The Ultimate Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Theory Unveils Shocking Revelation About Peter's Secret Identity

The Ultimate Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Theory Unveils Shocking Revelation About Peter's Secret Identity

An intriguing theory emerges for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, hinting that a significant character from the previous game and its DLC might possess knowledge of Peter's true identity


A new theory suggests that another prominent Marvel character may be aware of Peter Parker's secret identity as Spider-Man.

The theory suggests that Silver Sable might possess knowledge of Peter's secret identity because of her close friendship with MJ and their shared experiences in Symkaria. Given her interactions with both Peter and Spider-Man, it is possible that Sable could potentially recognize his voice.

By the end of the 2018 title, several characters have already discovered that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. However, a new theory suggests that another notable Marvel character may also be aware of this fact in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. The upcoming sequel will focus on Peter's personal relationships, including the return of his best friend Harry Osborn, and the impact of the alien symbiote on the hero's psyche throughout the game. If this theory is proven true, it's possible that another prominent "hunter" besides Kraven may have their sights set on Spider-Man.

Taking place approximately 10 months after the events of Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will bring together the two web-slingers to face off against two of their deadliest adversaries - Kraven the Hunter and Venom. Kraven arrives in New York City with the intention of hunting down not only the Spider-Men but also other super-powered individuals in the city. Venom's role in the story is yet to be revealed. The game will also feature the return of characters such as Mary-Jane Watson, Yuri Watanabe, and Norman Osborn, with Norman's son Harry playing a significant role as well.

One of the notable supporting characters from the first game, whose role in the sequel is uncertain, is Silver Sable. In the previous game and its DLC expansions, she had a complex relationship with Spider-Man, both allying and opposing him. However, a theory proposed by Reddit user Apo51209 explores how Sable might fit into the sequel, adding a compelling twist to Peter and Miles' fight. Apo suggests that due to MJ's prolonged stay in Sable's home country of Symkaria, her friendship with the mercenary, and Peter's own time in Symkaria during the events of Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Sable could potentially know that Peter is Spider-Man in Spider-Man 2.

While Apo's theory remains speculative, it could introduce an intriguing element to Spider-Man 2's storyline, considering Sable's significance as one of the game world's prominent mercenaries. On one hand, it might mean that Peter and Miles have to face Sable's forces in addition to Kraven's mercenaries, as both groups vie to defeat the two superheroes. However, Sable's friendship with MJ could prove invaluable if the heroes find themselves overwhelmed by Kraven's forces and the increasing power of the alien symbiote.

Insomniac has already hinted at the deeply personal story that awaits the heroes in Spider-Man 2, regardless of whether Sable appears in the game. Peter is about to confront the return of his best friend and the symbiote's influence, while the newest trailer has confirmed Miles' highly anticipated faceoff with Mister Negative. Both heroes will be tested to their limits, leaving players eagerly anticipating what fate has in store for them. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is set to launch on October 20, 2023, exclusively for PlayStation 5.