The Ultimate Guide to Weapon Repair: Busting P's Lies

The Ultimate Guide to Weapon Repair: Busting P's Lies

Learn how to repair weapons in Lies of P and extend their durability This guide will help you keep your weapons in top condition, ensuring you're always ready for battle Don't let broken weapons hold you back - master the art of repair today

Lies of P is an upcoming Soulslike game that promises a challenging gameplay experience. The game features biomechanical monsters that can be truly frightening, making combat a difficult and meticulous task. To survive, players must exercise caution and be mindful of their surroundings to avoid being overwhelmed by their enemies. The game's unique twist on the world of puppets makes for an immersive experience that brings players into its dark and twisted world.

It can be easy to fall prey to the game's enemies, who can appear out of nowhere if players aren't paying close attention. Pinocchio's weapon is his best friend in combat, and players must take care to protect it at all costs. Keeping weapons in good condition is crucial to dishing out consistent damage. Luckily, the demo for Lies of P reveals a helpful item that allows players to repair their weapons when they become damaged.

How to Repair Weapons in Lies of P

The Ultimate Guide to Weapon Repair: Busting P's Lies

Upon waking up, players are free to explore the train and discover various items, but one item in particular, Munad's Lamp, is crucial for progressing towards the final compartment where weapons are stored. Once players have made their choice of combat style, they will receive their first weapon and shortly after, a bar will appear in the bottom-right corner above their selected weapon.

The Ultimate Guide to Weapon Repair: Busting P's Lies

Players must keep a close eye on the durability bar of their weapons as it decreases with every attack, rendering the weapon unusable once it hits zero. This makes it crucial to repair the weapon before it reaches this point, as buying a new one can be a challenge with enemies constantly in the way. However, players can utilize the Grinder found in the lower belt to repair their weapons. Simply accessing it by pressing the Down button on the D-pad and selecting the Grinder, players can restore their weapons to their full strength by holding down the Square button.

The Ultimate Guide to Weapon Repair: Busting P's Lies

Upon pressing the button, Pinocchio sets to work on repairing his weapon in a captivating animation. Once the repairs are complete, players are equipped with a fully functional weapon to take on the evil puppets lurking throughout Krat, enabling them to continue their journey with confidence.

Lies of P releases on September 19, 2023, for Xbox X|S, Xbox One, PC, PS5, and PS4.