The Exciting Possibility of Sutch's Return in Elder Scrolls 6

The Exciting Possibility of Sutch's Return in Elder Scrolls 6

The Elder Scrolls 6 could feature a fan-favorite location from Oblivion that was cut from the game Sutch, a city in Hammerfell, has the potential to make its return and impact the storyline of the game

The development of The Elder Scrolls 6 is reportedly still in pre-production as of early 2022, and it remains unclear if full development has commenced. The premature announcement of the game has made it a prime example of the gaming industry's tendency to tease fans with promises of upcoming titles. Nevertheless, the mere knowledge that the game is in the works provides hope for avid followers of the franchise.

Speculations suggest that The Elder Scrolls 6 will likely be set in the former Imperial Province of Hammerfell, with the neighboring Province of High Rock potentially making an appearance. However, there is also a compelling argument for featuring a small portion of Cyrodiil in the game by reintroducing the city of Sutch, which was originally intended for The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion but ultimately removed.

Sutch In Elder Scrolls Lore

The Exciting Possibility of Sutch's Return in Elder Scrolls 6

Sutch, situated in the Gold Coast region of northwestern Cyrodiil, held significant importance in Elder Scrolls lore. Positioned near the steep banks of the Brena River, which forms the boundary between Cyrodiil and southern Hammerfell, it lay to the north of Anvil and Kavach. Despite the limited information available, it remained inhabited during The Elder Scrolls Online, serving as the abode of a cult devoted to the Daedric Prince Boethiah. Additionally, Sutch was a constituent of the Colovian Estates, which Tiber Septim led to conquer Cyrodiil and establish the Third Empire. Although players were intended to pay a visit to Sutch in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, the city was removed during the development process. Instead, players explore the ruins of Fort Sutch during a couple of quests, while the surrounding area is strikingly flat and barren, offering a glimpse into the city's probable location. However, the fate of Sutch and its inhabitants remains a mystery, with a popular fan theory suggesting that the city was destroyed during an Empire-wide civil war, though this proposal remains unverified.

There is limited information available about Sutch in Elder Scrolls lore, with the only other reference being the in-game book "Thief of Virtue." According to the book, Sutch is located in Hammerfell. While some fans believe this suggests Sutch was previously considered part of Hammerfell, similar to how Falkreath Hold was once part of Cyrodiil, others speculate that there may be two cities with the same name or that Bethesda may have subtly retconned Sutch's location.

Sutch's Return in The Elder Scrolls 6

The Exciting Possibility of Sutch's Return in Elder Scrolls 6

The fate of the city of Sutch has been a long-standing mystery for fans of The Elder Scrolls series. With the upcoming release of The Elder Scrolls 6, Bethesda has the perfect opportunity to finally provide some closure on this topic. While one option would be to simply mention the city's fate through a character or book, Bethesda would be missing out on a significant opportunity if they didn't include Sutch directly in the game. This could mean either embracing a retcon or suggesting that the city was rebuilt in the 200+ years since its last appearance in The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.

The potential return of Sutch in The Elder Scrolls 6 presents an opportunity for Bethesda to showcase their original plans for the city in Oblivion. As it was cut late in the development stage, it is reasonable to believe that some level of development had already taken place. Further, Elder Scrolls: Online features a few references to Sutch, leaving room for expansion and development into a complete area. If "Thief of Virtue" was a retcon, Sutch could be a city in southern Hammerfell with prominent Imperial influences, borrowing architectural elements from Anvil. Despite being a Redguard city, it could have a larger-than-usual Imperial population, similar to how Bruma and Cheydinhal had significant Nord and Dark Elf influences despite being in Cyrodiil.

Alternatively, Bethesda could position Sutch on the Cyrodilic side of the river, just across the border. This would result in it being a part of the Empire and potentially the only Imperial territory in The Elder Scrolls 6, if High Rock is not included on the game's world map. In such a scenario, players may encounter Thalmor agents operating openly in Sutch, unless the cold war between them and the Empire has escalated into a full-blown conflict.

Sutch, Hammerfell, and The Empire in The Elder Scrolls 6

The Exciting Possibility of Sutch's Return in Elder Scrolls 6

Sutch provides a unique opportunity to draw a comparison between Hammerfell and the Imperial heartlands. It could serve as the only location in Hammerfell that practices the Empire's interpretation of the Eight Divines, and could possibly feature a traditional Cyrodilic chapel. Such a contrast would help distinguish the more familiar Eight Divines and the religious beliefs of Hammerfell's Crowns and Forebears.

By incorporating a small section of Cyrodiil into TES6, players would gain insight into the events occurring in the southern region and maintain the Empire's relevance within the game. Although Skyrim alludes to happenings in Cyrodiil, certain quests such as the Dark Brotherhood storyline would have been better suited to that area. While TES6 should primarily focus on Hammerfell, including Cyrodiil could provide Bethesda with an opportunity to weave together stories from multiple provinces.

Introducing an Imperial-influenced Sutch could create a source of political tension and conflict. Hammerfell was once part of the Empire until the Great War, in which Aldmeri Dominion High Elves occupied the province's southern territories. After Hammerfell refused to concede land to the High Elves as part of the peace accord, the Empire abandoned the province, leading many Redguards to feel betrayed. The addition of a final element of Imperial influence in Hammerfell would present numerous possibilities for storytelling.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.