The Ultimate Strategy Guide: Conquering Simon Manus, the Awakened God

The Ultimate Strategy Guide: Conquering Simon Manus, the Awakened God

Defeat Simon Manus, the Awakened God in Lies of P with this expert guide Discover strategies to conquer both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the battle

Lies of P promises an exhilarating journey fraught with danger. Every enemy poses a lethal threat, amplifying the intensity of the experience. The unrelenting bosses further contribute to a souls-like gameplay that stands among the best in recent years.

Consequently, not everyone will initially possess the means to effectively confront these formidable adversaries, regardless of previous victories or defeats. This is perfectly understandable. To assist players in progressing closer to the game's culmination, this guide offers essential tips and precautions for defeating Simon Manus, the Awakened God, in Lies of P.

How to Beat Simon Manus, Awakened God in Lies of P

The Ultimate Strategy Guide: Conquering Simon Manus, the Awakened God

By now, players will be accustomed to the notion that this boss fight comprises of two distinct phases, with the initial phase being notably less challenging compared to the latter. Acquiring mastery in perfect guarding is of utmost importance, as well as utilizing Pulse Cells strategically for healing purposes. It is imperative to enhance all available equipment, including weapons and handles, as even the slightest enhancement can make a significant difference.

Phase 1

During the initial phase, Simon Manus will assume his Arm of God persona, utilizing a colossal mace and his own physical strength for close combat. It is important to be wary of the extensive range of his attacks, which can catch players off guard. Prior to engaging, summon the Specter by employing a Star Fragment.

Pay close attention to the timing of his melee assaults. In the event of his two-swing combination, starting with a forward forearm strike followed by a reverse backhand swing, either evade or use blocking techniques to create an opportunity for counterattacks.

Manus is capable of executing a powerful slam attack called Fury. Be cautious when he changes his grip on the mace, slams it into the ground in front of him, and propels himself into the air. To avoid taking damage or inflict Stagger damage, either maintain a safe distance or time your attacks accurately during his recovery window.

Occasionally, the boss may opt for an area-of-effect (AoE) charge attack instead of leaping into the air. It is crucial to move out of range to avoid getting hit. Remember, the flames on the ground will linger for some time, so it is advisable to draw the boss away while maintaining your distance.

Phase 2

Reducing his health without sustaining too much damage should be a relatively straightforward task. Prior to advancing to the second phase, ensure that you have an ample supply of Pulse Cells at your disposal. For those fortunate enough to possess extra Special Grindstone applications, it is highly recommended to utilize the Fire element as it proves to be the most effective choice in this scenario.

The true excitement begins now, as this stage of the battle proves to be the most challenging. The Awakened God presents a formidable foe with a combination of ranged and melee attacks.

Speaking of ranged attacks, there are numerous strategies to be considered. Firstly, when the boss's arm is charged with pulsating energy and forcefully slams into the ground, it triggers a sequence of three consecutive explosions targeting the player's location. It is crucial to keep constantly moving to evade this assault.

Simon Manus can unleash a ground-based wave of energy targeting the player, allowing for it to be effortlessly blocked or evaded. Additionally, the boss exhibits a preference for utilizing Disruption attacks, which manifest in various ways. The first entails Manus swiftly evading and simultaneously launching multiple projectiles. The second involves Manus summoning a yellow ball that releases faster-moving bolts of Disruption. Lastly, Manus has the ability to release multiple energy balls that subsequently project out projectiles after a brief delay. It is essential to constantly maneuver to the side in order to effectively evade these attacks.

The opportune moment to strike is during his melee swings. The attacks are now swifter and possess greater reach, so acclimatize to the slightly delayed timing if you intend to block. Additionally, beware of his rolling attacks, which swiftly bridge the distance, often culminating in a devastating smash. Stay vigilant against his combos.

Manus will continue to utilize his previously employed Fury attack. Ensure that you grasp the timing in order to minimize the extent of damage inflicted upon you.

In due course, the Awakened God will unleash a fresh assault that summons a colossal hand from above, resulting in a vast explosion that encompasses a considerable region. It is advisable to swiftly retreat to a secure location to ensure your safety.

The Ultimate Strategy Guide: Conquering Simon Manus, the Awakened God

Employing strategic defensive tactics to exploit vulnerabilities and employing Fable Arts whenever opportune, one can ensure precise and effective strikes. Whether by strategically staggering the boss for a decisive Fatal Attack or by gradually wearing them down over time, victory will be well within reach. Triumph over this formidable adversary guarantees the coveted acquisition of the Arm of God quest item and the Fallen One's Ergo.

Lies of P is available for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.