The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

Discover the formidable contenders who possess the power and determination to take down the mighty Homelander in the hit TV show, The Boys Uncover the true strength within Soldier Boy, Starlight, Marie Moreau, Victoria Neuman, Billy Butcher, Queen Maeve, A-Train, Kimiko, Stan Edgar, and Ryan Butcher


Homelander's reign of terror in The Boys may soon come to an end as other Supes rise up against him.

Soldier Boy, Starlight, Marie Moreau, Victoria Neuman, and Billy Butcher possess the potential to defeat Homelander through their unique powers and abilities. Despite Homelander's dominant presence and successful evasion of murder attempts by Butcher in season 3 of The Boys, several characters in the show still hold the capability to overcome him with their extraordinary abilities. Throughout the series, Homelander has emerged as the primary antagonist, causing distress for both Vought and The Boys, prompting many other heroes to recognize his true nature and unite against him. Numerous individuals have come close to subduing him, with certain heroes even standing their ground in one-on-one battles, but Homelander has consistently evaded defeat by sheer luck each time.

Soldier Boy

: Homelander's fortunate streak cannot endure indefinitely, and the character's remaining days become increasingly limited as more courageous Supes rise up against him. It is merely a matter of time before someone emerges who Homelander simply lacks the strength to defeat. His burgeoning arrogance distorts his judgment and leads to flawed decisions. In Season 3, Homelander embarked on a power-hungry journey, callously slaying characters such as Supersonic and Black Noir solely because he possessed the ability to do so. However, it is inevitable that he will eventually push the boundaries too far and initiate a confrontation that he cannot emerge victorious from.

The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

Soldier Boy, recruited by Butcher in The Boys' third season, is the ideal candidate to take down Homelander. However, his inability to control his powers resulted in a disastrous explosion at Vought Towers. As a result, he was captured and sedated by Grace Mallory. If Soldier Boy can master his strength and return in season 4, Homelander will face serious consequences.


The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

Starlight is the one of the remaining superheroes who has witnessed Homelander's power firsthand and survived to recount the experience. Despite officially leaving The Seven, she remains the only member courageous enough to defy Homelander. In the season 3 finale, a particular moment at Vought Towers suggests that Starlight may possess the ability to overpower him in the future. Her powers reached an unprecedented level during the final battle, implying an untapped potential that could enable her to bring down Homelander and initiate a transformation within The Seven.

Marie Moreau

The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

Marie Moreau, a character absent from The Boys but a main figure in the forthcoming spin-off Gen V, possesses unknown levels of power. Her abilities involve the manipulation of blood, enabling her to project tendrils of her own blood from her body. Additionally, she possesses an enhanced healing factor, both of which could prove deadly in certain circumstances. Despite her youth in comparison to Homelander, Gen V sets the stage for her to ultimately be the one who brings him down.

Victoria Neuman

The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

Billy Butcher

: Victoria Neuman, known as the 'Head Popper' in The Boys, possesses a superpower that surpasses all others in lethality and violence. With her mind, she has the ability to detonate the heads of her enemies. Throughout the series, she has eliminated numerous individuals, such as Susan Raynor and Jonah Vogelbaum. While it remains uncertain if her power would be effective against Homelander, a fleeting moment in the finale of season 3 implies that her abilities still pose a threat to Supes. By revealing her true identity to Starlight, she causes her nose to bleed using molecular combustion. Though only a warning, it demonstrates that Supes are not invulnerable.

The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

The Boys Season 3 took a shocking turn with the introduction of Temp V, a temporary variant of Compound V that loses its effects after 24 hours. Billy Butcher became the first to try out this drug, employing it to eliminate Gunpowder in his pursuit of Soldier Boy. During this intense confrontation, Butcher demonstrated complete invulnerability, effortlessly overpowering Gunpowder. His newfound powers also granted him an advantage in encounters with Homelander on two occasions - during Herogasm and at Vought Towers - where he successfully outwitted his opponent. It is conceivable that, given the right circumstances, Butcher could become entirely impervious to Homelander's abilities and potentially succeed in eliminating him.

Queen Maeve

The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

Although Maeve's return for The Boys season 4 is uncertain due to her depowering at the end of season 3, her comeback could spell trouble for Homelander. In the final battle, Maeve, being the only one strong enough, managed to make the seemingly invincible Supe bleed after standing up to Homelander. Had Soldier Boy not lost control and destroyed the building, there's a chance she could have succeeded in killing him. Losing her powers is not a major concern, as Kimiko experienced a similar setback earlier in the series but easily regained her abilities with a dose of Compound V.


The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

A-Train, one of The Seven's most intriguing and intricate characters, finds himself in a predicament where he is unable to confront Homelander yet unwilling to comply with Vought's manipulative tactics. However, now that Vought has replaced his faulty heart and restored his powers, there is a possibility that A-Train will possess enough strength to break free from Homelander's control and unite with The Boys in their mission to overthrow him. Throughout his journey, A-Train has long been torn between his deep-seated loathing for Homelander and the paralyzing fear he instills, making it incredibly captivating should he be the one to ultimately bring about his demise.


The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

When first introduced in season 1, Kimiko instantly established herself as one of the most formidable characters in The Boys - her mere presence was enough to make one of her captors take his own life rather than face her in combat. Since then, she has been engaged in numerous life-or-death battles, boldly standing up against Stormfront in the season 2 finale. However, it seems that Kimiko has yet to fully unlock her true potential, often reserving her superhuman strength for human adversaries. Although it remains uncertain whether she possesses the strength required to vanquish Homelander, her exceptional regenerative abilities undeniably provide her with a significant advantage.

Stan Edgar

The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

One of the reasons why Homelander fears Stan Edgar in The Boys is because he possesses qualities that few others do. Despite lacking superpowers and being no longer in control at Vought, Stan Edgar may have a contingency plan that could permanently neutralize Homelander. In a flashback scene during season 3, it is revealed that Edgar has been affiliated with Vought since his youth and has played a role in their activities ever since Homelander's inception. It is highly unlikely that Vought would create someone as formidable as Homelander without implementing a fail-safe mechanism to counter him, and Edgar, being in the know, could be privy to it.

Ryan Butcher

The Ultimate Showdown: Discover the One Character Capable of Defeating Homelander

The Boys is subtly suggesting a dramatic turn of events where Homelander's downfall is orchestrated by his own son. In the gripping conclusion of season 3, Ryan, for the first time, chose his father over Butcher. However, this allegiance is likely to be short-lived as Butcher's return prompts Ryan to remember his mother's poignant last words, revealing that he is nothing like his father and is, in fact, good. This revelation could potentially trigger a switch in Ryan, compelling him to once again align with Butcher and ultimately end Homelander's reign of terror.