The Ultimate Guide to Vanquishing the Terrifying Monster in Amnesia: The Bunker

The Ultimate Guide to Vanquishing the Terrifying Monster in Amnesia: The Bunker

Master the art of survival in Amnesia: The Bunker as you discover various strategies to defeat the menacing monster Unleash your creativity and find your preferred method among the Rabbit Toy, Timing, Fire Trapping, or Explosives-free techniques Prepare for an intense battle for your life!

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Conquering the Beast: A Guide to Defeating Amnesia's Terrifying Monster in The Bunker

Frictional Games has unleashed a bone-chilling addition to the Amnesia series, immersing players into the depths of fear within the confines of a World War 1 bunker. Amnesia: The Bunker takes terror to new heights as gamers assume the role of a trapped soldier, haunted by a relentless and horrifying creature lurking in the shadows.

In the Amnesia series, players are typically presented with the choice to either run or hide to survive. However, Amnesia: The Bunker takes a different approach by featuring a protagonist who is a skilled soldier, well-versed in combat techniques. Despite the protagonist's abilities, the relentless monster that pursues players throughout the game remains seemingly impervious to shotgun shells and Molotov cocktails. As a result, players are left wondering if there is any way to permanently rid themselves of this persistent threat.

Please note: This article contains significant spoilers for Amnesia: The Bunker.

How to Kill The Beast for Good

The Ultimate Guide to Vanquishing the Terrifying Monster in Amnesia: The Bunker

In Amnesia: The Bunker, players will find that firepower has little effect on the monster known as the "Beast" for most of the game. However, towards the end, players have the opportunity to slay the Beast temporarily by using weapons or throwables, which forces it to hide in crawlspaces. It's important to note that the Beast will eventually recover from the damage and return to stalk players. Therefore, it is wise to conserve ammo and throwables, using them only when absolutely necessary. Since traditional firepower doesn't work, players are encouraged to devise a different plan involving gravity. By successfully defeating the Beast, players can earn the achievement of "Beast Slayer."


The Ultimate Guide to Vanquishing the Terrifying Monster in Amnesia: The Bunker

Players need certain items to defeat the beast, and while one item is absolutely necessary, having additional items would make the task much easier. There are three different methods to slay the beast in Amnesia: The Bunker.

The first item is the grenade, which is a requirement. It creates an explosion within seconds. Timing the explosion to kill the beast is challenging but not impossible. The grenade is essential for the rabbit toy, timing, and fire trapping method.

A plush rabbit toy, cherished by the creature, serves as a means to divert its attention and halt its pursuit. Retrieving the toy is a simple task, as it reappears at the altar in the chapel.

To create fiery traps, one can pour combustible fuel onto the ground, forming puddles that can be set ablaze by shooting at them. Additionally, Molotov Cocktails provide another effective means of incendiary attack.

Firearms: Shotguns or revolvers are required for the "No Explosives" Method

The Rabbit Toy Method

The Ultimate Guide to Vanquishing the Terrifying Monster in Amnesia: The Bunker

During the ultimate showdown with the formidable beast, players must strategically demolish the bridge it stands on, causing it to plummet into the unfathomable abyss, never to resurface. However, it is important to note that the bridges in this climactic encounter are generated at random, and not all of them are susceptible to destruction. Thus, players must diligently search for wooden bridges that can be dismantled to achieve victory.

One strategy to ensnare the beast involves setting up a clever trap that entices it to chase players onto a wooden bridge. This is where the rabbit toy becomes crucial, as it causes the beast to abruptly halt on the bridge. Players must then strategically throw the rabbit toy towards the middle of the bridge, prompting the beast to momentarily divert its attention. Seizing this opportunity, players should swiftly launch a grenade directly at the beast, shattering the bridge beneath it. As a result, the beast plummets into the abyss, meeting its inevitable demise.

The Timing Method

The Ultimate Guide to Vanquishing the Terrifying Monster in Amnesia: The Bunker

Not collecting the rabbit toy at the altar significantly raises the difficulty of killing the beast. Players must familiarize themselves with the precise timing of grenade explosions, ensuring they throw it when the beast is halfway across the bridge.

Due to the requirement of synchronizing two separate timings, players may need to practice a few times before they get it exactly right.

Fire Trapping Method

The Ultimate Guide to Vanquishing the Terrifying Monster in Amnesia: The Bunker

If the rabbit toy is not at one's disposal and timing the grenade proves to be a challenge even after several attempts, this alternative approach guarantees success. Nevertheless, it necessitates the use of fuel and Molotov cocktails to ensnare the creature in the center of the bridge, rendering it immobile and vulnerable.

Players should begin by pouring a substantial amount of fuel in a straight line on the starting end of the bridge, effectively blocking the way back to safety. It is crucial to act swiftly during this step to prevent the beast from catching up with the players while they pour the fuel.

Afterwards, players should proceed to cross the bridge and patiently wait for the beast to reach the midpoint before immobilizing it with a Molotov cocktail placed in front of the bridge. Once the beast attempts to retreat in the opposite direction, players must ignite the fuel puddle to obstruct its path back to safety.

As the beast stands on the burning bridge with nowhere to retreat to, one should toss the grenade and get the job done.

No Explosives Method

This approach is the most challenging to master as it relies on chance, making it unsuitable for players who already possess grenades in their inventory. Nevertheless, it becomes necessary when confronting the creature in the final encounter, as a grenade may not be readily available.

The Ultimate Guide to Vanquishing the Terrifying Monster in Amnesia: The Bunker

In order to progress, players must use their shotguns to destroy half of the surrounding wooden bridges. Although the bridge can still be crossed by sprint jumping and catching the ledge to climb up, this also applies to the beast. Players should take advantage of this by shooting the beast when it jumps and tries to grab the ledge, causing it to lose its grip and fall into the abyss.

However, there are some issues with this strategy. Because the layout of the final encounter's bridges is randomly generated, the beast may find alternative routes to reach the player and avoid the jump. To prevent this, players should lift and block other bridges from one side, leaving only the partially destroyed wooden bridge as the sole access point for the beast. If players are struggling with the bridge layout, they can refresh it by loading their most recent save and attempting the encounter again.

Amnesia: The Bunker is available for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.