The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

Celebrate Digimon's upcoming 25th anniversary by exploring every thrilling season! From the classic Adventure series to the innovative App Monsters, this rankings article dives into the beloved franchise's evolution Discover which seasons reign supreme in this epic journey through the Digimon universe

There were a total of 9 distinct iterations of Digimon, each featuring its own unique styles, characters, and storylines that set them apart from each other. While some series may be considered better than others, it is safe to say that none of them can be considered as poor.

In the world of anime, there is a plethora of exceptional options, often overshadowing Digimon, such as the more renowned Pokemon. However, it can be argued that Digimon is a more comprehensive and well-crafted series overall. The franchise, which began in 1999 with Digimon: Adventure, recently concluded with its final season, Digimon: Ghost Game, in 2023.

9 Data Squad

The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

Data Squad chronicles the journey of Yoshi, Thomas, and Marcus as they join the DATS, an elite organization dedicated to safeguarding the world from rebellious Digimon. Though Data Squad was deemed entertaining, it falls short compared to other installments in the series. It excessively dwells on the past, lacking a distinct identity of its own. While exploring themes of friendship and loyalty, it ultimately misses the target.

8 Tri

The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

The original main cast of Adventure made a comeback for this highly anticipated series. Its main objective was to bridge the gap between the last time the children appeared on screen and the Adventure 02 Epilogue.

Although some fans were disappointed with this season, it undeniably contains moments that are both enjoyable and heartfelt. The adventure is skillfully intertwined with the challenges faced by the main characters during their teenage years. Ultimately, it serves as a beautiful tribute to the original series.

7 Ghost Game

The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

The latest installment of Digimon, titled Ghost Game, aired from October 2021 to March 2023. In a departure from previous seasons, this particular season adopts an episodic structure, with each episode featuring a new monster that the main characters must defeat.

The decision to switch to an episodic format for Digimon is somewhat unconventional, considering that the previous seasons did not adopt this approach. While the show remains entertaining, numerous fans express their desire for the creators to have more faith in the Gen Z audience's ability to engage with a longer narrative arc.

The question remains, will Ghost Game be the last we see from the Digimon television franchise? Surely not with the 25th anniversary just around the corner.

6 Fusion

The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

Digimon: Fusion holds the distinction of having the highest number of episodes among all the versions of Digimon. As the sixth installment in the franchise, it successfully fulfills its promises and introduces a unique perspective by centering its attention on the digimon.

5 Frontier

War was a central focus in Fusion, presenting its main characters as the ultimate saviors in the Digital world. Despite its dark nature for a children's show, this element seamlessly fits into the overarching storyline and remains true to the Digimon series.

The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

Frontier proved to be an unforeseen jewel within the series. Taking an unexpected turn, our beloved heroes acquired the ability to transform into powerful digimon by means of Spirit Evolution. The storyline centers around the journey of Takuya Kanbara, a city-dwelling youngster who receives a mysterious text message instructing him to embark on a train that will lead him towards his ultimate destiny. Instantaneously transported into the digital realm, the subsequent events go down in history.

The season effectively builds upon its predecessors and introduces fresh elements to captivate new viewers. It also satisfies longtime fans by retaining the franchise's distinct and signature style.

4 Tamers

The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

Tamers represented a significant shift for the series, as it ventured into a fresh new setting distinct from its first two seasons. What sets this show apart is its existence within the established world of the Digimon franchise. The story revolves around Takato Matsuki, an ardent fan of the Digimon card game, who stumbles upon a Blue Card that magically transforms his reader into a D-Power Digivice. Through his D Power, he is able to bring his own artistic creations to life, most notably his Digimon partner named Guilmon.

3 App Monsters

Being the next series after the immensely popular Adventure and Adventure 02 seasons, Tamers faced a daunting task. However, it successfully manages to captivate audiences by cleverly tinkering with the traditional formula, resulting in an exceptionally entertaining series that has cemented its position in the Digimon folklore.

The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

The formula for Digimon: App Monsters underwent significant changes in its seventh season. With a strong focus on the cell phone, regarded as the paramount invention of the 21st century, Digimon: App Monsters serves as a thought-provoking commentary on this particular subject matter. This new world presents a refreshing landscape, where Digimon are inspired by various phone apps such as camera and navigation.

2 Adventure 02

The show's decision to change its formula was a refreshing departure from the usual conventions, positioning it as an exceptional addition to the series. Additionally, the portrayal of human characters exhibited a unique level of respect, setting it apart from previous seasons. Centering around artificial intelligence, this innovative approach was way ahead of its time when the show premiered in 2016.

The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

Adventure 02 served as the sequel to the original Digimon series, generating high anticipation due to the exceptional quality of its predecessor. Instead of simply replicating the narrative of the first Adventure, the inventive team behind this season opted to redefine the concept. By introducing Digi egg Evolutions, the show embarked on boundless possibilities, captivating both enthusiasts and viewers alike.

T.K and Kari reprised their roles as main characters in Adventure 02, which retained some of the familiarity from the first Adventure series. Additionally, the episodes were filled with numerous guest appearances by other members of the Adventure crew. While it may not be on par with the original series, it comes remarkably close.

1 Adventure

The Ultimate Ranking of All Digimon Anime Series You Must See!

Digimon revolutionized the entertainment industry almost 25 years ago, with the Adventure series serving as its inception. This season, which sparked a widespread obsession, has stood the test of time, captivating audiences for decades.

The concept of children venturing into a fantastical realm, teeming with monstrous creatures, is a captivating dream shared by many. The series impeccably brings this dream to life in a truly remarkable manner. Amidst fierce competition, Digimon: Adventure undeniably reigns supreme, securing its position as the pinnacle of the anime franchise.