The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

Futurama's opening credits subtitles are a treasure trove of hilarious jokes From clever references to absurd scenarios, these witty and creative titles never fail to captivate and entertain


Futurama's opening credits subtitles have consistently provided sharp meta-humor, skewering not only the show itself but also other popular shows like The Simpsons.

The show's retrofuturistic aesthetic, drawing inspiration from the 1939 World's Fair, adds a distinct charm and visual style to Futurama's portrayal of the future.

Futurama's opening title card gags perfectly capture the show's fusion of high science fiction and fantasy with absurd satire, featuring bizarre, clever, and unexpected jokes.

Futurama's disclaimer subtitle under the opening credits is one of its best running gags. Let's revisit some of the funniest ones. The show, currently in its 11th season on Hulu, has had a tumultuous history with multiple revivals from cancellation. Despite this, Futurama has maintained a consistent charm in its humor and characters. A constant in the show has been its opening credits subtitle joke.

Inspired by The Simpsons' famous couch gag, creator Matt Groening brought the concept to Futurama. While the Futurama credits joke is less prominent than its Simpsons counterpart, it still requires the same level of creative effort. The brevity of the opening gag demands a high level of comic efficiency, resulting in some truly great moments of comedy.

20 A Show Out Of Ideas Teams Up With A Show Out Of Episodes

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

19 As Seen At The 1939 World’s Fair

The opening title card for the Simpsons-Futurama crossover episode, "Simpsorama," took a brilliantly self-aware approach. Futurama's opening credit subtitles have always excelled in delivering sharp meta-humor, but witnessing them playfully target both shows simultaneously is truly satisfying. The timing of this joke was particularly apt when the episode originally aired; Futurama had been off the air for a year after its second revival, while the Simpsons was already in its 26th season.

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

This text gag offers a delightful nod to Futurama's unique portrayal of the future. While many sci-fi shows set in the future embrace a sleek and minimalist aesthetic, Futurama embraces a charmingly retrofuturist design reminiscent of Buck Rogers. This design choice contrasts with the commonly seen depiction of futuristic technology at the 1939 World's Fair, which touted itself as "the world of tomorrow" and showcased a vision of technological progress rooted in the early 20th-century.

18 Secreted By The Comedy Bee

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

17 Put On 2-D Glasses Now

While some of the hilarious title card jokes in Futurama could easily fit into any comedy series, the phrase "secreted by the comedy bee" feels uniquely connected to the Futurama universe. The show's peculiar combination of futuristic science fiction and satirical commentary on capitalism has given rise to an array of fascinating extraterrestrial creatures whose sole purpose is to fuel materialistic desires. The comedy bee would fit right in alongside iconic characters like the Hypnotoad, the Slurm Queen who produces soda-like lactation, and numerous other peculiar and cunning creations.

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

The opening title card gag of Futurama was originally devised as a satirical take on the serious subtitles that typically prepare viewers for the show. Although the series has deviated from its initial concept in numerous comical ways, a joke as successful as "put on 2-D glasses now" never fails to bring back the essence of the original gag. Its impact is amplified within the context of the subsequent episode, "2-D Blacktop" from season 7, where the Planet Express ship is compressed into the second dimension.

16 For The Sophisticated Shut-In

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles


With its multiple cancellations and subsequent revivals, Futurama stands out for its exceptional self-awareness compared to other shows. The series skillfully ridicules society's obsession with television, even while it becomes the subject of adoration from loyal fans who fought for its resurrection. By seamlessly blending complex science fiction with hilarious comedy, Futurama manages to garner both critical praise and effortless rewatchability, making it the ideal choice for repeated viewings with a touch of sophistication.

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

Adding to the original premise of the joke functioning as a disclaimer, the medical label format has been featured multiple times for a Futurama title card. However, the instruction of DO NOT SHOW TO HORSES brings a hilariously anarchic twist. Some of the funniest moments in Futurama often arise unexpectedly and lead nowhere. The use of uppercase letters only heightens the manic absurdity of the joke.

14 Cancel/OK

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

This isn’t the sole occasion on which Futurama has alluded to its own cancellation; it is not even the exclusive instance on this catalog. Nonetheless, the ingenuity lies in formatting it as a computer dialog box, which is an exceptional touch. When this caption was broadcasted during season 7, the series had experienced multiple cancellations and renewals. To the show’s writers, it likely seemed as though the destiny of Futurama was determined by the casual mouse click of a studio executive.

13 Touch Eyeballs To Screen For Cheap Laser Surgery

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

The writing on this gag is incredibly concise, making it a standout title card joke. Despite being slightly longer than usual with eight words, it remains essential to the humor of Futurama. The show's satirical and cynical nature thrives on authentic jokes that reflect the absurdity of a utopia governed by incompetent individuals. In this context, the grotesque suggestion of opting for cheap laser eye surgery perfectly embodies the show's 31st-century society.

12 You Can’t Prove It Won’t Happen

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

The amusement derived from Futurama’s worldbuilding lies in its knowing irreverence. In an era where sci-fi series are becoming more intricate and serious, the writers of Futurama take delight in incorporating gags that suggest outright absurdities about the future's world. As a title card subtitle further emphasizes the likelihood of Futurama's "predictions" materializing, the overall effect becomes even more comical.


The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

This subtitle, cleverly acknowledging the numerous cancelations, appears at the beginning of the first Futurama revival and the first of the four Futurama movies, Bender’s Big Score. The use of a bold, blocky impact font adds a touch of nostalgia, paying homage to the posters of schlocky sci-fi and horror B-movies that heavily influence Futurama's visual style. Placed within the context of such a poster, Futurama would be depicted as an unstoppable monster wrapped in a rubber suit.

10 Others Ask, “What If?” We Ask, “Why If.”

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

Another example of Futurama playfully affirming its own credibility. Consistently, Futurama presents affectionate parodies of esteemed sci-fi series like Star Trek and The Twilight Zone, which employ sci-fi as a means to explore ideological concepts. In this case, Futurama irreverently portrays itself as bolder than these other shows; it's a brilliant form of self-mockery, even though Futurama has raised some intriguing questions amidst its absurd storyline.

9 The One Bright Spot In Your Life!

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

Futurama alternates between mocking itself and its viewers. Undoubtedly, the sitcom's dedicated fanbase, who are responsible for its ongoing renewal, exhibit an unparalleled sense of devotion. A stellar aspect of Futurama's sense of humor lies in its clever commentary on how products shamelessly belittle their consumers. Despite this, the crew persistently purchases items from Slurm and Mom's Friendly Robot Company, much like how the viewers of Futurama continue to avidly watch a show that openly mocks them.

8 Soon To Be A Hit Television Show

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

Once again, Futurama finds itself mocking its own existence. The show's enduring charm lies in its ability to embrace the role of an underdog. Despite being canceled numerous times, Futurama refuses to lose hope in its pursuit of achieving the same level of success as “Hit Television Show.” This determination is exemplified not only by clever jokes like "Put on 2-D Glasses Now," but also by the show's skillful use of the opening caption to slyly undermine any earnest expectations.

7 Known To Cause Insanity In Laboratory Mice

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

This medical disclaimer title card presents an amusing concept, portraying Futurama as a hazardous pharmaceutical. The humor of this gag resonates with the show's critique of materialism. As the title card appears, viewers are captivated, continuing to watch despite the implicit suggestion that Futurama is yet another unhealthy product that consumers mindlessly accept. It brings to mind Fry's relentless consumption of Slurm, despite repeatedly discovering teeth in the cans.

6 Please Rise For The Futurama Theme Song

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

Here, the opening credits of Futurama amuse us again with yet another clever self-promotion joke. However, amidst this comedic act lies a nugget of truth regarding the admiration for the Futurama theme song. While it may not hold sacred status, it undeniably stands out as a fantastic composition. The lively and intricately arranged orchestral production harmonizes seamlessly with the visually captivating opening title sequence. With its infectious melody and perfectly timed brevity, it manages to always captivate, making it nearly impossible to skip past these engaging opening credits.

5 Filmed On Location

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

This is a perfect example of how the opening subtitle can be effectively utilized. It is concise, in line with the TV disclaimer theme, and most importantly, it is undeniably ridiculous. Serving as the tenth episode of Futurama, this moment marks the initial flare of brilliance in the title credits gag. It signifies the writers' growing comfort with the show's humor and the overall absurdity of the Futurama universe.

4 See You On Some Other Channel

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

3 As Foretold By Nostradamus

The final episode of season 5, The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings, was accompanied by this iconic title card. At that time, the Futurama team was aware that the show had not been picked up and were prepared for its cancellation. The phrase "See you on some other channel" initially referred to the possibility of the series being syndicated and aired on other networks. However, its meaning took on a new significance when the show was eventually renewed on another channel, Comedy Central.

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

Underscoring the absurdity of Futurama, the show cleverly embeds itself in lofty pretensions. While it may not align with Nostradamus' prophecies, Futurama cannot disregard its own uncanny ability to predict the future. Since its debut in 1999, many of the show's predictions have actually materialized. With new episodes on the horizon, the sitcom's capacity for foreseeing what lies ahead remains unpredictable.

2 Soon To Be A Major Religion

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

1 Not The Episode With The Dead Dog

: Futurama playfully mocks the tendency of science fiction franchises with passionate fan bases to transform into quasi-religions. In one of the show's standout episodes, "Where No Fan Has Gone Before," this phenomenon is cleverly woven into the plot, depicting a future where Star Trek has evolved into a globally influential faith. While the prevalence of cult followings for sci-fi series has waned since the genre's assimilation into the mainstream, the 11th season's performance may bring unforeseen possibilities.

The Ultimate Ranking of Futurama's Most Memorable Opening Credits Subtitles

The blunt nature of this disclaimer adds to its comedic value, making it one of the highlights of the show. It cleverly exhibits the self-awareness that has consistently charmed viewers of Futurama, acknowledging the unforgettable episode, Jurassic Bark. In fact, it stands out as the only title gag that also serves as a genuine disclaimer, considering the genuine risk of accidentally stumbling upon Jurassic Bark while casually watching an odd episode of Futurama on television.