The Ultimate Guide to Obtain the Wrench in Amnesia: The Bunker

The Ultimate Guide to Obtain the Wrench in Amnesia: The Bunker

The Wrench is a crucial tool in Amnesia: The Bunker, enabling players to solve intricate puzzles and progress through the captivating storyline Obtain this essential item to unravel the mysteries that lie within the game

Players in Amnesia: The Bunker must gather various items, such as information, keys, dog tag locker codes, and tools, in order to construct a bomb and escape by blowing open the bunker door. To acquire the bolt cutters, one of the necessary tools, players must locate the wrench, which is confined within one of the 11 lockers in the Mission Storage area. To obtain the wrench, players must first locate the correct dog tag.

The wrench in Mission Storage is stored in a locker belonging to Foreman Stafford, specifically located along the back wall. Players can catch a glimpse of the tool through the holes in the locker, which may raise curiosity about how to obtain it. Unfortunately, the locker combination is randomly generated each time the game is played, so players will need to search for the locker dog tag code in The Bunker on their own.

The Locker with the Wrench in Amnesia: The Bunker

The Ultimate Guide to Obtain the Wrench in Amnesia: The Bunker

Where is Foreman Stafford's Dog Tag in Amnesia: The Bunker?

The Ultimate Guide to Obtain the Wrench in Amnesia: The Bunker

The most likely location that players will search for Stafford's tag is the Foreman's Quarters, which can be found just beyond the barracks. However, it is important to note that while there may be a dog tag present, it will not belong to Stafford. To locate Stafford's tag, players must venture to the Pillbox, situated near the chapel in the bunker. Although there is a note in the game that provides directions, it is easy to overlook in the immersive experience of Amnesia: The Bunker.

To reach the desired location, proceed past the Foreman's Quarters and take a left into the workshop. Towards the back corner of the workshop, there is a tunnel infested with rats. Traverse through this tunnel and make a left turn. You will come across a locked door leading to the pillbox in Amnesia: The Bunker. In case players have not obtained the key, there is no need to worry. Simply break down the wooden door on the left side of the pillbox door and then proceed to break through the wooden wall separating the two rooms.

The Ultimate Guide to Obtain the Wrench in Amnesia: The Bunker

Ascend the ladder and enter the pillbox, which is situated above the trenches. Exercise caution as you make your way inside to avoid attracting gunfire from German soldiers in this Xbox Game Pass horror game. While in the pillbox, maintain a crouched position. Adjacent to a lifeless body, you will discover a dog tag. Retrieve it and examine the reverse side to unveil the locker code.

The Ultimate Guide to Obtain the Wrench in Amnesia: The Bunker

Amnesia: The Bunker is available for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.