The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

Discover the top 10 game-changing features that The Elder Scrolls 6 should incorporate from the latest AAA titles From advanced AI to dynamic combat mechanics, crafting, homesteading, and quests that change the world state, we explore the possibilities for an even more immersive and engaging gaming experience

Despite being announced at E3 2018, Bethesda has yet to provide any updates on The Elder Scrolls 6. However, this comes as no surprise as game director Todd Howard has made it clear that Redfall and Starfield will be released prior to TES 6's development. With Redfall now released and Starfield still in progress, the TES 6 team has ample time to consider innovative features and draw inspiration from other successful triple-A titles released since Skyrim's debut in 2011. Incorporating fresh mechanics could make the wait for this highly anticipated game well worth it.

10 Advanced Companion AI

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

TES boasts a diverse range of followers hailing from various factions, holds, and quests. Skyrim, in particular, offers a plethora of companions that cater to different playstyles. However, players often encounter the challenge of working around their companions' sometimes glitchy AI in exchange for this variety.

To address this issue, TES 6 could take inspiration from games such as Pillars of Eternity, God of War, and Bioshock Infinite, whose companions demonstrate helpful and intuitive AI. Characters like Atreus and Elizabeth never obstruct the player and instead enhance combat and exploration. PoE's intricate AI script can also be tailored to meet player preferences, providing a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience.

9 Physics & Mechanics That Work For Combat & Exploration

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

If TES 6 hopes to make a mark in the world of open-world RPGs, it cannot ignore the impact of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. With its advanced physics engine, ToTK seamlessly integrated multiple systems in an expansive open world environment. By emulating even a portion of this success, TES 6 has the potential to revolutionize exploration, combat, and even introduce new gameplay mechanics like cabbage basketball.

Meanwhile, Horizon Forbidden West’s gameplay mechanics, including free-climbing, mounted combat, gliding, underwater exploration, and the use of the Pullcaster, not only add excitement to exploration but also make the game world feel fully immersive and interactive, rather than just an open display.

8 Better Stealth

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

The stealth mechanic in Skyrim is undeniably overpowered, to the point where mods have been created specifically to make it more challenging. It's high time for TES 6 to revamp this beloved, yet controversial, feature.

The stealth mechanics in Hitman 3, Dishonored, and Metal Gear Solid 5 may differ greatly, but they all feature highly responsive AI and environmental mechanics that are definitely worth exploring. Hitman 3, for instance, manages to keep its limited levels feeling fresh by offering players a plethora of ways to sneak around and complete missions. MGS 5, on the other hand, uses weather conditions, advanced destruction physics, player equipment, and enemy states to ramp up the tension and potential for action. Dishonored, meanwhile, lets players experiment with various tools and abilities to customize their stealthy approach, including the option to end things lethally or non-lethally.

7 Dynamic Melee

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

The potential for Devil May Cry-style action in TES 6 may spark intrigue and amusement, but it's more realistic to expect a polished and grounded melee combat system in the upcoming sequel. Drawing inspiration from modern titles like God of War (2018) and Ghost of Tsushima could be beneficial in improving the mechanics of TES's melee combat. God of War's weapon-specific fighting styles and seamless combo chains are noteworthy, while Ghost of Tsushima's emphasis on parrying and counter-attacking adds an extra layer of satisfaction to the overall experience.

6 Experimental Magic System

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

Reviving the custom spell feature from The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind would undoubtedly please fans, but modernizing Morrowind's magic system to cater to current players would be necessary. Divinity: Original Sin boasts a plethora of spell and effect combinations, allowing mages to teleport enemies into harm's way, immobilize foes for fiery destruction, and contaminate puddles to poison and ignite enemies.

Players can enhance their spellcasting skills in Dragon’s Dogma by utilizing the game’s unique magic system. Not only are the animations impressive, but there is also a clear path for progression in terms of spell improvement. Additionally, by learning how to counter resistances, players can expand their repertoire of spells and become even more formidable in combat.

5 Environmental Damage

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

TES 6 could take player empowerment to the next level by introducing gameplay-relevant destruction physics. This would allow players to truly feel like their actions have an impact on the game world, much like the slayable dragons in Skyrim made players feel powerful. Imagine being able to level entire cities or create new pathways through mountains with your character's abilities. The possibilities for immersive gameplay are endless with this kind of feature.

4 Weapon, Armor, And Accessory Crafting

Rainbow Six Siege and Control are two games that have successfully incorporated destruction physics into their gameplay mechanics, adding a new layer of tension and excitement to every encounter. If Starfield's game engine can enable players to fully immerse themselves in the worlds they discover, it would be interesting to see if TES 6 could introduce a destructible environment that has an impact on gameplay.

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

While Skyrim did have alchemy, blacksmithing, and other crafting mechanics, many games have taken crafting to the next level by providing players with more than just the ability to rename an enchanted ebony sword. These games offer interesting and functional crafting systems that allow players to truly immerse themselves in the game world and create unique items that enhance their gameplay experience.

Monster Hunter Rise's crafting system is not only simple, but also unique due to the fact that each monster has its own distinct set of armor or weapon that can be crafted using their materials. Similarly, Prey's crafting mechanic encourages players to collect seemingly useless items, which can then be turned into valuable and game-changing items. In contrast, Nioh's gear customization system allows players to fine-tune their equipment with specific parts from various items, providing more precise control over their stats instead of relying solely on luck.

3 Convenient Homesteading & Building

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

While Skyrim's Hearthfire DLC offers players the ability to customize their own property and create a family home, few other triple-A titles have integrated this feature. However, titles like Ni no Kuni 2, Fallout 4, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons excel in the building aspect of this mechanic.

2 Army Command System

The demand for Animal Crossing-style building and customization in TES 6 is evident from the numerous Hearthfire-related mods available for Skyrim. If TES 6 allows players to assume the role of jarls or other landowners, incorporating advanced settlement-building mechanics akin to those in Ni no Kuni 2 and Fallout 4 would be a valuable addition.

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

With the release of TES 6 still on the horizon, fans have been eagerly predicting what the game's plot could entail. Among the many theories, some fans have speculated that the lore found in Skyrim could potentially hint at an exploration of Akivir or a journey to Hammerfell.

The conflict between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion could potentially escalate into a full-blown confrontation. Despite the outcome of the civil war in Skyrim, the animosity between these two factions remains palpable. For a unique gameplay experience, incorporating strategy games could be a great addition to the mix. Games such as Total War: WARHAMMER 2 offer a tried-and-true formula of Total War gameplay combined with elements of science fiction and fantasy warfare. Alternatively, Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition has updated the original game's core gameplay and AI to provide a fresh and challenging experience for players on higher difficulty levels.

1 Quests That Change The World State

The Ultimate Wishlist for Elder Scrolls 6: Revolutionary Features to Dominate Triple A Gaming

In Skyrim, major quests may alter character dialogue and behavior, but they ultimately lack substantial impact. For example, assassinating the Emperor only leads to minor street chatter, and defeating Alduin does not result in the rebuilding of burnt villages or significant changes to dragon invasions. In contrast, games like Final Fantasy 15, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, and Red Dead Redemption 2 feature points of no return that bring about significant and lasting changes to the game world.

After completing certain quests, TES 6 can bring about significant changes in the game's world, thanks to its new engine. This will enhance the hallmark narrative freedom of the series while introducing real consequences. The game is presently under development.