she had encounters with unfamiliar women while her girlfriend took care of their daughter. On one particular occasion, Debbie from Shameless had a sexual encounter with a gay man and woke up the following day in an alleyway, with little recollection of the previous night. The next day, she shared her experience with Ian in a dramatic manner, going as far as exclaiming that she might "probably have AIDS."

Her lack of knowledge about the subject is surprising considering her brother's homosexuality and her own recent acceptance of being a lesbian. This contradiction is one of the prominent issues with Debbie in Shameless, as she identifies as gay yet makes homophobic remarks. The portrayal of Debbie's sexuality on the show has received significant criticism, and her insensitive comment not only disregards the reality of HIV transmission but also contributes to the unnecessary stigmatization of gay men living with HIV.

Forcing Frank Off The Wagon — Season 1, Episode 8, "It's Time to Kill the Turtle"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

In an effort to earn $3,000 through a medical study, Frank decided to temporarily embrace sobriety as a change of pace. This shift led to a newfound closeness between Frank and Debbie from Shameless, as he opted to spend his time with her instead of idling away at the local bar. The bond between the two grew stronger as they shared Frank's newfound fondness for sugar as a substitute for alcohol. However, the Gallagher children quickly grew weary of Frank's sobriety, fearing that he would eventually revert to his usual role as a memorable yet flawed parent. The turning point came when Frank unveiled his plan to create skylights by puncturing holes in the family home's roof.

Her Violent Tendencies — Season 3, Episode 2, "The American Dream"

: Realizing that Frank would be better off without his addiction, Debbie made the decision to intervene and push him towards a fresh start. Frank's struggle with alcoholism not only makes him an inadequate father but also tarnishes his overall character. His addiction is so severe that it eventually leads to dementia in the later seasons of Shameless, ultimately resulting in his solitary demise caused by COVID-19. Despite Frank's irresponsible behavior, Debbie and her siblings should not have tampered with his path to sobriety. What aggravates the situation further is that earlier in the same episode, Lip recounts the brief period of sobriety Frank achieved due to a bet, highlighting how profoundly disheartened he felt when Frank succumbed to drinking once again. Just imagine how profoundly different Shameless would have unfolded if Frank had maintained his sobriety.

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

In the world of Shameless, Debbie stands apart from her siblings due to her lack of violent tendencies. However, when her anger reaches its boiling point, she can be just as destructive as the rest of them. One instance of this was when her father, Frank, insulted and destroyed her school project which meticulously recreated Abraham Lincoln's house using Popsicle sticks. Filled with rage, Debbie took matters into her own hands by filling a pillowcase with bars of soap and launching an attack on her father. But this was not the last time she resorted to violence as a means of problem-solving. In season 3, episode 5 of Shameless, titled "The Sins of My Caretakers," Debbie faced bullying from a group of girls at the local pool. In retaliation, she brought sandbags and made a bold attempt to drown one of the girls.

Paying A Child To Impersonate Franny — Season 10, Episode 6, "Adios Gringos"

- Debbie's tumultuous high school journey takes a dramatic turn when she confronts a girl who insults her in Shameless season 5, episode 5, "Rite of Passage." This incident marks the start of Debbie's descent into a chaotic lifestyle as she abandons her education. Desperate to confront her challenges head-on, she engages in physical altercations, resorting to a violent encounter with a stranger in a parking lot, all while her infant daughter helplessly witnesses the turmoil. As her custody battle with Derek's family intensifies, she even goes as far as tackling Peppa to serve her with child support documents in Shameless season 10, episode 5, "Sparky." Moments after Frank destroys her school project, Debbie undergoes a profound transformation, embracing a more aggressive nature that escalates with each passing episode of the show.

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

In an effort to retain custody of her daughter Franny, Debbie had to employ unconventional methods to counter Derek's family's claims. One questionable decision she made was to incentivize a child to pose as Franny. Assuming the role of a prospective foster parent, Debbie approached the child and her elder brother, who demanded compensation in the form of sweets and toys.

Young Bella, infamous for her troublesome nature, was then disguised as Franny and sent to Peppa for a visit. However, Bella ended up traumatizing Peppa's own children and causing extensive damage to the house. As a result, Peppa changed her mind about wanting partial custody of "Franny." This incident highlights a disturbing similarity between Bella's behavior and that of Frank, which is completely uncharacteristic of Debbie Gallagher. The fact that Debbie would involve a child in an illegal custody scheme speaks volumes about her character and the extreme measures she is willing to take to fulfill her desires.

Neglecting Her Baby — Season 6, Episode 11, "Sleep No More"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

One of the most problematic moments involving Debbie in the TV show Shameless occurs when she disregards her older sister's advice and puts her newborn baby's life at risk. After giving birth to Franny, Debbie struggles to balance her academic commitments while taking care of the baby. Despite Fiona's warnings, Debbie falls asleep while feeding Franny and accidentally drops her on the ground from a considerable height of four feet. This incident raises concerns among the audience regarding Franny's survival. However, Debbie's negligence doesn't end there. As Franny grows older, Debbie frequently delegates the responsibility of looking after her to whoever is willing, often relying on her romantic partners at the time.

While it's understandable that Debbie would require assistance with childcare while she pursued her work and education, she frequently criticized her siblings for not being willing or able to neglect their own responsibilities to aid her. Developing a growing resentment towards her role as a mother, Debbie began using her time away from Franny to engage in partying and substance abuse, closely mirroring Monica's behavior. The fact that Debbie from Shameless almost replicates the mother she never had is undeniably disheartening, and much like Debbie herself, Franny deserved a better upbringing.

Her Inappropriate Relationship With Matt — Season 5, Episode 3 "The Two Lisas"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

The dynamic between Matt and Debbie in Shameless is deeply problematic, involving instances of rape on her part. Initially, Matt denied Debbie's advances in season 4 due to her evident immaturity, but he agreed to maintain a friendship. Matt consistently emphasized that their relationship would strictly remain platonic, yet Debbie's determination to gain experiences like her peers prevented her from heeding his stance. Her jealousy towards anyone Matt engaged with reached extremes, exemplified by her placing a snake in Seema's car upon discovering their involvement. At times, it appeared as if Matt may have developed feelings for Debbie, but due to the illegality of acting on them, he refrained.

Matt's resistance to being with her only fueled Debbie's desire for him, prompting her to resort to a despicable tactic in order to escalate their relationship. In a reprehensible act, Debbie cunningly lured Matt to a party and drugged his drink. Once he became too intoxicated to resist, Debbie forced herself upon him, subjecting him to a horrifying act of rape, ultimately causing him to lose his virginity against his will. Due to Matt's concerns about the potential legal consequences involved with engaging in a relationship with someone significantly younger, he chose not to report the assault and instead abruptly terminated their friendship. Remarkably, Debbie displayed little remorse or regard for her actions, callously making comments about the size of his genitals in a later episode of season 9.

Her Manipulation Of Derek — Season 5, Episode 10 "South Side Rules"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Debbie and Derek Delgado had once shared a wonderful relationship, but everything took a turn for the worse when Debbie decided to manipulate her new boyfriend into impregnating her. In the world of Shameless, Debbie was fixated on the idea of becoming a mother, even to the point of obsession. Her actions clearly demonstrated that she had little concern for who the father would be or the consequences that would follow, as long as she achieved her goal of having a baby. Shockingly, after just a few days of dating, Debbie hatched a plan to spend the night with Derek and sought assistance from Fiona in obtaining birth control from a clinic. However, the nurse informed her that it would take a few days for the contraceptive pill to take effect.

However, when Derek inquired about the need for protection just a few hours later, Debbie reassured him that it wouldn't be necessary

Her Relationship With Claudia & Julia — Season 10, Episode 9, "Oh Captain, My Captain"

. Despite being fully cognizant of the potential consequences of unprotected intimacy, Debbie concealed the truth from him. Her fervent desire to become a mother at a young age drove her to force herself onto Derek—a grave assault in itself. Moreover, she harbored the hope that initiating a family without his consent would compel him to remain by her side indefinitely. Regrettably, Derek eventually unraveled her scheme and opted to relocate across the nation to evade his responsibility of assisting in raising a child for which he understandably wasn't prepared.

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Debbie's audacious behavior reached new heights when she maintained her relationships with both Claudia and Julia Nicolo simultaneously. Shameless viewers witnessed her true colors in season 10, as she showcased her heartless and strategic nature. While Julia bears some responsibility, it is Debbie who emerges as the true antagonist in this complex dynamic. Enticed by Claudia's proposition to care for her in exchange for companionship and minimal assistance, Debbie eagerly agreed, subsequently assuming the responsibility of chauffeuring Claudia's teenage daughter.

Julia, determined to provoke her mother, engaged in a passionate gesture with Debbie at a local pizza establishment and subsequently expressed remorse for her actions. However, unexpectedly, Debbie reciprocated the kiss. Shortly thereafter, the two initiated a secret sexual relationship without Claudia's knowledge. Debbie attempted to balance both relationships, but inevitably, the truth emerged, revealing that Julia had deceitfully misrepresented her age and had not yet reached the legal age of eighteen. Consequently, Claudia reported Debbie to the authorities, resulting in her arrest and subsequent classification as a registered sex offender.

She Tried To Exploit A Cancer Patient — Season 6, Episode 2, "Abortion Rules"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Debbie from Shameless mirrored her father Frank yet again by exploiting a cancer patient for both shelter and income. After revealing her pregnancy to Fiona and expressing her intention to keep the baby, Debbie was told that she would have to raise her daughter, Franny, on her own. Fiona, already burdened with numerous responsibilities, was unwilling to take on the additional task of caring for and financially supporting a newborn. In order to earn some money and gain valuable parenting experience, Debbie took on the role of a live-in nanny for a family whose mother was in the final stages of her illness.

Frank advised her to manipulate the husband into developing feelings for her, ensuring that she would have a permanent residence and a means of financial support once his wife passed away. Agreeing to carry out her father's scheme, Debbie embarked on a path that would place her among the most audacious characters, just like Frank. When Debbie's attempts to be romantically involved with the married man who employed her proved futile, she shifted her focus towards his wife. Hearing that the woman had previously questioned her sexual orientation, Frank suggested that Debbie try flirting with her in order to secure accommodation.

Her Relationship With Heidi — Season 11, Episode 11, "The Fickle Lady Is Calling It Quits"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Debbie Gallagher, a character from the TV series Shameless, disappoints viewers in the final season by demonstrating why the show is aptly titled. Despite hopes of her mellowing down, Debbie engages in a romantic encounter with a woman who previously made death threats towards both her and her baby. Debbie's abrupt breakup with Sandy Milkovich leads to a series of regrettable decisions for herself and her daughter, Franny. While navigating the streets, Debbie and Franny find themselves confronted by Heidi, a recently released ex-convict. In an attempt to evade the authorities, Heidi forcefully corners them against a building and brandishes a gun, threatening to harm Franny if they refuse to assist in concealing her.

Her Luxury Fashion Scam — Season 10, Episode 1, "We Few, We Lucky Few, We Band Of Gallaghers!"

: Despite Heidi's threat to her daughter's life, Debbie decides to bring her back home and sleep with her. Despite only knowing each other for a day, Debbie agrees to escape with Heidi and even takes Franny along. Debbie's character development on Shameless concludes with a suspenseful ending, leaving her at a crossroads where she can choose to establish a stable life for her daughter or follow in her mother's chaotic footsteps. Heidi's presence in Shameless is met with disapproval, as many had hoped that Debbie would recognize her past mistakes and strive for a more secure future for the sake of Franny.

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Fiona's departure from Shameless in season 9 was met with dissatisfaction by everyone. However, she did leave behind an inheritance of $50,000 for Debbie to support the family. Naturally, Debbie prioritized her own needs, taking care of herself first. During one of her outings with Franny in the park, Debbie observed that numerous mothers would abandon their expensive, vacant strollers. This discovery prompted her to initiate a business venture focused on stealing and reselling these strollers. As Debbie's deceptive schemes progressed, they increasingly deviated from her initial intention of providing for her child, instead driven by selfish motives.

Charging Liam Rent — Season 9, Episode 8, "The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Alibi"

Indulging in the finer things, Debbie utilizes her inheritance money from Fiona to acquire luxury apparel and accessories. Debbie's intention is to briefly don these extravagant items before returning them for monetary compensation. However, her plan soon unravels as she exceeds the permissible timeframe for returns, arousing suspicion among the store clerks regarding her peculiar purchasing behavior. Ultimately, this series of events highlights the contrasting maternal personas of Debbie and Fiona. Despite Fiona's imperfections, she would never stoop to the same level as Debbie.

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Among the numerous controversial actions of Debbie from Shameless, one that stood out was her insistence on her 10-year-old brother paying rent. When Fiona faced financial setbacks and fell into alcoholism, Debbie took charge of the Gallagher household. In her new role, she reintroduced the squirrel fund and demanded rent payments from each of her siblings, including 10-year-old Liam. Unlike Fiona, who never enforced financial contributions from the Gallagher kids, Debbie made it a requirement, causing them to resort to scams and various means of earning money to support the household expenses.

However, the contrasting caretaking styles of Debbie and Fiona become apparent through the troublesome incidents involving Debbie in Shameless. Amidst Liam's struggle to secure employment and make ends meet (despite being only 10 years old), Debbie relentlessly exerts pressure on him to prove his worthiness within the household. Taking it to an unjustifiable extreme, she locks Liam out of the house and deprives him of shelter until he can contribute financially. On the other hand, when faced with a similar predicament where she is unable to pay Debbie, Fiona goes against Debbie's unkind actions and consoles her younger brother, ensuring their reentry into the house. The recurring issues with Debbie in Shameless seem to arise whenever she is entrusted with a position of authority.

Her Selective Love For Frank — Season 6, Episode 12, "Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia!"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Despite their tumultuous relationship, Debbie from Shameless and Frank share a bond filled with ups and downs. Out of all the Gallagher children, Debbie has inherited her father's cunning nature the most. However, Debbie's oscillating feelings towards her father have only caused more harm than good. There was a time when Debbie was incredibly loyal and dedicated to Frank, even going as far as putting up missing person signs and praying for his safe return. But years of disappointment and hurt have hardened her young heart. After Frank's actions led to ruining Fiona's wedding to Sean and getting thrown off a bridge by the Gallaghers and their friends, Debbie made the firm decision to cut ties with her father completely.

Though Debbie frequently found herself torn between despising Frank and desiring his love and attention, his betrayal of Fiona pushed her to distance herself from him. To eliminate any association with Frank, Debbie decided to have her granddaughter Franny go by her middle name, Harriette, and referred to her as "Harry." It is ironic that Debbie was struggling with whether or not to attend Fiona's wedding. Regardless, Debbie Gallagher ultimately demonstrates her willingness to allow people back into her life if they are necessary. Her initial cold treatment towards Frank didn't last long, as she eventually turned to him for childcare and welcomed him back into their lives.

Manipulating Neil — Season 7, Episode 6, "The Defenestration of Frank"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Neil was a victim of Debbie's heartless actions on Shameless. After a series of unsuccessful relationships, Debbie, feeling disillusioned with love, resorted to settling for a partner who could provide for her and her daughter Franny rather than seeking genuine affection. Initially uninterested in Neil when they crossed paths at Fiona's diner, Debbie quickly changed her tune upon discovering his financial stability and luxurious apartment, promptly agreeing to marry him.

Neil suffered from a condition that led him to express his immediate thoughts without a filter. This, along with his peculiar appearance, made Debbie Gallagher uncomfortable. Despite this, she pretended to love Neil in order to exploit him financially and live in his house. Gradually, she distanced herself from him and her daughter, frequently going out to socialize, drink, and flirt with other men while Neil was left at home babysitting. Fortunately, in season 8, Neil develops feelings for someone else and ends his relationship with Debbie.

Judging Sandy's Parenting Choices — Season 11, Episode 7, "Two At A Biker Bar, One In The Lake"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

The relationship between Debbie and Sandy was going smoothly until an unexpected encounter with someone from Sandy's past caused trouble in Shameless. In the show's final season, Sandy's ex-partner, Royal, appeared at the Gallagher house seeking Sandy's help in taking care of their son, Prince, while he went to work. Although Sandy explained to Debbie that she never intended to be a mother and had Prince at the age of 15, Debbie from Shameless disregarded her wishes and promised Prince that she would work towards gaining custody for Sandy. This interference in Sandy's past sparked a heated argument between the couple.

Debbie was accused by Sandy of neglecting her child, despite Royal and Prince both explaining their comfort with the arrangement. Sandy, unwilling to endure Debbie's criticism of her life choices, pointed out that Debbie was projecting her own insecurities from Monica's departure onto Sandy. This led to the couple's breakup and Sandy's departure from the show. Debbie Gallagher, of all people, had no grounds to pass judgment on anyone's parenting arrangements. Sandy's relationship with her ex and son was functioning smoothly for everyone involved. If Debbie had simply minded her own business, things would have turned out differently.

Ignoring Her Daughter's Wishes — Season 11, Episode 2, "Go Home, Gentrifier!"

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Debbie, a character from Shameless, had an unyielding desire to have a baby. However, she failed to consider the complexities that would arise as that baby grew into a child with their own individuality. As Franny reached the age where she could form her own opinions and develop her distinct personality, Debbie struggled to let go of the idealized image she had always envisioned for her daughter. During an outing with Frank, Franny expressed feeling more aligned with being a boy rather than a girl, an important sentiment she attempted to convey to her mother. Shockingly, Debbie responded by compelling Franny to wear dresses and play with baby dolls instead of embracing her daughter's true wishes, disregarding her own desires completely.

Using Franny To Make Money — Season 7, Episode 5, "Own Your Shit"

Tensions escalated when Debbie Gallagher organized Franny's birthday party in season 10, culminating in the unexpected acceptance from a Milkovich family member. While making arrangements for the celebration, Debbie strongly advocated for a princess-themed party, only to face a breakdown when the incorrect bounce house was delivered, leaving them with a pirate-themed one instead of a princess castle. Surprisingly, Franny was overjoyed with the pirate bounce house and the guns bestowed upon her by her beloved uncle, Mickey. This turn of events offered a gratifying moment, as it appeared that karma had finally stood up against Debbie in this particular situation.

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Debbie in Shameless has numerous problems, but her exploitation of her daughter is often the most prominent. In season 7, she dropped out of high school to prioritize taking care of Franny and making money. Debbie resorted to taking Franny to shopping centers to beg for money, rejecting assistance from Fiona. Determined to be self-sufficient, she employed some of Frank's most disgraceful schemes. With a dirt-covered Franny and a makeshift sign, Debbie desperately approached people, pretending to be homeless, in a plea for help.

Her Betrayal Of Fiona — Season 6, Episode 2, "Abortion Rules"

Debbie's plan to assert her independence from her family backfired drastically and almost resulted in her losing custody of her daughter, Franny. This disastrous turn of events occurred when Derek's sister stumbled upon a video of Debbie, a character from Shameless, engaged in a physical altercation with another woman while Franny was visibly distressed. Despite her attempts at breaking free from her family's influence, Debbie frequently found herself relying on their assistance to extricate herself from the aftermath of her own poor decisions. Unfortunately, even the humiliating experience of being caught on camera fighting while holding her own child did not provide Debbie with the necessary wake-up call to overcome her inherent selfishness. While she appeared to aspire to be a responsible mother to Franny, the truth was that Debbie actually desired a miniature version of herself whom she could control and exploit for her own personal gain.

The Unapologetic Truth About Debbie Gallagher: Revealing 20 Overlooked Aspects

Despite her flaws, Fiona was undoubtedly the most stable maternal figure in Debbie's life from Shameless. She went above and beyond to provide for her siblings, ensuring they always had food and shelter. It was incredibly heartbreaking to see Debbie so ungrateful towards Fiona. Towards the end of her time on the show, Fiona did grow colder and less forgiving towards her siblings, but that doesn't justify Debbie's lack of appreciation. Fiona dedicated years of her life prioritizing her responsibilities as a guardian over her own wellbeing and financial stability, but Debbie resented the rules Fiona imposed.

Debbie and Fiona's relationship became strained when Fiona voiced her opposition to Debbie's decision to proceed with her pregnancy. Despite Fiona consistently fulfilling a more significant role as Debbie's guardian compared to their parents, Debbie was quicker to criticize her sister's shortcomings in comparison to those of their parents, Frank and Monica. While Debbie pointed out every mistake and act of selfishness Fiona made, she remained oblivious to her own faults. Even after becoming a mother herself, Debbie failed to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts Fiona had put in as Franny's guardian, disregarding everything her sister had done for her.